SCEE PlayStation Day - 06/05/2008

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The presentations are starting. We're being shown a video about Play, with Little Big Planet, Go! Explore and Play TV highlighted.

Finally started!

By the way, word is a video of the full show will be up on Thursday on PSN!

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i'm really interested in seeing PlayTV in action that will be cool as no doubt I will look at buying this!

K2, LBP, MotorStorm PC as well sounds really good to and will be good to see what the game play and in game hud looks like.

Should be a good show and hoping that the full video will be up on PSN on Thursday will be worth a download too!

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Kaz Hirai says that this is an invaluable opportunity to emphasise the importance of Europe to Sony. He's bringing out the stats -- 10.5m PS3s sold worldwide by the end of last year, 34m PSPs and 127m PS2s.


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keep me updated guys. everything is blocked here at work. :p
5:10 BST Every stage of the GT Race Academy will be filmed and made available online for download on the PlayStation Network.

5:08 BST The GT Race Academy will allow virtual racing drivers to see if they can also perform in real life. It will alunch on the 23rd May on the PlayStation Network, although Sony is being incredibly sketchy about the ACTUAL details.

5:07 BST 6190415_blog008.jpg

Gran Turismo 5 has sold 1.5 million copies, and in conjunction with Nissan, they are going to be running the GT Academy. Virtual and real life competitions--the prize being a real-life race in the 24hour Dubai Race next year in a top-of-the-line Nissan.

5:04 BST Mirror's Edge is a freerunning action game set in a contemporary city. The main character of Faith can be seen wall-running, diving backwards and shooting, and performing acrobatic hand-to-hand combat. No release date, unfortunately, but the new trailer will be released later in the week.

5:02 BST 6190415_blog007.jpg

Sean Decker joins the proceedings to talk about EA Dice's new game Mirror's Edge. You will be put in the shoes of a character called Faith. We're being shown a new trailer that will be available in HD on the PlayStation Network later in the week.

5:00 BST Just to confirm earlier Killzone 2 release date of February 2009--no news on whether this is worldwide, but as this is a European conference that will definitely be the Euro release date.

4:57 BST 6190415_blog006.jpg

Water can be used to cool down the engine temperature, adding a new tactical element to the game. Bikes, ATV, rear wheel drive buggies, rally cars, racing trucks, and mudpluggers will return, with new monster trucks for the first time. There'll now be split screen racing for up to four players, with 16 players online.

4:54 BST 6190415_blog005.jpg

Motorstorm Pacific Rift will have 16 brand new tracks, twice as many as the last outing. We're shown the new vegetation technology, which is there to be bent, broken and crushed. Only the larger vehicles can destroy it, so smaller vehicles have to avoid it or follow larger vehicles.

4:50 BST Motorstorm 2 will be called Motorstorm Pacific Rift. Paul Hollywood joins the stage to talk about the game, and always putting the player at the centre of the action.

4:49 BST 6190415_blog004.jpg

Metal Gear Solid 4 will be launched 12th June, with an exclusive MGS4/PS3 40GB bundle.

4:48 BST Price is concerned that more players could possibly harm the multiplayer game as much as it could expand it. Every squad gets a rival squad, and with 60 players on the field, there are always going to be five or six players who'll you'll develop a hatred for. You'll often be spawned close to these players, according to Price.

4:46 BST We're being shown work-in-progress content from Resistance 2 multiplayer. Mobile bubble shields are shown on soldiers in multiplayer, as well as static flat shields. You WILL be able to play as the Chimera, although they're not shown in the video. The game will be going from 40 players to 60 players online.

4:44 BST Ted Price of Insomniac jumps on stage to talk about Resistance 2. will be receiving a full upgrade, and is compared to Facebook in the way it will work.

4:42 BST We're now being shown a new video for Killzone 2, and it will be playable on the show floor tonight. The video doesn't seem to show off anything startlingly new, but we'll report back later on when we've played the game itself.

4:40 BSTKillzone 2 will be released in February 2009.

4:39 BST We're now being shown a compilation of videos uploaded by SingStar users online. Dancing Chewbacca covers the Scissor Sisters; journalists collectively cringe. Next up is a video from Little Big Planet--Sony clearly has a lot riding on this title. The developers at Media Molecule have recreated some of the characters from Killzone, so hopefully they'll make it into the final game.

