Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots Discussion Thread

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Here Is a more realistic "review" of MGS4, ive always respected the CVG magazine i never missed an issue back before i had internet.
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Here Is a more realistic "review" of MGS4, ive always respected the CVG magazine i never missed an issue back before i had internet.

Thanks for that link hamster ^_^

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Here Is a more realistic "review" of MGS4, ive always respected the CVG magazine i never missed an issue back before i had internet.

Good review, thanks for the link (Y)

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Here Is a more realistic "review" of MGS4, ive always respected the CVG magazine i never missed an issue back before i had internet.

Thanks, I'll read it.

Supposedly Gamesradar and CVG have both published this as their reviews :blink:

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Guess you really cant trust any magazine then :/

I know :/

Here's the article for the lazy...

Both CVG and Gamesradar have published the same review with a different man as their author. Should Metal Gear Solid 4 be tainted by one fellow’s words?

Don’t get me wrong, the review is very well written and gives the title a generally glowing appraisal. The’s first review happens to be from the UK Magazine, PSW. No score was given and so the article was christened a “Feature.” This has been the tradition for the print and online pairing, since CVG prefer to post their own review.

Gamesradar are the next to follow with an indepth 3 page review, commandeered from PSM3 UK Magazine’s editor Daniel Dawkins. The review expresses the game’s successes and failures, even stating that “Metal Gear Solid 4 is a masterpiece, arguably the best in the series and – though many will fiercely disagree – ever so slightly disappointing.” Nevertheless, the score given was a 9/10. That’s the extent of Snake’s disappointment.

I began to worry when I read similar sentiments in CVG’s review, only to notice that they weren’t just similar, they were the very same words. The same words, the same disappointments, the same criticisms, and the same appraisals. Was Daniel Dawkins of PSM3 UK posted as its author? No, Mike Jackson of CVG was, with a score of 9.5/10 given, not particularly matching the “disappointed” sentiment expressed.

Naturally, the review is beautifully written, but something is wrong here. Both CVG and Gamesradar are owned by Future Publishing, as are the magazines PSW, PSM3 and even the highly respected Edge. Even though Gamesradar only reviews on an integer scale, in comparison to CVG’s 0.5 scale, hence the score disparity, do you think it’s right for one magazine’s review to be posted by two different websites and pronounced as original?

Reasons for the duplications could be that Konami are holding back the review copies, and only the select few have been able to get their hands on Snake’s final mission. In truth, we’ve yet to be graced by Kojima Production’s presumed masterpiece.

Even if the reviews were correctly presented as Daniel Dawkin’s work, is it right that his opinion is taken precedence on two popular game websites? I’d be extremely interested to hear your opinions on this matter, and we’ll inform you if CVG and Gamesradar make any comments. We just hope Daniel didn’t also provide himself for Edge’s review.

Some pics!



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I so want that but i cant afford it im broke now :(

It's sold out in the UK anyway.

I tried to buy it, but couldn't.

Standard Edition here I come :(

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This is why I listen to Eurogamer more than the rest, although I don't let their judgement/score cloud my own opinion/likes & dislikes.

They can be brutally honest and generally give a good opinion on what you can expect from <insert game title>

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?Metal Gear Solid 4′ Review Restrictions Not Applied To All Reviewersb>

Since breaking the news on Friday that Konami was asking some reviewers of ?Metal Gear Solid 4? to refrain from mentioning some technical details about the game in their reviews, I?ve been told that these requests were not made to all reviewers.

The editors of Game Informer and PlayStation: The Official Magazine have contacted me to say the Konami requested no restrictions of their reviewers.In both cases, an absence of any note mentioning these restrictions should be seen simply as a sign that no constraints were requested or agreed to.

Rob Smith, editor in chief of P:TOM told me some people have been skeptical about his outlet, since they ran the first ?MGS4″ review, but he assured me they encountered no Konami constraints.

On the other hand, the editors of Electronic Gaming Monthly have revealed that they were asked to avoid mention of some details and have held back their review until they can base one off of their own unrestricted copy of the game. Provisos in the IGN UK and Eurogamer reviews indicate that those outlets also faced restrictions.

From the latest issue of EGM:

?So why don?t we have a full review this issue? Simply put: We weren?t happy with the limitations Konami wanted to impose on our comments, and rather than publish compromised reviews in the interest of being the first to rate the game, we?d rather wait until next issue, where we can be completely open and thorough with our thoughts.?

Before filing my first report, I had lines of Konami?s NDA requesting no mention of the game?s installation and cut-scene length read to me. I?ve had those lines read to me again since the report.

As a result of last week?s report, gamers appear to be demanding more transparency from their review outlets than before. Meanwhile, gamers looking for a completely un-restrained take on ?MGS 4″ now have the names of a few outlets to which they can look.


What a fiasco :/

Just give me MGS4 so I can "review" it for myself!

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Only just pre-ordered my copy from GAME a few mins ago (managed to pay for it completely with loyalty points :) )

I've also just ordered a white DualShock 3 off ebay for around ?33 inc. p&p

Cant wait:woot::

EDIT: I'm praying my PS3 doesn't go into meltdown with this game, like the story's I read about with GTA4 (I got the 360 version, thank God)

I heard a patch/update was released, but what was the final verdict on that little saga?

Edited by The Cub
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I was just about to post that news, i think we can put all the speculation to rest, Famitsu is a respected publication. MGS4 really IS that good :D

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Just an FYI Famitsu is giving MGS 4 perfect score of 40/40.

REALLY?! Well there you go. Game #8 to recieve a perfect score from them!

Also, if you go by their scores, you could say that this year will be the best year for games, as 2008 is the first year to have two games with a perfect score from them! (MGS4 and Super Smash Bros. Brawl)

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