Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots Discussion Thread

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Didn't realise there were so many Glaswegians on this board! ;)

I was born there, but I don't currently live in Glasgow (I study there though). However for the sake of NW, I thought it's best to put the biggest city I live close to ;)



Spoiler image below (Shows off Laughing Beauties face) - It's through octocamo, but some people may not want to see. Mild spoilers for those that don't mind looking at a face.

Looks like octocamo is going to kick ass! And whenever you kill a boss I think you'll get their face!

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Och Aaaayyyyyeeee daaaaaeeee nooooooooooooo! :D I'm from glasgow too. Well my mum is - so I claim I am :p

On topic though: Damn you Audioboxer! I'm stuck here until the 28th of June!! The sooner I can get home and play this game the better :p

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By the way guys, watch out.

Word is the guy who got the game 4/5 days ago (I think it might of been a week roughly) on gamefaqs, has posted the ending :/

Anyone posts it here and I claim insta-ban!


How sweet does that look?!

I hope/wish that MA15+ label is a sticker - Way to ruin a front cover if it's not!



That's the regular version by the way, so it looks like we're all getting the slipcase over the box!

Also gun customization video! - :drool:

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For those who obtain a copy early here on neowin, are we allowed screens etc to be posted or is it the same as GTA4 a few weeks back and the staff would rather we didn't?

although I'm getting the game as per usual on the 12th :(

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For those who obtain a copy early here on neowin, are we allowed screens etc to be posted or is it the same as GTA4 a few weeks back and the staff would rather we didn't?

although I'm getting the game as per usual on the 12th :(

I'll post screens of stuff we've already seen online in trailers and what not.

Maybe show off some other non-spoiler things like menus.

But I ain't posting anything past the first act, or typing up anything big we don't know before release. I don't want people scared to come into this topic like those around the web just now.

So far avoid Gamefaqs, but really I'd just avoid every topic on MGS4 except this one ;)

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By the way guys, watch out.

Word is the guy who got the game 4/5 days ago (I think it might of been a week roughly) on gamefaqs, has posted the ending :/

Anyone posts it here and I claim insta-ban!

That's not cool :( He should go to prison for something like that...

Hopefully you'll get the game tomorrow, and post some nice not-spolier-pics :D

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Metal Gear Solid 4: Not Playing Ball

In reviews land, we at GameSpot have been put in a really tough position by multiple developers and publishers of late. We refused to cater to one of these whims last week, in regards to the review code provided to us for Ninja Gaiden II by Microsoft. In case you weren't aware, code provided to American review outlets was not final, and frankly, did not perform well (oddly, the European press was given retail code. The discrepancy baffles us as much as it baffles you). Microsoft announced that many of these problems, such as loading times and framerate issues, would not be present in the final version. Some outlets published a review early and noted the potential differences. At GameSpot, we chose not to give you a review that isn't based on the same software, frankly because we think that playing along with this publisher-enforced mind game (and therefore enabling it) is unethical and does a disservice to our readers.

The more recent mind-boggling publisher requests have come from Konami regarding Metal Gear Solid 4--requests that we believe cross the line. The first involved an event that we wanted no part of. The majority of the American press was flown to Japan for a so-called "boot camp," where journalists spent two and a half days playing Metal Gear Solid 4 under the watchful eyes of the development team, socialized and dined with them, and then provided focus group-type feedback on the final day. We flatly refused this request, because we believe that this puts journalists in an unethical and awkward position. In our eyes, it would be inappropriate for us to participate in the development process. And we think most reasonable people would agree.

[edit: I reworded the above paragraph to more accurately reflect what this boot camp entailed. It was an invitation for journalists to participate in the development process, not a specific reviews event. However, we don't wish to blur the lines of journalistic integrity by participating in development. This was not a previews event, so GameSpot would have published no content based on this visit.]

It has also been widely reported that Konami blatantly asked the press not to mention two pieces of pertinent information in their reviews: how long the cutscenes are, and how long the installation process is. Publishers routinely ask reviewers not to publish certain story points because they are considered spoilers. That's fair, and we've never resisted requests of that nature. However, cutscene length and installation length are pertinent subjects within the context of a review, and speaking on a personal level, I believe it is flat-out wrong for any publisher to request that pertinent information be left out of a review. The journalist decides what information is most important for the review--not the developer or its publisher.

