Slipstream XP SP3 onto my original SP1 disc or SP2 disc?

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I know SP3 doesn't come out until next week, but I want to be ready because I have to do a reinstall.

I have my original Microsoft XP CD with SP1 on it. But I also made a CD with the original XP CD slipstreamed with SP2.

Would it be better to use the SP1 or SP2 disc for the SP3 slipstreaming?

Or does it not matter?


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I know SP3 doesn't come out until next week, but I want to be ready because I have to do a reinstall.

I have my original Microsoft XP CD with SP1 on it. But I also made a CD with the original XP CD slipstreamed with SP2.

Would it be better to use the SP1 or SP2 disc for the SP3 slipstreaming?

Or does it not matter?


Doesen't matter,XP sp3 rewrites everything done by sp1 or sp2

You can apply to both if u wish :)

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Sorry to bump, but I tried slipstreaming SP3 RC2 onto my XP disc, but would not take my serial. Would the official RTM take my key?

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depends if your serial is legit or stolen. RC2 should work fine as it was released to public, it wasnt a beta test that required a serial number you were emailed. Maybe your serial is now blacklisted. You can install sp3 without a serial and add it later when you are into windows.

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Sweet...will try again on the 29th. Hopefully it works. No mine's legit. Bought mine from my university a few years back.

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I know SP3 doesn't come out until next week, but I want to be ready because I have to do a reinstall.

I have my original Microsoft XP CD with SP1 on it. But I also made a CD with the original XP CD slipstreamed with SP2.

Would it be better to use the SP1 or SP2 disc for the SP3 slipstreaming?

Or does it not matter?


We recommended that you have Service Pack 2 installed before installing SP3.

There was a program that did the slipstreaming for you. Is that still around? Does it support SP3?


When I tried it, it did not like SP3.

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Neowin's very own AutoStreamer is what you are looking for, I did SP1 and SP2 using that.

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Ummm you might want to double-check your sources. :laugh:

I was reading the Microsoft forums (

and someone said:

"SP3 wont install on XP RTM, only on SP1 or better (RTM is out of support) . Therefore it mustnt be cumulative (why would it have sp1 if you need it anyway?)"

From another forum:

"MS has repeatedly warned the beta

testers in the SP3 TechBeta program that it will not result in a correct

upgrade and that only slipstreaming SP3 with an XP cd at service pack 1 or

later will result in a correct upgrade to SP3."

I guess we'll know for sure in a week.

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First of all, XP SP3 RTM can be slipstreamed into XP Gold (RTM), SP1 or SP2 installation sources. I and others have done so and it works just perfect.

Now for installing SP3 after XP is already installed, that's where the limitation supposedly kicks in, requiring at least SP1 and recomending SP2. I have no idea why this is so.

Also, regarding your slipstreamed XP SP3 CD not accepting your CD key any longer, I will copy-paste the information I shared with others in other forums:

I had this issue with betas and RCs of SP3 but I ignored it since they weren't RTM.

In summary, if you perform the slipstreaming of SP3 into XP Corporate under Windows Vista or Windows Server 2008, then it will no longer accept your proper VLK keys. I don't know if similar issues are present when performing slipstreams to other editions of XP under Vista/Server 2008.

Other people have confirmed that they still had this issue with SP3 RTM, and I did as well. Re-slipstreaming under XP SP2 instead of under Vista allowed the resulting installation source to still accept my VLK keys.

Links to articles and/or user comments pertaining to this issue:

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You get a correctly working SP3 cd.



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Check out this info now:

i did a small test

1) XP Retail CD "Gold" German -> slipstream to SP3 RTM

2) XP Retail CD "Gold" German-> slipstream to SP2 -> next to slipstream to SP3 RTM

if found that there are several files that are different.



MSRDP.CA_ is from 18.08.01

MSTSC.EX_ is from 18.08.01 -> 5.1.2600.0


MSRDP.CA_ is from 04.08.04

MSTSC.EX_ is from 08.08.04 -> v5.1.2600.2180

So Gold to SP3 will have some file older that if you slipstream SP2 before SP3

Why ?



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So you're using the illegal torrent to get it then?

Why do you keep feeling the need to post this? You done it in the other SP3 thread as well. You keep pointing out anyone who has downloaded the torrent. Doing that isn't helping them get caught. I just don't see the point in what you're doing.

I can understand why soo many are jumping at the chance to get it now instead of waiting another week. I really don't care to wait another week because I'm not on my system as much as I used to be anymore. Another week is fine by me. I mean it's a service pack that's going to be released for free anyway.

It drives me crazy when people feel the need to point out stuff like this. It's not going to get you any rewards (just raise your post count). It also makes me crack up because I guarantee most of these same people were downloading music back when Napster first came out and didn't think they were stealing anything until it became illegal.

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Why do you keep feeling the need to post this? You done it in the other SP3 thread as well. You keep pointing out anyone who has downloaded the torrent. Doing that isn't helping them get caught. I just don't see the point in what you're doing.

I can understand why soo many are jumping at the chance to get it now instead of waiting another week. I really don't care to wait another week because I'm not on my system as much as I used to be anymore. Another week is fine by me. I mean it's a service pack that's going to be released for free anyway.

It drives me crazy when people feel the need to point out stuff like this. It's not going to get you any rewards (just raise your post count). It also makes me crack up because I guarantee most of these same people were downloading music back when Napster first came out and didn't think they were stealing anything until it became illegal.

I just wanted to comment on the this. I personally dont see an issue with getting isos via a torrent because it is just the software and no licence being pirated, and I agree with the guy I just quoted. I will say this alot of folks on this forum swear up and down they are the software police. But I dont know if any of you remember but at one time this forum had all kinds of links software people could download at one time. It is just amazing how so many folks can get this holier than thou attitude when this place use to have more piracy going on that any of the torrent stuff we got out there now. I remember seeing all those windows xp 5 in 1 discs and such when windows xp first came out.

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