[joke] a little piece of paper

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There was this young boy, and he was playing in the woods by himself. As he was frolicking around, he found a little piece of paper. He picked it up, and brought it with him to school. As he was late, the teacher asked him why, and he told her that as he was playing in the woods, he found a little piece of paper. She asked to see it, and when she read what was on it, she got very upset and sent him to the principal.

When the little boy got to the principal's office, the principal asked him why he was there. He told him that as he was playing in the woods, he found a little piece of paper. As he was late for school, he showed it to the teacher and she sent him here. So the principal asked to see the little piece of paper, and as he read what was on it, he got very upset and sent him home.

When the little boy got home, his dad asked him why he was there. He told him that as he was playing in the woods, he found a little piece of paper. As he was late for school, he showed it to the teacher and she sent him to the principal. And as he showed it to the principal, he sent him here. So his dad asked to see the little piece of paper, and as he read what was on it, he got very upset and kicked him out of the house.

Then the little boy walked and walked and walked until he found the Prime Minister. The Prime Minister asked him why he was there. He told him that as he was playing in the woods, he found a little piece of paper. As he was late for school, he showed it to the teacher and she sent him to the principal. And as he showed it to the principal, he sent him home. And as he showed it to his dad, his dad kicked him out. So the Prime Minister asked to see the little piece of paper, and as he read what was on it, he got very upset and kicked him out of the country.

Then the little boy walked and walked and walked until he found a mountain. He climbed, and climbed, and climbed, and climbed, and climbed, and climbed some more until he got to the top. It was very windy there, and as he stood there, a gust of wind caught the little piece of paper and sent it flying away.

So no one ever knew what was written on that little piece of paper.

:rofl: You may kill me now :p

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So no one ever knew what was written on that little piece of paper.

well....the teacher, principle, dad, and prime minister know :p

lets find them :shiftyninja:

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I usually don't read long drawn-out jokes because I don't feel like I should have to read so long for a joke. I now know why I feel that way.

And to think I thought there'd be substance just because a mod posted it :p


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Colin-uk what in the world are you thinking? that should be marked under "failed jokes"....let alone kept from being read by anyone, i think i lost a couple of IQ points...

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I really hope the outage earlier today was caused by Colin at least attempting to crash the server in vain in order to avoid the consequences of a temporary loss of reason and accountability resulting in posting that 'joke'. Good wind-up though.

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Why does listening to the comments make me giggle? Maybe THAT is the real joke! :D

Bravo Colin, you got us to joke around for you, Bravo, and now, die! :shiftyninja:

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The comments were a lot better than the joke (if I can call it that)

Indeed, I'm amused :p !


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There was this young boy, and he was playing in the woods by himself.

You mean to say the kid was Masturbating , Right !!!

now temme how old was the kid before i call you queer

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