Bitcomet has got the yellow light

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Basically I have a yellow light on my Bitcomet(look at screenshot), I don't understand why it is a yellow light, and I know that my downloads aren't as quick as they should be. Basically How would I change it to a green light so I could have the best download speed possible?

I am using Windows XP SP2 Firewall and Norton Antivirus, and have a Netgear WGT624 V3 router if that helps.

I think it might be the router blocking it, but How would I change that if it even is that?

Thank You In Advance (Y)


Edited by Sandy
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I have looked it up and I've gone onto Port forwarding but I don't understand what your meant to put in service type, whether TCP/UDP or TCP or UDP and what the starting port or ending port should be?

I think the I.P address that I put in, is the one in the corner in my first screenshot, think so anyway.


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Service name - put in whatever you want as it's just a name to identify what it's for...I would call it something like "torrents".

Service type - keep as TCP/UDP.

Starting port - use the port number that bitcomet is configured to use

Ending port - same as starting port (unless you want to use a range of ports)

Server IP - the LAN IP address of your PC

Once this is done you should get the green light.

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Sorry if this seems a stupid question and I'm sure I knew how to do this before but where would I find the LAN I.P Address of my PC and/or my router?

Thanks guys

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  • 1 year later...

Hi ,

I currently face the same problem

check my firewall and router modem .

In fact completed the forward port but still the same

anyone can please give advice or guidance ?

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Hi ,

I currently face the same problem

check my firewall and router modem .

In fact completed the forward port but still the same

anyone can please give advice or guidance ?

What is the model number of your modem and router? You might be dealing with a double NAT.

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done , but still same

Can you post a screenshot of the port forwarding page as you have it configured now?

And I am correct in saying that your network setup is as follows?

DSL Line -> This ADSL2+ 4 port router -> Your computer.

Is that correct? Theres no other devices connected between the DSL line and your computer?

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I had some teething problems, heres how I set mine up.

I configure my computer for static IP. Then just set up the router to go with it. I only pick one port, in my case 49494, not a range.

Also finally, if problems persists, switch to another client, utorrent perhaps.

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