Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots Discussion Thread

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How would buying a plane ticket and the likes and a one-week stay in the UK be any cheaper? :p

Also, why should be punish AB? :p

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I have played every single metal gear game around two years after its original release so Im sure I will open my "OMG MGS4 rocks!" thread in 2010. Taxes, import fees, conversion rates, here in Mexico a PS3 cost us around $800 dollars and Im sure MGS4 will cost around $85 (the normal edition). We just dont have that kind of money :/

Ouch :pinch: That is costly.

Staying unspoiled for 2 years, you have some cojones trying to do that ;)

just started the game on ''The Boss Extreme''... and I'm trying to go through the whole game without killing anyone.

But am I allowed to kill haven troopers?? If not, how the **** am I suppost to get them to sleep/faint??

The only thing you can kill is unmanned machinery.

In other words, Geckos, Those wee round ball things, the help Raven uses, and uhhhh that's probably it.

Anything that gives you an unmaned DP bonus. Everything that lives/breathes can't be killed.

Have to stun them, or put them to sleep with tranqs.

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Buy an airplane ticket to the UK and live with AB for a few days :laugh:

MGS4 sleepover!!!!

It actually frustrates me when MGS fans can't play this for a while... The game is fantastic (Y)

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It actually frustrates me when MGS fans can't play this for a while... The game is fantastic (Y)

Yeah, I even tell my friends who know nothing about Metal Gear to get a PS3 and the game.

I don't care what games you like, this is something you just need to play.

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Yeah, I even tell my friends who know nothing about Metal Gear to get a PS3 and the game.

I don't care what games you like, this is something you just need to play.

True, but it also frustrates me if people are going into this game cold turkey.

Much better if you play MGS1-3, and even if you must, play the GC remake if you feel the first has aged too much. If that fails, at least read up on the storyline and/or watch the cut-scenes online.

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Just finished the game. It's beautiful :'(, it's the best ever story I have ever come to encounter in any form of entertainment. This is truly a masterpiece, better than anything Hollywood has ever produced. Seriously, this will probably go down as my favorite game of all time.

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Even if you haven't played MGS1-3, the MGS4 storyline lets you catch up pretty quickly.

Of the two friends that I played with, the guy who owned the PS3 has never touched an MGS game, while my other friend and I have played every single one. And we were able to play the game through and he understood the entire story at the end of the game. Obviously, we had to explain some parts, but in general, MGS4 is pretty friendly to people who are new to the series.

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Most of my friends two main arguments is, they don't have a PS3 and haven't played the other games in the series.

Lack of PS3 is understandable, but it takes not more than 30 minutes to watch a few retrospectives and read a few story roundups and you'll know pretty much all the important stuff of the MGS universe. Although there are some Hideo moments you just need to experience in the games and see the beautiful cutscenes, but sometimes you have to get the next best thing.

Plus, I can't really ask someone to shell out for a PS3, a PS2, a GC and 4 games just to experience this fully :laugh:

But you just can't play MGS4 only and have the same experience, you NEED to have played the the other 3 to fully appreciate this in my opinion. most of the "Epic" moments won't make sense, the MGS1 flashback will be a lost point, the music, the characters, everything will just be out of place

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Oh of course, considering much of the game revolves around character development. Like without having played the other games, you can't really appreciate how much Raiden and Otacon have changed in terms of maturity and toughness.

As well, you might miss out on some of the easter eggs. I think the flash backs help a lot when it comes to helping understand the story, and reminding you of what happened in the previous games.

I'd say you can probably appreciate about 25-40% of the game if you haven't played at least MGS1-3.

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The In-game flashbacks throughout the game are useless if you wanna 'learn' the story. You see a 0.5 second blurred out picture of a character, that'll only work to jump your memory for people who actually played the games, not to get new players any proper information.

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Despite never getting into MGS before, I am thinking about digging out my PS2, hoping it still works, and playing through MGS 1-3. When I'm done with that I'll either have a PS3 to play MGS4 (planning to get one next summer hopefully - pricecut dependant), or it would have been ported to 360 :p (messing around before anyone jumps on it lol).

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Definitely need to play at least MGS2. That's where a lot of the series unravels IMO.

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The In-game flashbacks throughout the game are useless if you wanna 'learn' the story. You see a 0.5 second blurred out picture of a character, that'll only work to jump your memory for people who actually played the games, not to get new players any proper information.

Thats a shame was looking forward to seeing some proper cutscenes even though ive already caught up on the story twice.

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Despite never getting into MGS before, I am thinking about digging out my PS2, hoping it still works, and playing through MGS 1-3. When I'm done with that I'll either have a PS3 to play MGS4 (planning to get one next summer hopefully - pricecut dependant), or it would have been ported to 360 :p (messing around before anyone jumps on it lol).

If we're talking about preparing for MGS4, 3 isn't really necessary as it simply chronicles the beginning of Big Boss's (aka Naked Snake's) career. That isn't to say you shouldn't play it, but if you're getting ready for MGS4 that's ~25 hours you won't need to spend in preparation.

Even though I've played all but 3, I still went ahead and watched the full 6-video "Metal Gear Retrospective" from Game Trailers to refresh my memory. The first five videos speak of the stories as well as the gameplay and such, while the sixth is simply a recap of the entire storyline so far.

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I was just speaking to someone today about this games and they wanted to know if it was worth playing. I asked if they played any other MGS games then maybe but if they haven't played any then it isn't worth it. This game is pure fan service really because gameplay wise... there was none. It was so heavily story driven that unless you played the others you would have no idea what was going on. I may be stating the obvious but that's what i think.

