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During this Tuesday's WWE Smackdown and Main Event television taping, Sin Cara wrestled a dark match before the event, defeating Damien Sandow. Sin Cara had his hand taped up during the match, but it appears he won't be taking any more time off. 



Wait, Sin Cara defeated Sandow? WTH? I hope there was interference from Cody or something....(I didn't read the spoilers yet so)


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Damn, that's some ace bandaging job. At least he's upbeat and the surgery was a  success. Can't wait to see him back and IF WWE changes him up at all. (No, they won't go heel with him)

This 100 times.


Look, the IWC loves to hate on Cena for his character. But it's creative, and WWE who keep him the same year after year. They don't want to lose the merch sales (which is totally understandable) and they don't want to lose the demographics he brings in. Cena CAN wrestle. How many 5 star matches has he had lately? That one at Summerslam, the one with CM Punk a couple of months ago, there was one with Ziggler and another with ADR awhile ago. But you know, he can't wrestle. I get the reasons, but I don't get the hate on the MAN. I guess I never will. Because I'm able to be logical and deduce things you know....properly and all - I guess the smart marks and IWC are just smarter than me and know Cena must be the devil or something.


Cena also pulled Khali through the best match - by far - Khali has ever had. Not 5 star, by any means, but far better than anything he's ever had.

It isn't Cena's fault that WWE limits everyones movesets down to nothing. 

How *I* would bring Cena back:


  • Keep him off screens for at least 6 months.  Risky as hell but it also gives WWE something they need - a chance to show they are not 100% reliant upon Cena to appeal to the younger audience.
  • Don't turn him heel, but don't have him as SuperCena.  IMHO he is at his best when he's the underdog.  His feuds with JBL, Nexus, etc - when he was constantly getting the raw deal - his fans want to see him win, but tease it.  Have him beaten cleanly and show him working back up.
  • Change his music.  It no longer suits his character.  It's no longer musically relevant.
  • Change his attire.  Make him look more "classic wrestler" is where I'd go on that (boots and leggings).
  • MAYBE slim him down a little.  He is so built currently that it looks fake.  Make him more legitimate looking.
  • Give him a decent opponent to push.  Maybe an "independent-darling" or someone who's been lording over the WWE in his absence.
  • Make him upper-mid card for a while.

I personally like Cena and all the he as a person seems to stand for.  He works his goddamned nuts off, he seems genuine but that is being undermined by a tired gimmick (what is his gimmick now even?  I win?) and terrible writing.  The WWE run a risk of stagnating further by putting all their stock in one man.


Look at what we are fed: One man carrying the company.  McMahons (inc HHH) screwing people over.  Tired old gimmicks.  Aimless mid-carders.

Sure, we get some love for former Indie wrestlers.  But look at how Brian has basically been buried after SummerSlam.  Punk buried by a behemoth who is here solely for the paycheck once every 3 months.


Heck, I'm beginning to think even Heyman has got a little bit "part of the problem" these days...

  • Like 3

How *I* would bring Cena back:


  • Keep him off screens for at least 6 months.  Risky as hell but it also gives WWE something they need - a chance to show they are not 100% reliant upon Cena to appeal to the younger audience.
  • Don't turn him heel, but don't have him as SuperCena.  IMHO he is at his best when he's the underdog.  His feuds with JBL, Nexus, etc - when he was constantly getting the raw deal - his fans want to see him win, but tease it.  Have him beaten cleanly and show him working back up.
  • Change his music.  It no longer suits his character.  It's no longer musically relevant.
  • Change his attire.  Make him look more "classic wrestler" is where I'd go on that (boots and leggings).
  • MAYBE slim him down a little.  He is so built currently that it looks fake.  Make him more legitimate looking.
  • Give him a decent opponent to push.  Maybe an "independent-darling" or someone who's been lording over the WWE in his absence.
  • Make him upper-mid card for a while.

I personally like Cena and all the he as a person seems to stand for.  He works his goddamned nuts off, he seems genuine but that is being undermined by a tired gimmick (what is his gimmick now even?  I win?) and terrible writing.  The WWE run a risk of stagnating further by putting all their stock in one man.


Look at what we are fed: One man carrying the company.  McMahons (inc HHH) screwing people over.  Tired old gimmicks.  Aimless mid-carders.

Sure, we get some love for former Indie wrestlers.  But look at how Brian has basically been buried after SummerSlam.  Punk buried by a behemoth who is here solely for the paycheck once every 3 months.


Heck, I'm beginning to think even Heyman has got a little bit "part of the problem" these days...


That's a great idea. (Y) Unfortunately, we know how it's gonna be. WWE kept CM Punk off TV for a massive eight days when he beat Cena for the title, then two months this year after he lost to Undertaker. So imagine how long they'd keep Cena off TV for...



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