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We might be seeing an NXT wrestler returning tonight...

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Yes, that tweet is from November, but that's where RAW is tonight, and he tweeted a follow-up earlier today...

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I'm keeping my fingers crossed now. Would be great to see him on the main programmes. :)


im wondering what punk, heyman or lesnar wil do, maybe the phenom will be there, won't be a selling WM without Taker

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what do you guys thing of he new WWE champ Belt?

I'm not entirely sure about the massive WWE logo in the middle, but I still prefer it to the spinner belt. And I'm assuming the way of identifying the champion on that belt will be their logo on the sideplates, hence the Brahma Bulls on there. If Punk wins the title, it'll probably have this...


...and if Cena wins, I'd bet on bowls of Fruity Pebbles. ;)

Uh oh, the right-wing nutjobs in America have started to pick up on Jack Swagger & Zeb Colter...

World Wrestling Entertainment has jumped on the bandwagon of demonizing Tea Party Americans as racists by creating a xenophobic character who espouses anti-immigrant rhetoric, as WWE commentators quip that he receives ?fan mail? from Alex Jones, Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh.

Jack Swagger and his manager Zeb Colter appeared on Monday Night Raw last night and were booed by the audience as they talked about the constitution, the bill of rights and illegal immigration while standing in front of a ?don?t tread on me? flag.

The WWE is playing the race card for the purpose of a gimmick as Swagger prepares to fight Mexican wrestler Alberto Del Rio for the world heavyweight title at Wrestlemania.

During Swagger?s match, commentators Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler joked that Swagger and Colter had received ?fan mail? from conservative radio talk show hosts Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, and Alex Jones.

Twitter users reacted with outrage, slamming the WWE for ?crapping all over the Tea Party? by ?promoting a Racist, immigrant hating Tea Party character vs a Mexican wrestler.?

?What the **** are you doing with this Zeb Colter guy? A heel with a Tea Party stereotype angle? Do you still want my money?? asked Mark Scudder.

This is part of the divide and conquer tactic of cultural subversion to manufacture racial division and to characterize the Tea Party, conservatives, libertarians, opponents of uncontrolled illegal immigration and constitutionalists as racist, extremist radicals who should be pushed to the fringes of the political discourse.

Now the demonization runs so deep that it?s even being bolstered by WWE wrestling.

The fact that WWE is owned by Vince and Linda McMahon, who are part of the Republican establishment, also tells us a lot about how grass roots conservatives and libertarians are viewed by those near the top of the power structure.

Why are we getting so wound up about a wrestling gimmick? WWE programming reaches 14 million Americans every week ? and millions more worldwide. To put it in context ? that?s more than 10 times the amount of viewers who watch America?s top rated news show, The O?Reilly Factor.

This follows the relentless campaign on behalf of the federal government, via the MIAC report, via the Department of Homeland Security and others to portray Americans who oppose big government as domestic extremists and even terrorists.

That's from Alex Jones' site. For those who don't know (and no, fellow Brits, it's not that Alex Jones who presents The One Show), Alex Jones is a right-wing conspiracy theorist with his own radio show who gives Glenn Beck a run for his money in the crazy division, and was the one who

after the Sandy Hook massacre and shouted "1776 WILL COMMENCE AGAIN IF YOU TRY TO TAKE OUR FIREARMS!" (creating a remarkable moment when he actually managed to become a bigger tw*t than Piers Morgan and he did it on his own show).

Guess who starts the shake ????

According to the video's comments, Luke Hawx. Any idea who's Fred Flinstone there, and also who the girl in the back with the boxing gloves is?

Oh, and I saw Mae Young's son. :blink:

I guess Uksana

with Cena Challeging i'm hoping for Punk VS rock (there goes MightyJordan's Twice in a lifetime t-shirt XD)

and cena turning heel (wich won't happen)

1more thing


Notice no name tag on this belt...

Anything looks better than the spinner belt (which it did not spin; The Rock showed the original design which did).



it says "Champion"

BTW, you guys problably know this, but back in the WWF days, The Rock was going to use this:


For some reason, it was never shown on television.

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