Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots Discussion Thread

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If you ask me you need to play the games to get the back-story, it will be much better that way otherwise you might not understand half the things the game is talking about seeing as its supposed to "wrap everything up". I for one will be playing through 1, 2 and 3 before I start on #4 so I can refresh myself of the story properly.

Also according to Eurogamer, if you pre-order from GAME then you get a "DVD called Metal Gear Saga Vol. 2, featuring a seven-part documentary about the series origins and evolution - the same disc made available for US and Canadian pre-orders".

Looks like I will be pre-ordering from GAME then. (Y)

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If you ask me you need to play the games to get the back-story, it will be much better that way otherwise you might not understand half the things the game is talking about seeing as its supposed to "wrap everything up". I for one will be playing through 1, 2 and 3 before I start on #4 so I can refresh myself of the story properly.

Also according to Eurogamer, if you pre-order from GAME then you get a "DVD called Metal Gear Saga Vol. 2, featuring a seven-part documentary about the series origins and evolution - the same disc made available for US and Canadian pre-orders".

Looks like I will be pre-ordering from GAME then. (Y)

hmm... well... that makes things interesting I guess... I sold my ps2 ages ago.. and I am pretty sure my 40 gb ps3 is not bw compatible?...

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Just got home from our local Gamestop, he was amazed they actually allowed Motorstorm and Resistance in the "2 Games + 2$ = MGS 4 + T-shirt + DVD" deal.

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Well, from the Gamestop ad they listed these as excluded in the trade-in deal:

Uncharted Drakes Fortune, The Darkness, Ridge Racer 7, Assassin's Creed, Call of Duty 3.

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Here's a better look at MGS4's Blue tooth headset


The last time we saw this stylish Metal Gear Solid 4 headset we were only treated to a drawing of what the product would look like. It wasn't the actual thing. The picture above, however, is a shot of the real piece of equipment. Isn't it beautiful? Don't you just want one? We know we do.

The headset is a Bluetooth 2.0 device and will work with both the PS3 and mobile phones. The headset is priced at $59.99 in North America and should be available alongside the launch of MGS4 on June 12. If you want to see more pics of the headset and its carrying case, head on over here.


I am buying that day one :D

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Metal Gear Solid? 4 Limited Edition PLAYSTATION?3 Bundle

Metal Gear Solid? 4: Guns of the Patriots is the final chapter in the saga of Solid Snake which sends him around the world in pursuit of his arch nemesis, Liquid Ocelot. Armed with new gadgets and abilities, Solid Snake must shift the tides of war into his favor, using the chaos of the battlefield to infiltrate deep into enemy territory. In his globetrotting final mission, Snake must sneak deep into enemy locations in the Middle East, South America, and other corners of the earth to foil Liquid Ocelot?s plans for total world domination.


* Gun Metal Gray PLAYSTATION?3 with a 40GB Hard drive

* DUALSHOCK?3 wireless controller

* Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots Limited Edition

o The Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots game, which includes Metal Gear Online, enabling you to take part in the ultimate multiplayer squad based tactical shooter

o Exclusive Blu-ray disc including over 2 hours of additional content - "Hideo Kojima's Gene", a behind-the-scenes vision of Hideo Kojima's production team & game and "The Making of Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots" documentary

o The official Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots CD Soundtrack, including 16 never-before-released tracks by Harry Gregson-Williams (Shrek, Armageddon, The Rock), Nobuko Toda, and Ennio Morricone

* Price: $599.00 (plus applicable sales tax and shipping rates)

The Limited Edition bundle will only be available for purchase online through our store. Limited quantities of these units are available, and will be available on a first come first served basis. We will be releasing limited quantities daily over the coming weeks for purchase. Please keep your eye on for announcements concerning the stock availability of this Limited Edition BunKONAMI ANNOUNCES LIMITED EDITION HARDWARE BUNDLE FOR METAL GEAR SOLID 4: GUNS OF THE PATRIOTS IN NORTH AMERICAICA

Highly Limited Edition Bundle Includes Gun Metal Gray 40GB PLAYSTATION?3 Computer Entertainment System With Matching Controller And Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots Limited Edition Game

El Segundo, Calif. ? May 14, 2008 ? Konami Digital Entertainment, Inc. today announced the availability of a limited edition Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots PLAYSTATION?3 computer entertainment system bundle for North America. Featuring a Gun Metal Gray PLAYSTATION?3 system with a 40GB hard drive, the bundle also includes a matching DUALSHOCK?3 wireless controller and Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots Limited Edition game. The bundle will be exclusively available at Konami?s website,, for a SRP of $599.99. Pre-sell for the bundle begins on May 19th, 2008, and limited supplies are available.

Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots is the final chapter in the saga of Solid Snake, which sends him around the world in pursuit of his arch nemesis, Liquid Ocelot. Armed with new gadgets and abilities, Solid Snake must shift the tides of war into his favor, using the chaos of the battlefield to infiltrate deep into enemy territory. In his globetrotting final mission, Snake must sneak deep into enemy locations in the Middle East, South America, and other corners of the earth to foil Liquid Ocelot?s plans for total world domination.

Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots is rated ?M? for Mature by the ESRB and will be available on June 12, 2008 exclusively on the PLAYSTATION?3 system. The Standard Edition of Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots will be priced at $59.99 SRP while the Limited Edition will be priced at $84.99 SRP and only available at Gamestop retailers. The Limited Edition PLAYSTATION?3 system bundle SRP is $599.99, and pre-orders start on May 19th. For more information, please visit

? 1987 2008 Konami Digital Entertainment Co., Ltd. ?METAL GEAR? and ?METAL GEAR SOLID? and ?GUNS OF THE PATRIOTS? are trademarks or registered trademarks of Konami Digital Entertainment Co., Ltd. Published by Konami Digital Entertainment, Inc. KONAMI is a registered trademark of KONAMI CORPORATION.

