Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots Discussion Thread

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Thoes who aren't into the series shouldn't be starting from the fourth game anyway :|


I know it's funny when a negative is a complex storyline. Infact it makes me happy, I want something more than a brainless save the world from aliens FPS :p

At least Kojima is making an effort to help any new players with flashbacks, but it's still suicide jumping into MGS @ MGS4 instead of playing through the rest.

Play the Gamecube MGS if you are anal about games graphics aging ;) However PS1 MGS is superior to it.

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I know it's funny when a negative is a complex storyline. Infact it makes me happy, I want something more than a brainless save the world from aliens FPS :p

At least Kojima is making an effort to help any new players with flashbacks, but it's still suicide jumping into MGS @ MGS4 instead of playing through the rest.

Play the Gamecube MGS if you are anal about games graphics aging ;) However PS1 MGS is superior to it.

Aren't we the one for bold statements today?:p

Both MGS for the PS1 and GC had their strong and weak points. They are both as good as each other imo.

As for the graphics, I have to agree on the negative scoring. The game does look great, but there is a distinct lack of bump mapping. Just look at the door in the picture Audio posted, it's flat where they should be a carved design on the wood :/

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My main problem right now is piecing the entire story together.

I have completed all the previous Metal Gear Solid games, followed the story closely.

But right now, I don't feel this "Need" to complete the story, since I have no idea how to link the rest of the story together. It was like MGS 1, 2 & 3 wasn't linked, they all had a totally different story - I remember them all, but again ... Can't link them together in the head, so adding another game is just gonna add another layer of confusing.

Is this just me?

But I'm still looking forward to the game, already starting to stock up on soft drinks and snacks :laugh:

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Yeah, I've seen them both so far, they aren't really shedding any new light on the story for me - Still a big mess for me. Perhaps it might change when they progress to the newer games.

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Aren't we the one for bold statements today?:p

Both MGS for the PS1 and GC had their strong and weak points. They are both as good as each other imo.

As for the graphics, I have to agree on the negative scoring. The game does look great, but there is a distinct lack of bump mapping. Just look at the door in the picture Audio posted, it's flat where they should be a carved design on the wood :/

The change in voice acting in the GC version, and the MGS2 style aiming ruined it for me.

They changed the actor who does Grey Fox. That = Fail.

There are some poor textures left in MGS4, but I still think when playing the game it will be one of the best looking titles on the PS3. I mean the videos we have of it look great.

My main problem right now is piecing the entire story together.

I have completed all the previous Metal Gear Solid games, followed the story closely.

But right now, I don't feel this "Need" to complete the story, since I have no idea how to link the rest of the story together. It was like MGS 1, 2 & 3 wasn't linked, they all had a totally different story - I remember them all, but again ... Can't link them together in the head, so adding another game is just gonna add another layer of confusing.

Is this just me?

But I'm still looking forward to the game, already starting to stock up on soft drinks and snacks :laugh:

The whole thing is cleared up in MGS4, so just play it :p

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Believe me Audio, I've played both versions many times over the years, I know the faults :p For me the MGS2 changes they made to MGS1 on GC were very welcome. The voice acting did suck, but at least it was only one actor who didn't return..It could have been a lot worse.

The next 3 weeks are going to be hell :cry: I've been listening to the sound tracks and replaying the games like crazy so far this week lol

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PSM Italy reviews

Metal gear solid 4

Graphics: 10/10

Sound: 10/10

Gameplay: 9,5/10

Longevity: 9,5/10

Technical: 9,5/10

Overall: 10

Positive points: Freedom of action and tactics.... realistic and crowded scenarios

Enemies or friends? Decide the IA

Graphics remarkable, sound great.

The final step of a epochal saga

Negative points: More movie than game


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I liked both the GC and PS1 version of MGS, i love the fact that i can re-live MGS 1 with way better graphics but what makes me prefer the PS1 version is the music, i still remember every song from MGS 1 on PS1, when i played the GC version it felt wrong without it :(

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I for one thought the cutscenes were better in The Twin Snakes

hehe yeah, over the top but still good. Lots of slow mo.

@Audio: Thanks for the scans mate

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Starting from next week I am going to be playing through 1, 2 & 3 again in preparation! (Sadly I have #1 on PC, but I can still get the storyline from that, so its not the end of the world)

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Minor spoilers below!

More info from the mag reviews - Nothing that will ruin the game, just some nifty tid-bits.

- You can play music on the portable mp3 player snake has from the PS3's hard disc.

- They couldn't say anything about the story we didn't know yet (had to sign a paper), but they said that you should get the game already just for the story.

- Through the game, Snake acts like a soldier who welcomes death. He has a 'death wish'.

- They ended their first playthrough with 300 kills.

- Besides the B&B unit, there is also the chance to finally finish of some very hard to defeat enemies from the previous games.

- Cutscenes are amazing, they especially mention the ending epilogue which is (litteraly translated) brainbreaking.

- After the first playthrough, some new goodies and new but extremely expensive parts become available in Drebin's shop.

- There is again a return of several special gameplay and story aspects from the previous games. They especially occur during the return to Shadow Moses Island.

- Completely original, but not a 100% perfect, is actually only Snake's mission in an unnamed Eastern Europe country.

- The story goes about a choise between the systematical 'force to' (couldn't find a better word to translate this (opleggen)) order or to keep the free will in every individual citizen or soldier.

- They think MGS4 is a bullseye as a game. GTAIV may have a longer playability, Assassins Creed may have better graphics but on many aspects MGS4 is coming out. The suspens of the story, the perfect controls, the amazing sound directions and of course the emotion, it's hard to find all this in one game.

- The biggest power of the game is the biggest negative point, if you liked the long, complex story of the previous MGS's, you will love MGS4. But if you didn't like it, you won't like MGS4 purely as an action game (there are better games for that).

:woot: on the point I bolded!

Snake's going to be listening to all sorts of music off my PS3 hard drive :D

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Meet Hideo Kojima and Yoji Shinkawa

meet Hideo Kojima @ hmv

Metal Gear Solid creator Hideo Kojima and lead artist for the series, Yoji Shinkawa will be singing pre-release hmv exclusive sleeves of 'Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns Of The Patriots' at our prestigious hmv 150 Oxford Street store, London on Monday 2nd June at 12pm. Click Here to find out how you can be there to meet the man himself!


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how many hours of game time would you guys say MGS2 and MGS3 are? i would really like to finish them both before MGS4 comes out, but i'll be busy the next couple of weeks and won't have much time to play.

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I remember it took us (brother & me) one weekend to finish MGS 3 (with breaks).

About the same for Metal Gear 1 and 2, just make sure you visit Gamefaqs if you get stucked somewhere.

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Minor spoilers below!

More info from the mag reviews - Nothing that will ruin the game, just some nifty tid-bits.


Snake's going to be listening to all sorts of music off my PS3 hard drive :D

My translation for the "opleggen"/force to sentence would be something along the lines of;

The story is about the choice between establishing a systematical world by force or to keep the free will in every individual citizen or soldier.

Love it that the iPod actually works - that's a great implementation, truly 'japanese' so to say :)

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