Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots Discussion Thread

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Wait, what happened to the whole 1/3 cut scenes, 2/3's gameplay :blink:

For that reason I don't believe its 90+ minutes.

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Do I wait until my birthday (July 1) for this, or pre-order it now? I already have so many games to finish.

I can't decide!

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Im just hoping the 90 minute cutscene isnt a codec conversation, still CANT wait for MGS 4

I don't think that a codec conversation is counting for a cutscene...

but yes, let's hope not..

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Just pre-ordered the Limited Edition of which there are only 50 copies in the Netherlands as far as I know - the retailer at least says so :D

Really psyched about the figurine and the making of (I collect figurines :p)

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Also, MGS4 is gonna have a 4.6GB Install. But that shouldn't come as a surprise really.

While I would complain about having to install, I don't think its that bad considering its supposedly taking up a 50gb disk.

What I would like about installing is if they could do it while playing, then I wouldn't care as much as having to sit through a stupid screen for a few mins.

Wait, what happened to the whole 1/3 cut scenes, 2/3's gameplay :blink:


This is one 90+ minute cutscene, and the guy said it took about 29ish hours to complete the game.

So there are still plenty of other cutscenes in the game to watch besides this one long one.

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wow im glad i didnt buy the 20 gb PS3, right about now i would be running out of space, with GTA, Dmc 4, now MGS 4 + Demos + trailers....

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While I would complain about having to install, I don't think its that bad considering its supposedly taking up a 50gb disk.

What I would like about installing is if they could do it while playing, then I wouldn't care as much as having to sit through a stupid screen for a few mins.

Well, here's my solution;

Seeing that there's a lot of cutscene in MGS4 and I expect the 90 minute one to be either at the beginning or end, you can pop in the disk, head off to make/buy popcorn, return to your gaming area with the popcorn and start playing, then when a cutscene starts the popcorn is already near you - win-win-win!

("popcorn" can be exchanged with probably any other food of course)

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While I would complain about having to install, I don't think its that bad considering its supposedly taking up a 50gb disk.

What I would like about installing is if they could do it while playing, then I wouldn't care as much as having to sit through a stupid screen for a few mins.


This is one 90+ minute cutscene, and the guy said it took about 29ish hours to complete the game.

So there are still plenty of other cutscenes in the game to watch besides this one long one.

wtf? This one cut scene is 90 minutes long? :|

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wtf? This one cut scene is 90 minutes long? :|
Correct. That's the awesome part. And when that's done, you have approximately 500-510 minutes of cutscenes yet to come.

I'm blatantly assuming 30 hours of gameplay here for good measure and using the 2/3 gameplay to 1/3 cutscene ratio

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WTF that's like an entire movie in one sitting :|

*Mindblown :drool:*

*Raises a fist at all the MGS4 doubters! :angry: *

See you guys in a few weeks ;)

ps. Glad it can be paused (Y) While I have no issue with long cutscenes, and actually love them, I may need to go pee with excitement during one :laugh: Or if the 90 minute cutscene pops up at 4am, when you promised yourself you would go to bed in 5-10 mins :p

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Its a movie itself, 1 hour and 30 minutes, i wish i knew before hand what scene it is, so that i can kick back(put the controller down) with some popcorn and relax while i watch it.

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Its a movie itself, 1 hour and 30 minutes, i wish i knew before hand what scene it is, so that i can kick back(put the controller down) with some popcorn and relax while i watch it.

My point exactly, but then that would mean spoilers! :laugh:


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ps. Glad it can be paused (Y) While I have no issue with long cutscenes, and actually love them, I may need to go pee with excitement during one :laugh: Or if the 90 minute cutscene pops up at 4am, when you promised yourself you would go to bed in 5-10 mins :p

Pausing is a brilliant feature, in the past I have had to delay certain things (eg dinner, going out, anything else) because I have said "just a few more minutes!" and then a 20min cut-scene appears. :laugh:

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Pausing is a brilliant feature, in the past I have had to delay certain things (eg dinner, going out, anything else) because I have said "just a few more minutes!" and then a 20min cut-scene appears. :laugh:

haha, same here, and it kind of sucks cuz you cant enjoy the cutscene since you are stressed that people are waiting for you..

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I think it's becoming more and more obvious why Kojima's claims of a 50GB disc may indeed be fact!

Full length movies within a game :rofl:

I wonder if some of these cutscenes, seeing as they are so long, may indeed be actual video, instead of just in-game graphics. I mean the transitions between cutscenes and in-game look awesome, but if you're kicking back for 90mins and there's NO interaction, you could do other things?

