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Here's the story :

1 pc & 1 laptop .

PC = wireless PCi & 10/100Mbps PCi .

Laptop = has all .

I want to get internet on laptop though a wireless network between pc & laptop while pc is connected to internet using 10/100Mbps PCi network card .

Picture is useful .. Thanks a lot .


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I recommend doing mac address filtering and dont bother with encryption.

Kidding budman ^_^

Definantly set up a passkey on the page where it asks to choose a security type, I dont have vista at work but if you can use WPA or WPA2. And a decent Passkey, not something like passwordizzle. But random #'s letters would work best. Right it down/save it in a text file :)

Your better off getting a wireless router, you'll save time and money, the way you have it in the picture means the laptop cannot connect to the internet without th pc being on.

Try this setup, oh, and you'll need to download a LLTD Responder for the XP computer (no matter witch setup you use).


Edited by Gally

Not sure on the prices in Romania.. But as stated going that route is not the way to do go about it.. Now if you already had a wireless card for your PC it would be one thing.. But if your in the market to buy a wireless card to set it up this way?

Thats crazy -- buy a wireless router instead.. Will save you a load of headaches!!

As to make and model -- anything that supports 3rd party should be fine. the wrt54GL would be a good choice. But really anything on this list should be fine.. Find something that falls within your budget.

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