Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots Discussion Thread

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With what you're saying so far, that's why it makes me interested to see your views on the game in later stages - Act1 is the "slowest" act in terms of story progression and it's more of a "get used to MGS4" act, until nearer the end :)

Ironically, it's also the act that is the LEAST like the other three MGS games in terms of the environment you are in, and what is going on around you.

By the way Audioboxer, do you have a picture (like in your sig) of Raging Beauty!? :D

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Ironically, it's also the act that is the LEAST like the other three MGS games in terms of the environment you are in, and what is going on around you.

By the way Audioboxer, do you have a picture (like in your sig) of Raging Beauty!? :D

There's lots in here :) -

Did you know you can take screeshots yourself? The white background shot below actually happens in game if you don't tranq/kill the beauty in human form within 3 minutes, she'll whisk you away to a "white world".

If you have the camera they'll pose for you! :o :D

I'm not posting any screens of the others in here, as the lady in my sig was publicly uncovered before MGS4 came out, so I didn't see her as much of a spoiler!

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HAHA, that's awesome. 40% of the game is playing for the story, the other 60% is playing for the little extra things like this. :p

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Well i just finished my third mandatory install, and my play time is right at 7 hours. I thought i was buying a game, not a $60 anime. I'm selling this crap.

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Well i just finished my third mandatory install, and my play time is right at 7 hours. I thought i was buying a game, not a $60 anime. I'm selling this crap.

Quick everyone, abandon the thread before....


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I'm not trying to start anything, I'm just extremely disappointed. This is supposed to be THE game to own on PS3, and it's a total let down. Here's an example: I decided to not skip the last few cut scenes, so I sat through all 22 minutes of them. Once i finally got control of Snake again, i took 3 steps and it went right into another 8 minutes of cut scenes. By that point i had already lost all interest in playing the game. You guys might love the game, I don't. Sorry, it's going back to the store tonight.

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Well i just finished my third mandatory install, and my play time is right at 7 hours. I thought i was buying a game, not a $60 anime. I'm selling this crap.

Get the f**k out of here, before we set the torches and pitchforks on you! :devil:


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I'm not trying to start anything, I'm just extremely disappointed. This is supposed to be THE game to own on PS3, and it's a total let down. Here's an example: I decided to not skip the last few cut scenes, so I sat through all 22 minutes of them. Once i finally got control of Snake again, i took 3 steps and it went right into another 8 minutes of cut scenes. By that point i had already lost all interest in playing the game. You guys might love the game, I don't. Sorry, it's going back to the store tonight.

The above was a joke, over how people will go nuts at people calling the game "crap".

Quite frankly I think it's harsh to be labelled as crap, the stuff the Wii produces is crap :p The graphics are good, sound is amazing and production values are very high, I don't think you could slate them.

It's cutscene heavy, but you really must have no patience to return a game that quickly... The start of the game, jumps from cutscene to gameplay often I'll admit that.

Why not try play through the game?

I guess if you have no interest in the story you wouldn't want to watch the cutscenes... A lot of MGS has to be told through narrative that controls you, that's just the way it's always been.

Is this your first MGS game?

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The STORY itself is both riveting and suspenseful. Part of the series is the fact that 65% of the game is probably cut scenes.

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Is this your first MGS game?

It's the first one I've watched, as opposed to play. I've played all the other ones. The story was always interesting, but not enough to carry a game on it's own. There needs to be more gameplay there. And i've tried to play through the game, i just started getting sick of skipping cut scenes about halfway though act 3. And no, the game isn't crap, the gameplay is solid. Kojima just needs to write a book and let me play the game. Oh, and mightyjordan, why don't you "Get the f**k out of here" with your personal attacks, i was talking about the game.

The STORY itself is both riveting and suspenseful. Part of the series is the fact that 65% of the game is probably cut scenes.

No, the other games were not so cut scene heavy. They did have a few long ones, but this game takes that to a whole new level. I've got better movies to watch, i'm trying to play a game. Kojima could use a lesson in storytelling through gameplay, he should play BioShock or Half-Life.

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It's the first one I've watched, as opposed to play. I've played all the other ones. The story was always interesting, but not enough to carry a game on it's own. There needs to be more gameplay there. And i've tried to play through the game, i just started getting sick of skipping cut scenes about halfway though act 3. And no, the game isn't crap, the gameplay is solid. Kojima just needs to write a book and let me play the game. Oh, and mightyjordan, why don't you "Get the f**k out of here" with your personal attacks, i was talking about the game.

