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opera 9.62 gets 1 less than 9.61, just 84/100.

Actually i get a 85 here with opera 9.62, i think the test lags or something. opera 9x are not going to pass the test fully but i suspect opera 10 will fully pass it.

  • 2 months later...

They are very important, but ACID 2 is more important because it is more applicable today than ACID 3 is. Eventually passing ACID 3 will be relevant, but my understanding is that today, it is not, hence my pessimistic attitude toward whether something passes it now or not :)

They are very important, but ACID 2 is more important because it is more applicable today than ACID 3 is. Eventually passing ACID 3 will be relevant, but my understanding is that today, it is not, hence my pessimistic attitude toward whether something passes it now or not :)

acid 3's things it tests for will continue to remain irrelevant, because it doesn't really test for anything in particular. It tests for random parts of various standards that browsers were failing at the time.

There's no cohesion.

I thought this test had been released long ago (perhaps 6 months I think?). Anyhow, I remember getting higher than 90, with Opera if I remember correctly. Couldn't reproduce it on reload though, somehow strange. o.o Anyhow, to all those wondering on IE's score, I think they should first attempt to succeed the second test before even trying the third.

As far as I can tell, 20 is a larger number than 12.

I could be wrong.

As far as I know the number has no bearing on whether it's better or not.

It's either the browser passes; or it doesn't. There's no grey area.

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