Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots Discussion Thread

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TBH - I don't thin games should be rated 10/10, the 9.6/10 from the Dutch magazine seems much more 'real' to me (no, it's not because I'm Dutch as well) I just don't think you can pull off a perfect game.

Didn't like the 10/10 with Halo 3, GTA4 and still not liking it with MGS4.

However, it still confirms the 'fact' that it is one hell of a game and certainly approaching perfection. So I'm not going to whine about it anymore... just my thoughts really quickly :p

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TBH - I don't thin games should be rated 10/10, the 9.6/10 from the Dutch magazine seems much more 'real' to me (no, it's not because I'm Dutch as well) I just don't think you can pull off a perfect game.

Didn't like the 10/10 with Halo 3, GTA4 and still not liking it with MGS4.

However, it still confirms the 'fact' that it is one hell of a game and certainly approaching perfection. So I'm not going to whine about it anymore... just my thoughts really quickly :p

9.6 doesn't say anything either.

10 = perfect

9.6 = Almost perfect, so close to being perfect that if you round up this number then its perfect....

I think they should just use round numbers, give it a 9 or a 10, the decimals dont mean anything...

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I played the trial version at TGS, and it looked very promising then...

And I still think it looks very promising :p So I hope the game is worth the 10/10 :D

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* PlayStation Official Magazine (UK): 10/10

* PlayStation Official Magazine (US): 10/10

* PlayStation Official Magazine (Italy): 10/10

* PlayStation Official Magazine (Dutch): 9.6/10 <-- Somebody must've been fired :laugh:

* Level (Sweden): 10/10

* Joypad (France): 19/20

* Jeuxvideo Magazine (France): 18/20

Well, the Jeuxvideo and Joypad magazines rating were lower in fact. :p

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-They describe the gameplay as being perfect. It plays very refined and extremely nice.

-The combination of a wide gameplay, brilliant AI and fantastic design leads to previously unknown brilliant highlights. They consist of 'old school' situations were you go through bases and small corridors and options that get offered by the new generation (battlefields).

-The review describes the graphics as the best ones he ever saw in game. Not just about the detail in the models, but the total package of facial expressions and animations, enviroments and the number of details that every other game of this generation should be jealous about.

-MGS4 is much more then a game, more then just finishing levels. It's an experience, a closure of a legendary epos, one with about 50% of great cutscenes, very strong dialogue and not to forget: emotion. Maybe I'll create a better view of this when I say that after 3 days of playing I looked behind and I saw grown-up men really crying during the credits. Normally I would call them crazy, but this time I respected it, cause even this machoman was sad after finishing the storyline that had me in it's power for so long.

Exacly for that reason Kojima deserves credit. The way the story is told, the way the plot takes a few last, very special turns; the way in which the trusted characters did their last trick; the way the motives finally fell into place and on top of this all: the tragic hero that finally takes care of his ultimate destiny.

-The way the gameplay is combined with the storytelling raises this game way above each other media experience. This is so much deeper then and experience through books or movies, so much deeper then other games. This is the true power of Metal Gear Solid: Guns Of The Patriots.

Translations from swedish mag




ps. to the reviewer who broke 10's



Edited by Audioboxer
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OMG 16 days to go!

I really can't wait, I just know I'm going to love it, I loved the others.

I think people should stop thinking 10/10 is a perfect game, no game will ever, ever, be perfect there will always something that can be improved upon or something someone somewhere will not like.

10/10 should be seen as a highest standard, and a must get game that excels at what it does.

it is all a matter of opinion in the end.

But either way, MGS4 is going to be EPIC! :D

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i want a snake figurine with my LE :(

I'm so glad I'm getting the figurine! I collect them and have a lot of MGS ones already :)

Great to finally see the EU LE tho, looks really great! Just 15 more days IIRC!

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Another good score (9.6), from a mag in spain.

Surely the big websites like IGN/1UP/Eurogamer and Gamespot will be posting soon...

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So annoying to see those British prices on games, if I had to order a Console game from a Danish shop and have it by release, I would have to pay well over ?50:cry::

Oh well, glad I got MGS4 in an awesome trade-in deal;))

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I just found out that i wont be able to play MGS 4 on the release date, my parents are coming to visit me and i have to take care of them, :(, sucks.

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GamePro: MGS4 is without a doubt, one of the greatest games of all time

Gamepro 5/5

Every once in a long while, a game will come along and change all the rules. Final Fantasy VII transformed the RPG genre, Resident Evil helped create a new sub-category of gaming--survival horror--and Grand Theft Auto III single-handedly reshaped the gaming landscape.

And now comes Metal Gear Solid 4, a game whose potential influence on the current state of gaming is nothing short of tectonic.










"This is video game storytelling at it's absolute best, and represents a new high watermark for the craft, easily surpassing the superb Bioshock and the subversive GTA4"
"Metal Gear Solid 4 is a brilliant, moving, exciting, intense action game that succeeds hugely at everything it sets out to do. It sets new standards for graphics, sound, gameplay and storytelling, and it may be years before it is equaled, let alone passed. You will not play a better game this year - let alone this decade. If you own a PS3, buy this game the day it comes out. And if you don't own a PS3, well, you better start saving your nickels and dimes."


Could be my GOTY!

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Game Pro compares it to GTA 3, Resident Evil and FF VII.

JESUS CHRIST, i know its good but not 'genre-defining' good, i really hope it lives up to this expectations, wow.

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Game Pro compares it to GTA 3, Resident Evil and FF VII.

JESUS CHRIST, i know its good but not 'genre-defining' good, i really hope it lives up to this expectations, wow.

I have unconditional love for MGS(4), I'm going to be shouting it is "teh best game evaarrr" for a long while (not in forums threads tho, just in my own room... by myself :p)
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