These are mind games that put us in an awfully awkward position. Of course we want our reviews to be timely and competitive, but never at the expense of accuracy and objectiveness. As reviews begin to trickle out from other publications, our audience complains that we're "late," and by securing exclusive reviews and playing along with these unreasonable publisher requests, some publications foster this idea that the reviews process is a race to publication. Publishers create this environment--but many press outlets enable it, without questioning it, because it brings them all-important traffic. I, for one, am more interested in a review that isn't haunted by these specters, and I think you would want the same.

As of this writing, we are unsure if we will have a Metal gear Solid 4 review published by the game's release date. We have not received review code, and the earliest Konami is willing to provide it is on the 9th, three days before release. It's unfortunate that publisher politics have reached this point, where refusing to meet these unreasonable demands means that we and our readers are effectively punished. Please understand this much: We will bring you a review of Metal Gear Solid 4 when we've played the same code on the discs you buy, and played it in an appropriate, unbiased environment. We think you'll agree that this is the only real choice.


Gamespot actually doing something right for once, however I still claim an 8.9 from them :p

If they haven't got the review code what the hell does everyone else have? IGN guy says he's completed it twice, or it was the official PS mag guy - Whoever the dude is on that Gametrailers MGS Bonus Round.

However I disagree on their outlook on the MGS4 Boot Camp. Shane talked about that in detail and it was no way a review pitch - The guys who went actually got to tell Kojima what to change/tweak and I like that, as most of them were westerners and we know Konami are new to trying to westernize MGS, so I hope they recommended some good changes.

They got to sit and talk with Kojima at night as well, so FU Gamespot, I'd of been there in a heartbeat :laugh:

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For those who obtain a copy early here on neowin, are we allowed screens etc to be posted or is it the same as GTA4 a few weeks back and the staff would rather we didn't?

although I'm getting the game as per usual on the 12th :(

That wasn't allowed because it was a pirated copy, no other reason.

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Thanks Audio for not posting anything spoilerish! I really appreciate that, because I'd go mental if someone spoiled the end or anything substantial for me.

Would love to hear from you how long it takes to finish the game and how much cutscenes there actually are... Also, install size isn't important. It's figgin' MGS4. I'll delete stuff for it. v_v

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Thanks Audio for not posting anything spoilerish! I really appreciate that, because I'd go mental if someone spoiled the end or anything substantial for me.

Would love to hear from you how long it takes to finish the game and how much cutscenes there actually are... Also, install size isn't important. It's figgin' MGS4. I'll delete stuff for it. v_v

I believe the install size is either 4.5 or 4.6GB.

Hopefully I'll have the game tomorrow, if not Saturday? Royal Mail do deliver on Saturday right? I've been out the country for 2.5 weeks and I can't remember ****! Haha.

Good thing is positive feedback is coming into that seller today for the guys who managed to buy it before 5pm yesterday, meaning a 24hr turnaround.

I won't spoil anything, and I genuinely think the mods of this GH should hand out posting bans for a week or two, to anyone who spoils anything big that we don't already know, and won't know till the 12th.

Telling us how the ipod works in game with spoiler tags is okay, but putting the frickin ending of the game in spoiler tags isn't really "ok" if you ask me :no: :p

Keep the topic clean (Y)

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I think the mods should ban you till the 19th June, that gives everyone a week to catch up with you! :shifty:

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Codec screen!

I blurred the text incase, but it didn't really reveal anything anyway.

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Audio, you getting the game a week early?

I just been on the phone to GAME as i want to buy the 40GB Bundle that is coming to the UK but they don't know about price yet. Can anyone confirm it will be ?299.99? The GTA4 bundle that Sony did was ?299.99?

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Audio, you getting the game a week early?

I just been on the phone to GAME as i want to buy the 40GB Bundle that is coming to the UK but they don't know about price yet. Can anyone confirm it will be ?299.99? The GTA4 bundle that Sony did was ?299.99?