Sadly for you, MGS has never really been about gameplay first since it hit the PS1... Obvious by the poor camera/shooting and what not.

I mean people have done speed runs of MGS2 in a few hours.

A lot of the meat of the games is the cutscenes and story.

MGS4 finally brought the series up to par gameplay wise (in terms of controls/FPS/aiming/shooting), but it's even more packed with cutscenes and stories.

If you don't complete which would be shame if you've played the others, I mean cmon, you must want to know how it ends? No? You should go watch the ending online.... but that would be a cutscene lol :pinch:

No, the other games were not so cut scene heavy. They did have a few long ones, but this game takes that to a whole new level. I've got better movies to watch, i'm trying to play a game. Kojima could use a lesson in storytelling through gameplay, he should play BioShock or Half-Life.

I think it would be very hard to try and tell the story of MGS through interactive gameplay...

The best way for MGS is to lead you, the player, through the story is in a linear fashion (cutscenes).

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I don't mind watching cut scenes, and I knew it was going to be this way. There have been multiple threads here in the GH about it. What really set me off was when i sat through 3 or 4 cut scenes in a row, with no gameplay in between, and once i finally got control of Snake i took a few steps and it went right into another! Come on, that's just going a bit overboard don't you think?

Keep in mind, not all of us want to spend 90 minutes watching movies when we only 2 hours to spare for gaming.

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I don't mind watching cut scenes, and I knew it was going to be this way. There have been multiple threads here in the GH about it. What really set me off was when i sat through 3 or 4 cut scenes in a row, with no gameplay in between, and once i finally got control of Snake i took a few steps and it went right into another! Come on, that's just going a bit overboard don't you think?

The whole game isn't like that though.

Which part are you referencing (spoiler tag it if it's past act 1 ;))

If you mean the very beginning, which does it multiple times, it's because Kojima said the intro to the game was going to be all cutscene right up to you meet MK2 really - However, he actually wanted to break it up with small bits of gameplay to keep you on your toes. Hence at the start you watch, then you literally might have control for like 15 steps, then cutscene again...

Is it the beginning?

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I'm going to assume that comment by MightyJordan was a joke considering the smiley at the end, but if this ends up in a flame war I will issue warnings. We should all be able to respect one another's opinions.

Back on topic: I wholly respect that you don't like the fact that there are so many cutscenes, MarkX, but I think it was kind of expected. The game is supposed to finish the storyline that started in Metal Gear. And while BioShock has a great story, it's not even close to the caliber of Metal Gear. Perhaps a few elements could have been put into the gameplay, but the cutscenes are necessary and frankly I like to watch them.

Once again though, I respect your opinion, so if you don't like it, I'm not going to try to convince you otherwise :)

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Is it the beginning?

No, i'm currently in act 3. And i do like the game, and probably won't sell it. I'm definitely done playing it for tonight though, I'm going back to Call of Duty and saving MGS for the next time i get mono or break a leg or something. It's just (in my opinion mind you) not a good enough story to watch 2-3 full length movies worth of cut scenes. And that's an estimate, probably a modest one at that. Normally i love cut scenes, everything in life is better in moderation.

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<Thanks giga>

Only way to do so is replay the game, or buy MGS1 :p

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Hey is there any way replay that small little intro to Shadow Moses again where the screen goes black and puts me in control of MGS1 :)

Buy Metal Gear Solid :p

Actually I just picked up the Metal Gear Essentials pack ($30 for 3 games! what a steal!) and I'm playing through MGS again. I forgot how fun it was.

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Buy Metal Gear Solid :p

Actually I just picked up the Metal Gear Essentials pack ($30 for 3 games! what a steal!) and I'm playing through MGS again. I forgot how fun it was.

Is that playable on PS3? I wouldn't mind playing MGS 1&2 again. Though i'm pretty sure i still have Substance on xbox, just don't know if it's b/c.

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Oh, that's really cool. Even though I've played all games but MGS3 and I watched the entire GameTrailers retrospective, it's still nice to have an official source to go through. (Y)

Is that playable on PS3? I wouldn't mind playing MGS 1&2 again. Though i'm pretty sure i still have Substance on xbox, just don't know if it's b/c.

Well it's a 3-game set with all the games on their original media, i.e. MGS1 is still two PS1 discs, and MGS2 and 3 are both PS2 discs. So if you have any PS3 but the 40GB, you can play all three right on your PS3. Otherwise, you can only play MGS1 on your PS3 and then MGS2 and 3 on a PS2 (like I will have to :().

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