4:34 BST Moving onto user-generated content and sites like Facebook and Flickr, Reeves highlights the way you can change the PlayStation 3 media bar, as well as SingStar and Buzz. 220,000 copies of SingStar PS3 sold, with over a million songs downloaded. Each user buys an average of over six songs.

4:32 BST Reeves says Sony has consistently been outselling their closest competitor (read: Xbox 360) in Europe since October.

4:31 BST Sony Europe has sold 12 million PSPs, 48 million PS2s, and 5 million PS3s.

4:29 BST PlayStation is starting to define itself by 'our passion and our desire to play'. Hirai exits the stage and hands over to Reeves, not having given very much new information.

4:28 BST Little Big Planet will be released on the PlayStation 3 in October. Hirai highlights the success of PlayStation Network, and says that communities will make PlayStation hardware the 'staple diet for gamers'.

4:26 BST Apologises for the delay of Home, and says he "will not open it up until he's happy with it". We'll get a look at how you can launch games from within Home later on.

4:24 BST The first year of PlayStation 3 was 'something of a difficult one'. He says that 'things have improved considerably', highlighting Gran Turismo 5: Prologue and Grand Theft Auto 4 as examples, with Metal Gear Solid 4 going forward.

4:23 BST 6190415_blog003.jpg

Hirai wants to highlight PlayStation's multi-faceted approach. Consumers are experiencing 'huge leaps in gameplay and graphics', with Uncharted used as a highlight of this. He wants the PS3 to have a ten-year lifespan.

4:21 BST Kaz Hirai says that this is an invaluable opportunity to emphasise the importance of Europe to Sony. He's bringing out the stats -- 10.5m PS3s sold worldwide by the end of last year, 34m PSPs and 127m PS2s.

4:19 BST 6190415_blog002.jpg

Reeves introduces Kaz Hirai, who has not spoken publicly for a while.

4:18 BST David Reeves is taking the stage, who wants to introduce us to the delights that PlayStation has over the coming months.

4:17 BST Echocrome on the PSP is next, along with more Go! games for the portable console. Buzz! Quiz TV is shown, as is SingStar and the SingStore. More Killzone 2 footage, and what looks like Sony Home and a bowling demo. Next up is another big hitter in the form of Resistance 2.

4:15 BST The presentations are starting. We're being shown a video about Play, with Little Big Planet, Go! Explore and Play TV highlighted.

4:12 BST We're informed after the presentation and preview sessions, Paul Oakenfold and Hot Chip will be DJ-ing until 1.00am. Brilliant. Now show us the games!

4:09 BST We're looking round, and behind the main presentation area are the requisite huge Sony TVs running an assortment of games. Sadly, from our vantage point all we can make out clearly is a feature on the FIFA Interactive World Cup.

4:08 BST 6190415_blog001.jpg

The keynote is set to start in the next few minutes. Attendees are politely informed to grab their drinks and canapes and grab a seat.

4:07 BST The press badge that Sony has given us says that both Killzone 2 and Resistance 2 will be present, although we're not sure in what form. Little Big Planet will also be here alongside new Buzz! and EyeToy games.

4:07 BST We're sat at the Sony PlayStation Day event in London. An assembled throng of journalists is sitting impatiently, as the keynote is due to begin in a matter of minutes. Apart from the fact that both Sony Computer Entertainment president Kaz Hirai and Sony Computer Europe chief David Reeves are set to take the stage, we have little idea about what the company intends to present.


17:09:18 -

So far it looks like normal GT5 Prologue, but with video of real-life racing in-between. Great. Launching May 23rd on PSN, he says. I expect they'll clarify all that in a press release. "Every round of the GT Academy will be filmed and made available on the PlayStation Network," says the returning Reevesy, and they're going to take a few journos along to report. Pick me!

17:08:21 -

Weird. We've now got a Nissan exec, who doesn't get a nice on-screen card with his name on it, but he's called something like Simon Spry. Probably not exactly that. He's a talking press release so far. Ah good, a GT Racing Academy video. WITH LOUD MUSIC.

17:06:31 -

We're getting the "ultimate competitive driving test", the Nissan GT Academy. The prize is for two people to get a four-month real-life racing tutorial followed by a race in January 2009 - the Dubai 24-hour race.

17:05:40 -

It's already sold over 1.5 million copies in PAL territories, though, Dutch-man. So there. And racing is more than a game, says Reeves. "For a true PlayStation experience, we need more" than GT TV, he says. A collaboration with Nissan, he's announcing a competition of some sort.