?PlayStation?, ?PLAYSTATION? and ?PS? Family logo are registered trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc.


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The moment we'd been awaiting for ever since Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of The Patriots was announced at E3 2005 came on Wednesday evening, when we walked up to a PS3 running the final, ready-for-retail build of the game and ever so slowly pressed "start" with quivering thumbs. We were whisked from the title screen ? a real-time scene showing a suit-wearing Old Snake in the graveyard from previous trailers ? to the Middle East, where after only a few minutes we realized that Kojima has done it again: he's taken MGS in a new direction, with wild ambition, while still keeping sneaking the No. 1 priority.

No spoilers here; we're just as set as you are on having as little of the game ruined for us before we get to sit down and play it, good and proper. That said, make with the clicking and read our tale of 40-odd minutes with what will surely be a system-seller for PS3 after the break!

Arriving in a battlefield that was very reminiscent of the Midtown Maelstrom map from the recent Metal Gear Online beta, we were thrust straight into sneaking, were armed with only a stun knife. We found ourselves all-too-close to an intense shootout between local militia and a private military contractor who just so happened to bring along a pack of the nasty cyborg mini-Metal Gears, called Gekkos.

Otacon was quick to advise us on the situation -- although instead of doing so via a codec screen, we simply heard him speaking, presumably over Snake's earpiece. Our task: Head to a rally point indicated by a flashing icon in the upper-right-hand corner of the screen. Essentially unarmed, we snuck and crawled our way past PMCs, triggering several cinematic sequences along the way. (In a nice touch, Old Snake's octocamo pattern in cinemas matches up with its in-game appearance, making everything look more seamless.)

We couldn't keep sneaking forever; it wasn't long before an armored Striker vehicle rolled in and we had a chance to experience one of the many fresh new elements of the game: being a hero in the eyes of others. In this case, we picked up an RPG launcher left by a fallen militia member (you can now acquire weapons dropped by allies and enemies, although they're initially "locked" and can't be fired -- more on that in a sec) and used it to take out the PMC's ride. The militia shouted their thanks as we helped them mop up. Then it was time to meet Drebin, the "arms launderer" featured in a previous trailer. In addition to owning a soda-guzzling, diapered pet monkey, he assists Old Snake by unlocking any PMC weapons acquired -- for a price. You earn Drebin Points while playing and can spend them for unlocks and weapon add-ons. There's a "Drebin Shop," but thankfully you don't have to find it on the map; it's all done via the "network" (a.k.a. a menu screen). Using some Drebin Points, we were able to buy a grip and grenade launcher for the M4 rifle he'd given us "on the house." After adding the grip, we noticed how much more accurate our aim was, whether in over-the-shoulder or "FPS" aiming mode. Tricking out the many, many guns in the game is handled through a sub-menu where you can spin and zoom the weapon to see your changes. The whole thing felt like a much more in-depth version of Call of Duty 4's multiplayer weapon customization, only completely on the fly.

Oh, and "Old" Snake? Yeah, he's gone gray and looks like he's been through a lot, but the guy is as spry as ever. No huffing or puffing -- although his rate of movement does slow down as he acquires more weapons and ammo.

We wrapped up our hands-on by fiddling with some things Hideo Kojima had touched on in his demo of the game earlier in the evening. One was using the night vision mode of the Solid Eye to spot footprints in a collapsed building as we made our way through it. This proves very handy in finding safe paths where the floor below us wouldn't give way. We also equipped some energy drinks we'd found and offered them to militia troops -- we'll admit it was odd seeing a heart symbol appear about their heads instead of the trademark exclamation point. Finally, we loaded up a tune on the in-game iPod and watched as our stress meter went down during a firefight, which saw us using a mortar emplacement to lob rounds at another Striker that came rolling up.

Based only on an all-too-brief foray into the final build of MGS4, we could see and feel all the signs of an epic. This just might be Kojima's crowning achievement; we'll find out once and for all as we marathon the game when it hits on June 12.

Joystiq hands-on: Metal Gear Solid 4 - the finished game

Man MGS4 is going to be an EPIC game:woot:oot:

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Does anyone know if an MGS4 bundle is happening in the UK? :(


Hardware bundle or LE?

Both are confirmed anyway. is selling the LE for ?80.

Hardware bundle is a 40GB with Sixaxis and MGS4:// Pricing isn't confirmed yet I don't think.

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"Hey, Britain, You're Not Getting The Gunmetal PS3!"

Oh, don't look so surprised. You just had to know this news was coming. Konami have confirmed with GameSpot that while the vanilla MGS4 bundle will be making its way to Europe, not a single gunmetal PS3 will be offered for sale in the UK. And if it's not going on sale in the UK, well, the chances of an exclusive Belgian or Danish launch seems remote, so that probably goes for the rest of Europe as well.

Source: Kotaku

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Sixaxis?! WTF?!

When the hell do we get DS3?! :|


Loads of UK businesses have them now, or just import if its that important.

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Loads of UK businesses have them now, or just import if its that important.

It's not so much that, I just don't see why we don't get them officially :p

Link me ;)


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It's not so much that, I just don't see why we don't get them officially :p

Link me ;)


I agree, they should be out officially. Not sure why there is a hold up to be honest. Sony do seem to take a dump from a great height when Europe is concerned.

365 Games

Based in the UK, so no import tax.

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I just ordered one from

I will probably get it in a few days from now.

Ordered the ceramic white:pp looks nice:DD

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I just ordered one from

I will probably get it in a few days from now.

Ordered the ceramic white :p looks nice :D

Fingers crossed you wont get hit with tax. The pad is far superior to the sixaxis

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