Should be getting the game tomorrow, if not Saturday.

They released info on the bundle at that Playstation Day event, unfortunately they didn't release a pric:/:/

thinkb>, the copy of MGS4 in the LE PS3, is actually the LE copy of MGS4. So it might be ?319.99 or there abouts, seeing as in the UK the LE copy of MGS4 costs ?80, but is sold out now.

I'm not sure though, it's probably the standard edition of MGS4, and then I can see it being ?299.99. You could get the GTA4 PS3 off of Shop-to for ?289.99 with free special delivery, so if you want to potentially save a bit, keep an eye on shop-toedit:t: I think it's just the Gunmetal PS3 bundle that comes with the LE MGS4 game. Sshouldld be on course for ?299.99 RRP, and maybe a bit lower online.

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Should be getting the game tomorrow, if not Saturday.

They released info on the bundle at that Playstation Day event, unfortunately they didn't release a price :/

I think, the copy of MGS4 in the LE PS3, is actually the LE copy of MGS4. So it might be ?319.99 or there abouts, seeing as in the UK the LE copy of MGS4 costs ?80, but is sold out now.

I'm not sure though, it's probably the standard edition of MGS4, and then I can see it being ?299.99. You could get the GTA4 PS3 off of Shop-to for ?289.99 with free special delivery, so if you want to potentially save a bit, keep an eye on shop-to.nedit: I think it's just the Gunmetal PS3 bundle that comes with the LE MGS4 game. So should be on course for ?299.99 RRP, and maybe a bit lower online.

Lucky you.

I just looked on Shop-To website and i don't think they have the GTA4 bundle anymore. I mean i already got it on 360 and i would of been willing to just sell the copy or something.

I just found a pre order bundle on Shop-To for ?329.99 but doesn't give any information regarding what version of the game/or any extras you get.

That is a little diappointing. I feel i could just go down town and buy a PS3 now and source the game elsewhere next week from Shop-To themselves or something.

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Lucky you.

I just looked on Shop-To website and i don't think they have the GTA4 bundle anymore. I mean i already got it on 360 and i would of been willing to just sell the copy or something.

I just found a pre order bundle on Shop-To for ?329.99 but doesn't give any information regarding what version of the game/or any extras you get.

That is a little diappointing. I feel i could just go down town and buy a PS3 now and source the game elsewhere next week from Shop-To themselves or something.

If their ?349.99 RRP is legit (prob a guess), I'd say I'm right in guessing it's the LE MGS4 game - I'll go scour the internet for answers.

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That poster on the Kojima Intreview is way too cool, and yes im staying away from Gamefaqs, i dont mind a couple of spoilers but for them to tell how it ends, its just not cool.

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If their ?349.99 RRP is legit (prob a guess), I'd say I'm right in guessing it's the LE MGS4 game - I'll go scour the internet for answers.


I know did put up a Gun Metal Edition bundle but that has been scrapped because it was never coming to Europe.

I don't mind paying a little extra if it is indeed the LE edition, but it could well be just a regular copy of the game. The RRP says ?349.99 so you think it will be the LE edition. don't have anything yet listed but will keep my eyes open for something.

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That poster on the Kojima Intreview is way too cool, and yes im staying away from Gamefaqs, i dont mind a couple of spoilers but for them to tell how it ends, its just not cool.

The details of who the patriots are have been released as well.

I really would avoid most forum topics on MGS4 just now - You know how idiots don't care about being banned, and they'll signup just to ruin things for others.

ps. I haven't read any spoilers, I'm just reporting on what the general chit-chat is.

Ryan Payton posted this on NeoGAF,

Good evening, ladies and gentlemen.

I'm breaking radio silence to first, thank BruceLeeRoy for the most amazing Official Thread the internet will ever see. You're giving our official site a run for its money, and now our webmaster hates you.

And secondly, I'm here to to ruin the party by begging all of you to avoid this thread until you finish the game. I guarantee there will be spoilers coming out today that will ruin some of the MGS4 experience.

You and I have waited too damn long for June 12, 2008. Unplug for seven days, you won't regret it.


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