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My BT Broadband connection over the past 3 days has deteriorated so much. We have done nothing to the connection or phones in the house so there's no real reason our side why this should happen.

A call to BT told me that they're blaming it on the weather (despite the fact it's been nice here in Kent) and that I needed to call them back in 4 days if it continues. This was after they had me on hold for 10 minutes because the lady didn't believe you could access the internet with anything other than a windows machine running internet explorer (i'm a Mac user so the help she was trying to provide I couldn't carry out).

Here's a pic of a speedtest I did a minute ago, normally my downstream is 4000+


Any suggestions about what to do? Or is it just time to finally move from BT?

I have a theory my bandwidth may be capped, do BT do this? I wasn't informed I was close to a limit, and if so - how long does it last?

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depends on what service you are with bt on options 1 and 2 there are download limits and option 3 ?19.99 a month is supposed to be unlimited but it does depend if there are anything in their t+c's.

\i cannot see any real reason for your speed to drop like that unless it could be exchange congestion but i have never heard the weather being a factor unless it was really bad like thunder and lightning.

Personally i have never used bt and i am more than happy with

Yeah I've been looking at Be, unfortunately they aren't in my area at the moment.

I've posted a Speedtest below, it kind of proves it's not related to peak hours. I've also tried other routers and unplugging everything from the phone sockets apart from the router. I think it's safe to say it's their fault not mine.


I'm having a simular problem recently for some reason arround the peak times usually from like 7-12 [anytime sometimes] my download speed gets stuck to arround 70kbs, if its useually arround 500kbs on peak time, the speed keeps shooting up but then it gets pulled back to arround 70 agen why is it doing this?

at first i thought someone was useing my connection through the wireless but i disabled that and its still the same.

And i have the top BT total package so there should be no download limits but i think cause i download quite alot so theyv limited my speed to 70kbs to save their BW.. going to ring BT today..

Edited by craig125

Yep, BT is ****.

Those two top torrents are very popular torrents, encryption is on. I will only see a decent speed after 12pm, and even then it'll top at 500kbp/s (if that).

Not recommended to anyone...

EDIT: Oops, in the Google search bar, I forgot to write 'legal' torrents... my bad :p Neither of those two are Ross Noble btw.


Quick update, it has been boosted up a bit - not sure if because I was moaning at them about it or whether it just sorted itself out. But I've posted updated stream stats below. Although still considerably slower than what it was a few weeks ago I really appreciate having some kind of speed now.


as someone who use to be on BT I have not looked back since I moved to o2. BT are the worse broadband service you coulod be with. They slowly went downhill in 2007 and now they are no better than tiscali or virgin. You only have to look at user ratings over at dslzone for BT. Read the comments at the bottom of the page then read the ones at the top. Its a stark contrast to see how BT have turned into a pile of horsecrap. Not to mention the disgusting levels of customer service and tech support. Moving to another isp is a no brainer as far as BT is concerned.

Must be something to do with the exchange in your area. I have been with BT broadband for a few years now and would not change to another provider. I download stuff from easynews at over 700 KBytes a second (average 730KB). I have never had my connection throttled. :)

BT do traffic shape between about 4pm and midnight.

Also the BRAS means that if you have a low sync event your IP profile will drop and could take upto 3days to reset. will tell you your current Ip profile.

O2 - the mobile company? After being with Orange for 2 years, I'll never, ever, do something so stupid as go with a company that does broadband as an extra.

They own BE* thesedays!

what kind of speeds can you expect if your telephone line is above ground, from the house to a telephone pole?

I've been told underground cables gives better speeds.



I don't think you can generalise like that.

Yea, underground cables are better protected from the elements, but really, unless your in a storm, or the line above ground is of poor quality (or is damaged) then you probably wouldn't be able to tell the difference

what kind of speeds can you expect if your telephone line is above ground, from the house to a telephone pole?

I've been told underground cables gives better speeds.



what are your current upstream and downstream attenuation figures ? have a look in your router and post your line stats. Can tell you from that what you would be looking to get with adsl2+

what are your current upstream and downstream attenuation figures ? have a look in your router and post your line stats. Can tell you from that what you would be looking to get with adsl2+

Below is the line detail from my router:

Bandwidth (Up/Down) [kbps/kbps]: 448 / 3,040

Output Power (Up/Down) [dBm]: 12.0 / 17.5

Line Attenuation (Up/Down) [dB]: 23.0 / 44.0

SN Margin (Up/Down) [dB]: 21.0 / 12.0

Based on those figures you would be looking at 6 to 10 Mbps on ADSL 2+ Results are based on a SNR of 6-10dB and an Output Power of 21-23dB for short lines and 18-20dB for long lines.

Good thing about adsl2+ is no silly ipstream profiling (ie if you rsynch higher or lower then you get that speed straight away , none of this wait 3 to 5 days nonsense for the moon and sun to be in alignment etc Also you would get a higher upload speed of at least 1Mbps.

Based on those figures you would be looking at 6 to 10 Mbps on ADSL 2+ Results are based on a SNR of 6-10dB and an Output Power of 21-23dB for short lines and 18-20dB for long lines.

Good thing about adsl2+ is no silly ipstream profiling (ie if you rsynch higher or lower then you get that speed straight away , none of this wait 3 to 5 days nonsense for the moon and sun to be in alignment etc Also you would get a higher upload speed of at least 1Mbps.

that has nothing to do with ADSL2+.

Normal ADSL has no IP profile rubbish. Its just the way BT have implemented it. If you go with an LLU provider, no matter if they use ADSL or ADSL2+, you won't have the IP profile

so thats why it says adsl2+ max speed on the top of the page ? it uses figures from adsl to predict possible adsl2+ speeds gfg :whistle:

I don't mean the link has nothing to do with ADSL2+. I mean the IP profile thing.

You said a good thing about ADSL2+ is that it doesn't use the IP profile system that is used on ADSL.

And I replying that the IP profile system is nothing to do with ADSL2+. Either type of ADSL (be it normal or 2+) can use a similar system, and not all implementations of ADSL use it (nearly all LLU ISP's do not use it).

And so not using IP profiling is not an advantage of ADSL2+, as it can be done (and is done) on normal ADSL too.

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