17:04:38 -

"With the excitement of the Sony-sponsored Champions League reaching its climax," he says, switching to how Sony interacts with sport... we're going to focus on motorsport and football. On the track, GT is "rightly regarded as the world's best driving simulator". A Dutch man behind me says "no" quietly.

17:03:36 -

Kicking and shooting as Faith dives around, but you won't spend the whole game doing that, as you may remember, since running around carrying guns impedes movement. The music's very nice, too. "Ladies and gentleman I give you Mirror's Edge," says Decker, actually giving us Reevesy back.

17:02:34 -

Ah Mirror's Edge. Very blue and pretty. Cutlack would love it. And the red which guides you through the city by hinting at interactive objects. Good use of pigeons there. Some sort of fire engine glimpsed on the ground. A yellow wall, lots of glass. No obvious motorbikes, however.

17:01:34 -

The European gentleman to my left keeps looking at my loud clacky keyboard grumpily. If he does it too many more times I'm going to smash his head in using a unique first-person perspective for all my actions as an homage to Mirror's Edge. Now we're getting an in-game ME trailer, which will be on PSN later this week in high definition.

17:00:37 -

Sean Decker, EA DICE's general manager is here to show it off. "This platform really allows us to make our vision of what the game is." Good then. He's explaining the game's back-story - about couriers who operate atop buildings in an oppressed city where communication is otherwise monitored. Faith, your leapy heroine, is in trouble, having uncovered a conspiracy.

16:59:18 -

After an extended version of the CG trailer we all saw before. We can play it today in one- and two-player options, says Hollywood, so we will. "Finally in this section," says Reeves, returning, he'd like to show us a new cutting-edge game. Mirror's Edge, of course.

16:58:31 -

A new class: the monster truck! Yay. It's "a climber" as well as a racer, and it can sprint, but cornering is difficult. It's also a predator, fit for crushing smaller vehicles. You're not here just to race, but to bully. There'll be four-player split-screen as well as the usual online, he adds. "This is not Redneck Racing, Baja or Rally."

16:58:01 -

Obviously it also provides drag, and cools down the engine temperature a bit like Excite Truck. "And let's not forget, MotorStorm is still a racing game." 20-vehicle races. They're showing it and, again, it's clearly not finished (water interaction with wheels, for instance), but it's still quite handsome, and we're promised lots of unique vehicles too.

16:54:39 -

"This is not just a pretty backdrop." It's a Marks & Spencer backdrop? No, but it does have interactive vegetation. It also fights back, apparently, so shrubs will take you down if your vehicle isn't big enough. However, smaller vehicles can follow big ones through vegetation. Water also won't be just a backdrop, and has forces, flows and buoyancy.

16:54:02 -

"The island is now your greatest enemy, challenging you to hack your way through thick vegetation; teeter on the edge of towering cliffs; plough through tropical waters; and escape the deadly volcanic interior." I can do full quotes with Hollywood because he's pausing for effect and FX. We're being shown a pre-alpha, 40 percent complete track - one of the game's 16.

16:52:44 -

Hollywood is hamming it up, promising a "dangerous and unpredictable foe" in "the island", which we're seeing from the air. Inspiration came from Hawaii. Bet that was a good research trip. It's got volcanoes, waterfalls, swamps, etc. "This is MotorStorm, so no Hula". And definitely no Elvis.

16:51:42 -

MotorStorm's great because it's "brutal" and the player is always at the centre of it, Hollywood reckons. Uh-oh, it's no ordinary sequel, apparently. "We've added ultra-aggressive AI", lots of attack manoeuvres, and dangerous and unpredictable events. Such as my internet connection failing constantly.

16:51:23 -

Not sure the kids will like that one, Reevesah. Anyway, onto MotorStorm, the original of which sold more than 3 million copies worldwide. MotorStorm Pacific Rift is of course on-screen now, promising "raw, thrilling off-road racing" in "stunning" environments. Here's Paul Hollywood, the game's creative director. He's "pumped up", according to Reeveso.

16:48:22 -

A reward system will give out bonus points for teamwork, which can be used to earn persistent rewards, to level up, etc. More on that in the next few months. "Bottom line...we think it's going to be breaking new ground for the PS3," he says of competitive action, "but that's just a quarter of the game".

