Does laptop battery drain itself when hibernating?

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When I left my laptop in hibernate mode for a couple of days, the next time I switch it on, I realised my battery from 100% to 70%.

1. Does laptop battery drain itself when hibernating?

2. If I shut down windows, will the battery drain itself?

3. If I do hibernate, can I remove the battery pack to save it from draining?

Thanks in advance! :)

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All LiON batteries deplete over time. If it's an old battery it could very well deplete that fast. If it's a new battery, it really should be an unnoticeable amount.

Hibernate is the same thing as being off - just with a different boot-up instruction to load memory from the HDD.


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1. Well, batteries deplete themeselves no matter what, but your system isn't causing it.

2. ^^

3. You can remove the battery pack, no problem, but it'll still drain.

Hooray for batteries!

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Oh ... so regardless of 1 - 3 .. it will still drain. =)

what's the average lifespan of a battery pack?

thanks for the knowledge. :)

My Dell 54WHr 6-cell battery lasted 1 year, 8 months before I got a new one. By that time, it wouldn't hold a charge longer than 30 minutes (assuming I was only surfing the net, with brightness at the lowest level...).


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I got mine about 1 year and a half ago. I could do 3 hours and now only 30 to 45 minutes.

But I always have the AC plugged in, and rarely use the battery so it slowly kills it.

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hibernation uses more power than shut down (completly off)

hibernation itself use no power.

however hibernation shutdown and powerup will use more power since it takes more time due to storing all the active programs on the disk, and restoring to memory. But then, if you where to close them down and then restore them andopen all the files, you'd probably have used more power again.

but no, hibernation does not use more power than off.

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Hibernation copies everything in memory to your hard drive, and turns off and copies all the data back into memory from your hard drive when resumes. Simply put, it's a shut down with a little twist. :p

In short, no, it doesn't drain your battery, but your battery is worn out. :)

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Oh battery only last just over a year eh?

or less, or more, depends on the battery and how you use it.

if your laptop spends most of it's time connected tot he mains with the battery in, you will wear out the battery simply form inot being used.

make sure you drain the batery nearly completeley and reharge it frequently even if you are near a power outlet and it'll lastl onger.

granted there are soem batteries that don't require this as much (the exploding kind ;))

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Very often I see a power outlet, I simply plug in the AC and have the bettery still in the laptop. So I suppose this is not good? And I should completely drain it out? before recharging?

I personally feel my battery is "KOing" soon. Hoping to take some action to it before it worsen.

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Very often I see a power outlet, I simply plug in the AC and have the bettery still in the laptop. So I suppose this is not good? And I should completely drain it out? before recharging?

I personally feel my battery is "KOing" soon. Hoping to take some action to it before it worsen.

No, it doesn't. The biggest enemy of batteries is heat, and people say that it will damage your battery if left in your laptop when plugged in is for this very reason. Otherwise in modern day laptops it does nothing.

This is the same for charging habits -- a lot of my batteries are still fine after 3 years (My digicam). Of course it does not perform nearly as well as it was new, but it's still nice. Tricks: Recharge as often as possible (Usually above 50-60%, although some say 40), but too often, again, will receive damage due to heat. Generally, strike a balance, charging often doesn't hurt besides heat, and if that's limited, you are good to go.

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Oh okay. Because I do not have the habit of actually draining out my batteries completely before plugging in my AC. Whenever I see an AC outlet, i just plug it in.

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Sorry forgot to post, about 3.5 years. BTW I have it plugged in with AC so I'm not sure if that contributed to anything.

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