That's one thing to ponder, I wonder if there is ANY form of interaction during these 90minutes? Even if it's just tilting the camera, or even moving around?

We already know there is interaction during the mission briefings - Mini-games, moving the MK2 around, ect.

We'll see :D

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Well, here's my solution;

Seeing that there's a lot of cutscene in MGS4 and I expect the 90 minute one to be either at the beginning or end, you can pop in the disk, head off to make/buy popcorn, return to your gaming area with the popcorn and start playing, then when a cutscene starts the popcorn is already near you - win-win-win!

("popcorn" can be exchanged with probably any other food of course)

My god, you and talk of this dam popcorn, but you have yet to tell us if it is sweet or savoury! :p

But it is MGS, and for a game series I've played since the first and ahs taken up so many hours of gaming and been such an enjoyable experience, I don't mind waiting a bit for it to install.

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Kojima signing at HMV in June

Scribbling signatures on HMV-exclusive pre-release MGS4 sleeves

On June 2 Metal Gear mastermind Hideo Kojima will be signing pre-release box sleeves for Metal Gear Solid 4 at HMV on Oxford Street, London.

Joined by the game's artist, Yoji Shinagawa, Kojima will turn up from 12pm midday to scribble on sleeves from inside the game's disc cover - more than a week before the game goes on shelves. Whoever organised the appearance should look at his or her diary closer.

The catch? There'll only be 300 sleeves given out - from 9am that day - and to get one you'll have to place a ?5 pre-order on the game (and scrape your tired face off your bed pillow REALLY early, too).

We guess you'll have a fair bit of queuing to do as well, but that's not a bad deal.

Mike Jackson

Source: CVG>

Always frickin' London:((

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Meet Hideo Kojima and Yoji Shinkawa


Source: CVG

Always frickin' London :(

Beat you to it :p

Ive never played any of the Metal Gear Solid games before so this will be my first one. Hopefully I can get straight into the story line. Or just enjoy the game as it is without knowing the story.

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Christ. 90 mins? I want a game not a ****ing movie.

Bloody hell and I though MGS cut scenes were dire. I'm in for a hell of a treat. :/

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Someone is saying otherwise on the 90mins thing,

From CVG today comes a pretty wild rumor about Metal Gear Solid 4: the penultimate title in the Solid Snake series will feature rather lengthy cutscenes.

How lengthy? Try 90 minutes. And that's not 90-minutes in total, that's a 90-minute cutscene.

Trouble is, it's not entirely accurate. Will MSG4 have lengthy cutscenes, like the 45-minute one in MGS2? Yes, says GamePro's own Sid Shuman, but nowhere near 90 minutes.

"I've beat the game twice, and am the author of the forthcoming [GamePro] review," Shuman said. "Ninety-minute-long cinemas in MGS4 sounds like an exaggeration. Like the other MGS games, MGS4 definitely has a cinematic quality. And yes, some of the cut-scenes in the game are elaborate and occasionally lengthy. But not a one, to my recollection, even approaches 90 minutes.

"I think it's safe to say that the '90 minutes cinemas' claim is a pretty big exaggeration," he told GamePro News.


I guess we'll know for sure soon enough...

Maybe it's 85 mins :rofl:

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Ahh i knew not even Kojima had the balls to do that in a game, it completely goes against the definition of a game.

Definition of game:

Key components of games are goals, rules, challenge, and interactivity.

I was pretty excited to see it happen but i knew it was too good to be true.

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Hideo Kojima signing MGS4 at Virgin MegaStore in Times Square June 11


NeoGAF poster Ephemeris snapped the photo above showing that Metal Gear Solid 4 auteur Hideo Kojima will be at the Virgin MegaStore in Times Square NYC on June 11, signing copies of the game for a midnight launch. We contacted the Virgin MegaStore's games department this morning just to confirm. The conversation went like this:

"Hi, I just wanted to confirm Hideo Kojima would be signing copies of Metal Gear Solid 4 at the store on June 11?"

"Who?" The clerk sounded half-asleep.

"Hi-de-o Ko-ji-ma, Metal Gear Solid 4, in store June 11?"

"Um, yeah, we're doin' that. Sure."

We're just curious to see if Kojima does a mega-signing in Japan for the opening there and then bends time backwards (by crossing the date line) to get to New York. That would be hardcore.


man i wish I could be there! :woot:

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