Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots Discussion Thread

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The games aren't that long, its when you factor in all the FMV sequences and codec talks that the hours start adding up.
GamesRadar: First things first. This is the epic resolution to an epic saga and it comes on a Blu-ray disc. Just what sort of percentage of the playing time do the cut-scenes take up?

Paul Fitzpatrick: Hard to say. I didn't time the cut-scenes, but I completed MGS4 in just over 29 hours, and at a guess I'd say it was two thirds playing to one third watching. But that is a guess?

Seems like there's more playing in this on:p:p

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Bugger, I always loved just sitting back and watching an interactive movie :laugh:

Yeah i'm a bit crazy.


1/3 is still roughly 9.5 hours!! :laugh:

And it was a "guess" at 2/3 to 1/3 ;)

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Seems like there's more playing in this one :p

I didn't mean that watching FMV and codec scenes are a bad thing, I love it!

And the more we can play, the better! :D

Would would be interesting is if we could see figures for the amount of time we spent watching rather than playing in the previous games.

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Wow, the lowest score so far has been 96

It seems that this game will be a lot better than MGS3 (Personally for me it has been the best in the series, just for the story)

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Wow, the lowest score so far has been 96

It seems that this game will be a lot better than MGS3 (Personally for me it has been the best in the series, just for the story)

Funny, I found MGS3 to be the 'worst' in the series, the game is great, but not compared to the other games.

I hated the whole camouflage, eating, healing thing. Hated how they had to re-release the game to get rid of an annoying issue, the camera angles, the story was sub-par and I never got the "Metal Gear" vibe.

Each to their own I guess :)

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Funny, I found MGS3 to be the 'worst' in the series, the game is great, but not compared to the other games.

I hated the whole camouflage, eating, healing thing. Hated how they had to re-release the game to get rid of an annoying issue, the camera angles, the story was sub-par and I never got the "Metal Gear" vibe.

Each to their own I guess :)

Couldn't agree more, def the black sheep of the series.

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Funny, I found MGS3 to be the 'worst' in the series, the game is great, but not compared to the other games.

I hated the whole camouflage, eating, healing thing. Hated how they had to re-release the game to get rid of an annoying issue, the camera angles, the story was sub-par and I never got the "Metal Gear" vibe.

Each to their own I guess :)

Couldn't agree more, def the black sheep of the series.

How can you dont like the story about how Big Boss came to be? :blink:

We had all these games (from metal gear to mgs2) that presented or talked about this HUGE legend, this mytical figure called Big Boss, and finally with mgs3 you came to understand him, to play him, to know him. And honestly, while the plot was not as propositive or original as the one in MGS2 (A game I always defend against its many naysayers) the story in snake Eater was just the visceral and emotional torrent I needed to get Big Boss' character. Specially the last fight against The Boss and the ending

I can see why many will not like MGS3 as much as other titles in the saga, but I think its unfair to say that it was subpar.

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I liked the story, everything else not so much (N)

Luckily I bought Subsistence so I didn't have to put up with the lame camera. The series derailed from what made it great, much like GTA San Andreas. Coincidence both have redeemed themselves with the 4th outing ?:p

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How can you dont like the story about how Big Boss came to be? :blink:

We had all these games (from metal gear to mgs2) that presented or talked about this HUGE legend, this mytical figure called Big Boss, and finally with mgs3 you came to understand him, to play him, to know him. And honestly, while the plot was not as propositive or original as the one in MGS2 (A game I always defend against its many naysayers) the story in snake Eater was just the visceral and emotional torrent I needed to get Big Boss' character. Specially the last fight against The Boss and the ending

I can see why many will not like MGS3 as much as other titles in the saga, but I think its unfair to say that it was subpar.

I completely agree! MGS3 just gave you so much background - (partially) how Ocelot came to be, Big Boss...

I have both the 'vanilla' MGS3 and the Subsistence one, and to be honest, I didn't have any diffculties with the camera in the original MGS3, actually I play Subsistence with that camera as well.

Also, great to see someone who also thinks MGS2 kicked ass!

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MGS4 has '90 minute' cut-scenes

Mag plays reveal full length of Kojima's EPIC Metal Gear 4

We know the Metal Gear Solid series is famous for its long cut-scenes, but this tops everything! Metal Gear Solid 4, the latest instalment in Hideo Kojima's seminal stealth series, has cut-scenes (note the plural) that approach the 90 minutes mark.

For those troubled with time keeping, that's the length of a feature film.

The news comes from PSW magazine, who's been and finished MGS4, and then promptly whispered in our ears about the shocking 90-minute cut-scenes. The latest issue hits newsstands today, by the way.

We were expecting long story sequences (MGS2 approached the 45 minute mark in one) but an hour and a half of cinematics was unexpected.

The good news is that you can now skip or pause the scenes. Hands up though, how many of you are actually going to sit through the full 90 minutes?

"MGS4's story is massive. The videogame equivalent of all three Godfather movies on one disc," says the mag.

"As you'd expect, you'll spend a lot of time watching cut-scenes, so if you found previous games' story exposition laborious, then you'd better find yourself a nice cushion and plenty of teabags in readiness for MGS4's.

"They can be skipped, but you'll be missing out on some of the finally crafted examples of FMV footage anywhere in gaming," the article boldly proclaims.

Issue 108 of PSW is on sale now.



I'm gonna sit through that one for sure!

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MGS4 has '90 minute' cut-scenes

Mag plays reveal full length of Kojima's EPIC Metal Gear 4



I'm gonna sit through that one for sure!

I'm not going to university from the release onward to when I finish the game.

And what kind of question is that; will you sit through the cutscene?! SURE I WILL, come one, I want to game more because of the story than the gameplay :p

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The thing is, you won't know which cutscene it is without someone spoiling something for you, so by the time you realise, you won't have time to make popcorn :(


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The thing is, you won't know which cutscene it is without someone spoiling something for you, so by the time you realise, you won't have time to make popcorn :(


Pause - Popcorn - Unpause?

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But I mean you'll be 60 minutes in to it before you realise that it's the 90 minute scene, and you'll have missed out on a whole hour of popcorn goodness :p


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You never know, there might be lots of them, some an hour long, so you go to make popcorn and it's time to play again! :laugh:


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