A little bit of me feels bad for buying a PS3 just for this but then a part of me is happy because it ended the saga. I dunno up until end of Act 3, start of Act 4 i would say it was all a bit naff but Soon as you hit Shadow Moses and Raiden stops flipping outer haven!!!!. So reminds me of Naruto stopping Orochimaru in the forest on the Chuunin exam.

Graphically, one word. Unbelievable. Hands down best looking game around. I still feel however the PS3 has so much more potential graphically. Roll up Heavy Rain.

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I was just speaking to someone today about this games and they wanted to know if it was worth playing. I asked if they played any other MGS games then maybe but if they haven't played any then it isn't worth it. This game is pure fan service really because gameplay wise... there was none. It was so heavily story driven that unless you played the others you would have no idea what was going on. I may be stating the obvious but that's what i think.

A little bit of me feels bad for buying a PS3 just for this but then a part of me is happy because it ended the saga. I dunno up until end of Act 3, start of Act 4 i would say it was all a bit naff but Soon as you hit Shadow Moses and Raiden stops flipping outer haven!!!!. So reminds me of Naruto stopping Orochimaru in the forest on the Chuunin exam.

Graphically, one word. Unbelievable. Hands down best looking game around. I still feel however the PS3 has so much more potential graphically. Roll up Heavy Rain.

Rumours are that is hitting at E3 and will blow our mind... But that's internet hype for you :p Still looking forward to seeing it.

MGS4 is a lot of fan service, but honestly, why would it not be? It's the finale to a series that has lasted for 20 years... It's a hardcore title, aimed at a hardcore fan base. It's not a casual title, and with how in-depth the story goes, I think it's safe to say Kojima did not dumb this game down to try and attract new fans now. Of course he wants new fans from around the globe to experience the MGS world, but what I meant was in what I said - The game is not dumbed down, it's the same old MGS storytelling, deep plots, wacky-ness and fan service.

Hell he'll probably be the first guy before us to say "play 1-3 first!". Probably a good hint of that, is Konami releasing MGS Saga on DVD for PS2 shortly before MGS4.

I think you can still enjoy it as a newcomer, but I don't think the game is actually aimed at you at all if you are indeed a newcomer. It's for the fans!

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Ouch :pinch: That is costly.

Staying unspoiled for 2 years, you have some cojones trying to do that ;)

Somehow I always manage to stay unspoiled, in fact its really easy to do when you understand that there is nothing compared to experience the plot unfolding before your eyes as you play. I rather wait for a couple of years to experience that than to read a plain transcript.

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I nearly cried in awe when Liquid and Snake inject each other and the MGS1 life bars come up!!!!

I was like OMFG!!!!! :D

But what really got me was The credits were rolling, I was telling my friend how epic the game was, and Big Boss - Richard Doyle came up, I was like huh? And it went into the cutscene :|

I was like ZOMFGWTFBBQHIV!!!!!!!!!!!1111111111 :|


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It would've taken more than 2 discs though. Would you prefer to swap discs after each act? :p

I know that, that's why I said it could have been one disk for each act - that's 5 disks and although it's a lot, it's not unheard of in games these days. Plus, with the game "only" taking up 33Gb, I have to wonder just how much of that is completely uncompressed audio (Notice how long it takes for the CODEC screens to appear sometimes? That kind of a delay is probably due to the PS3 buffering audio from the disk, it doesn't seem to like streaming directly off of it or it would appear a lot faster, like in previous games where there was a fair bit less of a delay - of course this is pure speculation on my part) and uncompressed Video - there's not much of that in the game, though, as far as I can tell (some cut scenes ARE video, though, usually because they'll need a special effect that can't really be done in real time - you can spot these by trying to zoom in by pressing up on the d-pad - no zoom means it's a video, zoom means it's ingame).

I know, it's more convenient for some to have it all on one disk, but I'd rather just deal with swapping disks rather than silly installation screens. That's what's supposed to separate PC and console - no installations.

Here why you need BR for this game rather than DVD's,


Just the amount to of data this game with high amount of poly count, texture and scripting in this game you need BR and nothing else would work.

Remember Kojima said that the BR disk (50g) isn't enough for this in one way it's true but konami managed to cram everything in 33 G (which is really amazing).

Also they cut down lot of space by not putting too much CG into the game mostly every scene are real time.

Oh I like that, that's a fantastic image. Really, it's wonderful. It's also completely misleading and has absolutely nothing to do with the point you're trying to make.

The PS3's blu-ray drive is an incredible 2x, that means, according to your little chart, the PS3 has a read speed of about 75Mbps - you know my internet connection is nearly 1/3 of that anyway and some parts of the UK have 50Mbps connections to the home - not too shabby considering that is generally the slowest part of any networked computer. The point is, it's not exactly lightning fast.

Conversely, the 360's DVD drive is 12x, which according to your little chart is about twice as fast as the PS3's BR drive (well done on comparing 2 different types of measurement, but what the hell, we'll go with it).

Now guys, don't get me wrong here - I still think the game is a masterpiece, I genuinely believe it's probably the best game I've played this millennium and that's high praise indeed, but to make light of the whole disk-changing thing then force you to have to sit around for 3mins every now and then is just silly.

Maybe I'm just impatient or something, but I don't like sitting still for 3mins waiting for it to install, I'd rather be doing something and if that something is getting off my fat arse and putting the next disk in, so be it. It wasn't a problem for the PS1 or the PS2, so I don't see why it'd be a problem for the PS3, even with all of it's fancy blu-ray goodness.

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I loved the way they introduced Big Boss. His name shows up in the credits with his voice actor and I was like 'Wait a minute... Big Boss isn't in it?... Or... Whoa!. :D
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