16:47:28 -

Every squad is assigned dynamic objectives. They want to keep squads apart to avoid situations where people tread on each other's toes, and they're conscious of the opposite becoming a problem, too. "There are always five or six players for whom you develop an intense hatred," says the otherwise friendly-looking Price.

16:46:40 -

Graphically that was a bit shonky, but to be fair it clearly hadn't been lit properly and Price said it was a work in progress. Chimera will be in multiplayer too, he says, although we didn't get to see them today. He's now acknowledging that 60-player support needs intimacy to actually work. "Battles within battles." Five smaller skirmishes between squads will take place in each 60 person fight.

16:45:32 -

Video. Woody sort of town with canopies overhead. Players racing through the streets, giant Chimeran craft in the sky. "Work in progress" is stamped on the screen as a bloke with a sort of shield bubble thing walks past. There's a man with a mini-gun, some Iron Sights action and a GPS-looking thing in the top corner.

16:44:37 -

We're going to learn more about Hale and the Chimera and where they came from (so probably not "a joke shop"). Eight-player co-op has its own story, characters and their own progression, rewards etc. Today though, we're going to talk about Competitive. "Six months away from appearing on shelves," he reminds us.

16:43:40 -

He wants to talk about all four, bless. will be completely revamped, adding "the kind of social features you'll find in sites like FaceBook". Wicked. This stuff will be tightly integrated with the game. He's not going to show the Campaign, he says, but this time we focus on Hale as he heads home to the USA.

16:42:34 -

And now we're onto Resistance 2. He's even brought someone to talk about it. Aha, Ted Price, president of Insomniac Games. "Welcome to London," he says to Ted, who says "thank you". R2 will "focus equally on four areas" - community, campaign, co-op and competitive.

16:41:48 -

It's similar to the one we saw at the first PS3 E3 all those years ago with an aerial landing craft and lots of wide open vistas and things zooming around in the sky. The leathery graphics of the E3 2007 demo remain. A stunning glimpse to be followed with hands-on once Reeves finishes up.

16:40:54 -

I'm glad we're having really irritating technical problems because it gives me a chance to have that heart attack I've wanted for a while. He's talking about Killzone 2 now, and says it is launching in "February next year". Onto a trailer.

16:35:56 -

The starter steps for user-generated content are customising your PSN profile and perhaps making a theme, says Reeves. Each registered SingStar user has bought an average of six songs, he says. Guilty. I've had 30, actually. For shame. He's running through how My SingStar Online works. 20,000+ videos uploaded, and he's showing some.

16:35:39 -

(Sorry about technical issues, readers. It's frustrating for us too.) Reeves is now onto the subject of PlayStation Network and user-generated content, which has "captured the imagination" of people, apparently. A "wide variety of titles" will emerge supporting this, he says.

16:32:05 -

"We have sold more PlayStation 3s throughout Europe than Xbox 360," he says, despite 360's launching a lot earlier.

16:31:21 -

Reeves thanks Hirai and moves back to the subject of games. He says they've moved away from a per-platform focus.

16:31:16 -

LBP in October will "revolutionise" the way people interact with games. He says unique, exciting and accessible games will make PS3 the staple diet for gamers - including casual and social gamers. He's now handing back to David Reeves.

16:31:07 -

"Our confident in Home has not wavered," he says, promising we'll see more on the show floor. Moving on, he turns to PSN, with "over 8 million" sign-ups worldwide and 3m in PAL territories.

16:30:46 -

Home will be "open to the public towards the end of the year", he points out, referencing the TGS announcement. He also apologises for the delay and reiterates that he won't open up Home until he's "completely happy with it". "As great as it currently is, it needs a little more time". Autumn.

16:30:35 -

GT5P, LBP, MGS4, Resistance 2, Haze, MotorStorm 2 and Buzz are the key pillars for 2008 on PS3, says Hirai. Along with Blu-ray and PlayTV, it's an "easy decision" to make PS3 the centre of your gaming and entertainment habits, he says.

16:30:28 -

The first year had teething problems, threats from competitors and some disappointment among punters, Hirai says, but "things have improved greatly" since late last year, and 2008 has "got off to a great start". He also points out that GT5 Prologue and GTA IV are the only major PS3 releases so far.

