i need a lcd anti-glare screen protector ?

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ive noticed lately ive been getting headaches from probably being on my pc too much. i need one of those screen protectors " anti glare " for my 19" monitor. ive seen them before at compusa, but since there out of business now by me id like to know where i can pick one up ? i just need the film sheet that fits over your screen, not the mountable ones.

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im sure they have to sell them somewhere else ? it's basically a clear sheet that fits right over your screen and prevents glare and gives the screen a glassy look.

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I had the same problem as you, until i got glasses. My eye doctor said that one eye is overpowering the other, thats why i get headaches. I have different magnification in each lens.

Also, don't put the screen in front of your nose, nor put it too far away that you have to squint.

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ive noticed lately ive been getting headaches from probably being on my pc too much. i need one of those screen protectors " anti glare " for my 19" monitor. ive seen them before at compusa, but since there out of business now by me id like to know where i can pick one up ? i just need the film sheet that fits over your screen, not the mountable ones.

Is it a new monitor by any chance? If not and it's something you've just noticed, every hour or so just take a 15 min break from looking at your computer. Don't read, just look out the window or look at something at least 3 feet in front of you. THEN go to an eye doctor if it keeps up. You'll end up with eye strain, which is ungodly painful, if you aren't careful and are looking at your computer too much.

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