Event ID: 10016 - cannot edit security tab in DCOM Config

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The machine-default permission settings do not grant Local Activation permission for the COM Server application with CLSID


to the user NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE SID (S-1-5-20) from address LocalHost (Using LRPC). This security permission can be modified using the Component Services administrative tool.

The solution to this problem is:



This problem may occur if either of the following conditions is true:

? A program with the class ID (CLSID) that appears in the message tries to start the COM component by using the DCOM infrastructure. However, the user does not have the required permissions to start the COM component.

? The Network Service account does not have the correct permissions.

However, when I follow the instructions (the article is for XP 64bit but I'm using Vista and the steps follow the same) I don't have the ability to edit settings in the "Launch and Activation Permissions" tab in the DCOM properties.

This DCOM function is related to Thumbnail Cache Out of Proc Server. Having look at the time it was created (and there's dozens of entries covering several minutes), it might be to do with thumbnail creation in my external HD where I store all my videos (which have a wide range of formats including rmvb, avi, mkv and mpg)

See screenshot for the tab where I'm having difficulty:


I'm running dcomcnfg from an administrator account with administrator rights.

I've been unable to find a solution to the problem of being unable to edit the above Security field.

Can anyone help?

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  • 8 months later...

I have the exact same problem. Googled this and nobody seems to have the solution.

Any ideas? Seems to crash my media computer after a while (this is my "Media" PC that I uses to serve videos, music and pictures to my PS3 and other PCs)

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  • 1 year later...

I had the same problem with grayed out/disabled security tab in DCOM configuration.

This one helped me, just replace 'CertSrv Request' with the name of your DCOM component and

the key {D99E6E74-FC88-11D0-B498-00A0C90312F3} with the key of your DCOM component:


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