16:30:07 -

He's returning to the subjects of his TGS speech, including the "greater sharing" of knowledge and assets with devs. He reckons we're "seeing real steps in quality" and developers choosing PS3 as their primary format. "I've always thought of PS3 being a long-term play for us" he says, reckoning a 10-year lifespan is on the cards.

16:21:56 -

"Ultimately it's the games that define the PlayStation," Hirai says. Sony will be pushing "PS3's multi-faceted entertainment credentials" today along with its games.

16:21:42 -

He says that next week will see proper new sales figures for hardware revealed in Tokyo, but that the end of '07 stuff they've already reported was PSP - 34 million, PS3 - 10.5 million, PS2 - 127 million.

16:21:06 -

Says that the PAL territories are really important and that there's a lot of product being developed here, including Buzz, SingStar, Formula 1, Killzone and LittleBigPlanet.

16:20:54 -

David Reeves has arrived on stage. "Welcome to our PlayStation Day" he says. He's introducing Kaz Hirai, pointing out that he hasn't spoken publicly since TGS. Kaz is on stage to share the "wonderful" range of games and services PlayStation has to offer.

16:20:32 -

It's starting off with a montage of Sony product videos - LittleBigPlanet, echochrome and friends. "Play brings us together" apparently. Killzone 2 also appears as we're told that Play is a thousand stories waiting to be told. Now there are shots of MotorStorm launching from Home.

16:15:17 -

Starting very soon, we're assured. Small admin note: we've had to switch to LiveText Tech Solution Delta, so you might notice a reduction in pace.

16:13:24 -

[sorry, we're having a couple of technical hiccups. We'll be back with you soon - Ed]

16:01:11 -

According to my lanyard, the "sampling" period after the conference will give us hands-on access to the likes of Killzone 2, LittleBigPlanet and Home, and MotorStorm 2 is called MotorStorm Pacific Rift. But you know that, assuming the people I left behind put it on the Internet when I ordered them to. Anyway, I'm going to stop wittering until something happens.

15:57:38 -

Probably also because my desktop wallpaper is a flying electronic bat bearing the slogan "COM-BAT!!!1111oneoneone".

15:57:06 -

Unless this is the first games industry press conference in history to begin on time, we've probably got a few minutes to go before anything happens. People nearby are regarding me suspiciously because I'm clacking away.

15:56:33 -

Kaz Hirai and David Reeves will both be talking to us this afternoon, we can confirm, so expect a mixture of graphs and product demonstrations.

15:56:24 -

Good afternoon from the Millennium Dome (I'm not calling it The O2). We're installed in an auditorium surrounded by veiled PlayStation pods in the shadow - well, lifestyle glow - of a massive screen showing PlayStation animations, with a podium off to one side of it.

LBP October confirmed!, :woot:

Edited by Audioboxer
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bla bla bla... numbers numbers numbers...

I like how they get the boring stuff out of the way and leave a clear path for the good stuff :-)


16:38pm: Oh snap. Killzone LBP mash-up. We all thought it was the wrong video. **** the bed, LBP is going to rock. Claps. CLAPS!

haha, that cracked me up :laugh:

/me keeps blowing off work to read the live blogs :p

Edited by morficus
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16:40:54 -

I'm glad we're having really irritating technical problems because it gives me a chance to have that heart attack I've wanted for a while. He's talking about Killzone 2 now, and says it is launching in "February next year". Onto a trailer.

KZ2 2009!

Was never confirmed for 2008, but a bit of a bummer.

Guess launching two massive FPS titles within a month of each other wouldn't be a good idea anyway (N)

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Feb 2009 for KZ2 :-( (wasn't looking forward for that game anways, so w/e)

on to R:FOM 2!

can't wait for them to talk about HOME! more about the PS Eye


He wants to talk about all four, bless. will be completely revamped, adding "the kind of social features you'll find in sites like FaceBook". Wicked. This stuff will be tightly integrated with the game. He's not going to show the Campaign, he says, but this time we focus on Hale as he heads home to the USA.


I <3 web-site + video game intergration. Especially when it's more than just leaderboard info (kind of like what the Live! does with achivments, last played games and such)


16:47pm: 60 player online won't be a massive 60 player war, it'll be split up into 4 mini-battles, with squads and rival squads, and squad objectives.

mini-battles w/squads eh? that's a nice twist on your clasic FPS multiplayer mode :yes:

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PR from RFOM2,


We're going from 40 to 60 players... but we don't want games to devolve to chaos.

