Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots Discussion Thread

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I'm tempted by the LE version, even with the ?80 pricetag. Suffice to say i'm a LE ######!

The figurine looks sick, but I can't justify the cost.

I wish there were 3 versions similar to Halo 3.

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Fingers crossed you wont get hit with tax. The pad is far superior to the sixaxis

Hehe yeah, let's hope not :p (Crossing fingers)

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Hey, Britain, You Are Getting The Gun Metal Gray PS3

Heh. Oops. Looks like you are getting that "gun metal gray" limited edition PlayStation 3 after all, European friends. That's according to who says that they're getting the exclusive bundle?featuring the uniquely colored PS3 with a 40GB hard drive and a copy of Metal Gear Solid 4?which conflicts with a report we read at GameSpot last night. We're not sure how this could possibly be miscommunicated, as GameSpot UK says it confirmed with Konami that there would be no such package.

The exclusive MGS4 bundle rings in at ?329.99 and is scheduled to ship on June 12. Let's just hope the doesn't buckle under the traffic like some other online outlets did.


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I'm a sucker when it comes to LE's, but there is not a chance in hell I'd pay ?80 for the MGS4. It's ahuge rip off>. Even the Halo 3 Legendary cost less and look how much came with it. Bioshock LE (which includes a figure, bonus dvd + sound track, tin case & fancy packaging) cost half the price!

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Does this LE Gun Metal PS3 come with a DS3 controller? If not, this a joke really.

So US are getting the 80GB edition which will also have BC while Europe while we get a crippled 40GB.

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Does this LE Gun Metal PS3 come with a DS3 controller? If not, this a joke really.

So US are getting the 80GB edition which will also have BC while Europe while we get a crippled 40GB.

Do you ever stop moaning? You clearly don't want a PS3, we know that. Let it go.

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nothing crippled about 40GB. Just buy DS3 controllers if they're so important, really.

They should be included at this point, really.

What's with this spending mentality? Oh, just get a new controller, oh just upgrade the HDD - Not everyone has money growing out the ass.

Consumers want the best product out of the box, not some crippled half-arsed product. ( And by crippled I mean the Sixaxis, horrible POS )

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It's called end of line stock, you want a cheap bundle for a game you'll get price cut features. as for other bundles or consoles soley they do come with them but it's just a way sony is off loading stock so if you're after a bargain that's what you'll get. and just cause it doesn't vibrate doesn't make it a p.o.s or crippled it still works and does the same things it needs to. I have a 60GB model and use sixaxis controllers because they're fine and do what it needs to do to play the games just cause it doesn't vibrate or have blue lights under it or painted silver or whatever doesn't make it half arsed or stupid.

So like i say its not a mentality of having lots of money, if this bundle doesn't suit your needs with DS3 then just buy the console not in the bundle and you're fine, ok it may not be gun metal grey or whatever but again reiterates my point just cause it isn't grey doesn't make it half arsed and useless or anything it's same console everyone else has just a different paint job.

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Does this LE Gun Metal PS3 come with a DS3 controller? If not, this a joke really.

So US are getting the 80GB edition which will also have BC while Europe while we get a crippled 40GB.

At least it comes with the game (damn you Halo LE 360...) :p

But I do agree the DS3 really should be out in the UK by now...

Luckily I'm sitting in America with a DS3 in front of me... Unluckily I have no PS3 to use till im home :laugh:

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Great, I pre-order the Gun-Metal MGS4 bundle from Play and now it's bloody gone! :|


Either they have sold out or Play realise they are not getting them.

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Dutch OPM reviews MGS4: An emotional, intense, and worthy closure.

DUTCH OPM review

Metal gear solid 4

Graphics: 18/20

Music/Sound: 20/20

Gameplay: 58/60

Overall: 96(same as gta4)

Positive points: Worthy finale of the series, perfect camera, controls and sound, epic storyline, weapons

Negative points: Graphics could be a bit better, story too complex for people who are not into the series

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