Rallying cry is MASSIVE BATTLES, MORE INTIMACY. Battles within battles.

Every 60 player battle is comprised of five battles and squads vs. squads. How do the squads know what to do? Dyamic objectives are assigned to them to tell them what to do. It also keeps them spread out across the map.

Rival Squads: Every squad has a rival squad that has a counter objective. You're always fighting against that squad. There will be five or six players that you'll always be fighting. If they cheap shot you, you'll be able to find them and extract revenge. Ted's favorite part of competitive.

Rewards: Persistent rewards and progression, constant points, we'll be talking more in the next few months.

Bottom line, it has a lot to offer, we'll be breaking new ground for online and PS3. As we get closer to launch, stay tuned for more.

By the way for those at work with sites banned -;p=589378736

I'm still updating what both live blogs are saying within that post.

MGS4 Europe Bundled confirmed!


4:49 BST

Metal Gear Solid 4 will be launched 12th June, with an exclusive MGS4/PS3 40GB bundle.

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about Motostorm 2:

"This is not just a pretty backdrop." It's a Marks & Spencer backdrop? No, but it does have interactive vegetation. It also fights back, apparently, so shrubs will take you down if your vehicle isn't big enough. However, smaller vehicles can follow big ones through vegetation. Water also won't be just a backdrop, and has forces, flows and buoyancy.

so in place of making the driving more realistic, they are focusing on making the interaction with the environment more realistic. Again... a very nice twist that not many (if any) racing games do at all.

this game may actually flex that PS3 cell-proc muscle :)

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I think even Duke Nukem Forever is going to come out before KZ 2.

There never was a set release date and we've just been given our first :rolleyes:

By the way, PSN has new trailers up, and supposedly the HAZE Demo is up for downloading, im checking now!

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Confirmed. Playstation Day trailers, High velocity bowling, Blast factor advanced, Street Skater, Condemned 2 Demo, Haze Demo, Mike 'The Strike' Diaz game pack and Buzz Quiz TV trailer. Haze demo 1557 MB.

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12:30:39 -

Any content can be watched using Remote Play he says, as everyone wonders if they've sorted out the watching-at-the-same-time-as-gaming thing. He doesn't say, just moves on to Go!Explore, which launched in a few European territories last week. It's a state-of-the-art sat-nav system, doncha know.

12:29:38 -

Reeves is now talking up PlayTV. It launches in September and will retail at EUR 99. Someone drops something. A key focus is to deliver a high level of connectivity, says Dave. Every programme recorded on the PS3 hard drive can be exported to the XMB and stored there with other videos.

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There never was a set release date and we've just been given our first :rolleyes:

Yeah, I know... but now the game really needs to be good, 'cause the hype is fading away.

2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

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Yeah, I know... but now the game really needs to be good, 'cause the hype is fading away.

2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

Well they haven't shown anything for about a year, that's obviously going to lower hype.

As I posted above, someone captured the new trailer shown - (sound screws up during capture)

Game will be playable on the floor as well, so it shall get many more videos over the next day or two I expect.



Animation looks good, but we knew that from last year

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Please post your Haze thoughts once you've played the demo. I'm not downloading 1.5GB worth of demo if it's awful.

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Please post your Haze thoughts once you've played the demo. I'm not downloading 1.5GB worth of demo if it's awful.
I've been playing for a while now. It's pretty good. Looks ok and moves in that good ol' Free Radical way. I'd call it very solid based on what I've seen so far.

Multi-player intrigues me and may change the balance of things completely.

Actually, I think I quite like this. Walking through the jungle is quite immersive. And using Nectar is quite addictive.
Frame rate is v?ry good. Don't know if it's 60fps, but definitely very smooth, no frame drops, no tearing.

It's a jungle level, looks like Uncharted, but no plants move when you touch them. A little hazier / more misty too.

Enemies are regular bad guys so far, but when you take some of that nectar stuff, you gain special powers and the enemies stand out in a bright, orange color. Sort of like a thermal vision, but without affecting your view (the colors and brightness) of everything else. Only enemies turn into those bright, ghost-like things.

Controls and camera very good, feels just like TimeSplitters. But a little more fluent (last TimeSplitters I played was #2, has there been another sequel ?)

So far, so good.

Impressions, but not mine, im 51% downloaded.

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When is Canada getting the demo?

Most likely Thursday when store updates normally are.

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