[Ext] Glasser - Add Vista Glass to Firefox

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Just thought I would reply, sorted the glow


So can we get the code for this? :)

Here is my current setup


I pulled this code from this theme (http://userstyles.org/styles/5189) to get the tabs and and status bar themed like this it goes in your userChrome.css

.tabbrowser-tabs {
  -moz-appearance: none !important;

.tabbrowser-tab:not([selected="true"]):hover {
NvZnR3YXJlAF1w/zoAAAALdEVYdERpc2NsYWltZXIAt8C0jwAAAAh0RVh0V2FybmluZwDAG+aHAAAAB3RFWHRTb3VyY2UA9f+D6wAAAAh0RVh0Q29tbWVudAD2zJa/AAAABnRFWHRUaXRsZQCo7tInAAAAW0lEQVR4nCXDPQqDQBCA0fHT9Ydd8Qg2KXN/RK9jI9qFODOuhBQ+eDLNC9t+cOUbyxk15zTna85HHfWL056af+WqJSKCFBVCQAhUoaWuO5o2EmNPSgMpDYzv1x/uYCVPmghWvQAAAABJRU5ErkJggg==") repeat-x center !important;

.tabbrowser-tab[selected="true"] {
  min-width: 150px !important;
NvZnR3YXJlAF1w/zoAAAALdEVYdERpc2NsYWltZXIAt8C0jwAAAAh0RVh0V2FybmluZwDAG+aHAAAAB3RFWHRTb3VyY2UA9f+D6wAAAAh0RVh0Q29tbWVudAD2zJa/AAAABnRFWHRUaXRsZQCo7tInAAAASUlEQVR4nN2OywkAIQxEZfrvx5M9WJBv8GCCCrsNGAgk82NKbV02AguGwPEjgwgusdzF+dAEdnriXrg/dVdOege7k7f+p2d5YCZtF5EcLumtXgAAAABJRU5ErkJggg==") repeat-x center !important;

.tabs-bottom {
NvZnR3YXJlAF1w/zoAAAALdEVYdERpc2NsYWltZXIAt8C0jwAAAAh0RVh0V2FybmluZwDAG+aHAAAAB3RFWHRTb3VyY2UA9f+D6wAAAAh0RVh0Q29tbWVudAD2zJa/AAAABnRFWHRUaXRsZQCo7tInAAAASUlEQVR4nN2OywkAIQxEZfrvx5M9WJBv8GCCCrsNGAgk82NKbV02AguGwPEjgwgusdzF+dAEdnriXrg/dVdOege7k7f+p2d5YCZtF5EcLumtXgAAAABJRU5ErkJggg==") repeat-x bottom !important;

.tabbrowser-tab .tab-text {
  color: white !important;

/* ::::: Status Bar Style ::::: */

statusbarpanel {
  -moz-appearance  : none !important;
  border: none !important;
NvZnR3YXJlAF1w/zoAAAALdEVYdERpc2NsYWltZXIAt8C0jwAAAAh0RVh0V2FybmluZwDAG+aHAAAAB3RFWHRTb3VyY2UA9f+D6wAAAAh0RVh0Q29tbWVudAD2zJa/AAAABnRFWHRUaXRsZQCo7tInAAAASUlEQVR4nN2OywkAIQxEZfrvx5M9WJBv8GCCCrsNGAgk82NKbV02AguGwPEjgwgusdzF+dAEdnriXrg/dVdOege7k7f+p2d5YCZtF5EcLumtXgAAAABJRU5ErkJggg==") repeat-x center !important;
  color: white !important;

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my current layout


The WoW Music Games Tech are all my favorites with drop downs... The heart on the right is the Tiny Menu extension, I just used an icon instead of the actual text. Of course using Glasser extension and some stylish themes as well.

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I got three questions for modifying the firefox style.


1. How do i get this space smaller?

2. Is it possible to fix the width of the search-box?

3. Is it possible to make the status-bar also glasser?


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Just thought I would reply, sorted the glow


Code please, I fiddled about with it but not managed to get it looking like that!

Also I have a slightly modded version of glasser that keeps the rounded url. I can posted the modded overlay.css, but need permission first before I can do so. 6Xgate, is it ok to post that here?

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Code please, I fiddled about with it but not managed to get it looking like that!

Also I have a slightly modded version of glasser that keeps the rounded url. I can posted the modded overlay.css, but need permission first before I can do so. 6Xgate, is it ok to post that here?

Goodness, I've been looking for a way to get the rounded URL bar back. You wouldn't be able to send me a PM would you?

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@gamergod, can I please also get the code for the rounded url bar. Ive tried fiddling about but cant get it right. :rolleyes:

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Long time no post, but I am working on a nice skin which uses Glasser...


This is all done with Stylish, nevertheless, I really want to know a way to 'move' the Titlebar text. So it can be just like Longhorn, nice big letters above the address bar. Is there a way to do this? Or is it impossible?

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Long time no post, but I am working on a nice skin which uses Glasser...


This is all done with Stylish, nevertheless, I really want to know a way to 'move' the Titlebar text. So it can be just like Longhorn, nice big letters above the address bar. Is there a way to do this? Or is it impossible?

Looks nice. Any chance of getting the code for the bookmark toolbar section (the colour).

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It's not a color but it's a base64 PNG image. When I have time I'll upload it, it is just a tempbar though, I want to make something special :)

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Ok, i fixed my questions 1 and 2 myself with this code:

max-width: 220px !important;
min-width: 220px !important;
-moz-margin-end: -7px !important;

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@ 6XGate; any luck contacting the author of the new tab button extension? You wrote that you would release it if you couldn't get in touch with him, and now his site is also down. Any chance of that happening? I prefer this particular extension to others such as Tabs Mix Plus etc.

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Ok, I have been trying to get this modded for ages, and almost succeeded in getting it how I like. I now have a properly curved url, and got rid of the stupid yellow secure site bar, which is now the default colour.

However, even though I am able to slim the identity box, so there is no gap. The seach box is still 1px deeper than the url bar. Does anyone know the code the for the google icon box?

For example the identity box is


Here is a pic of work in progress.


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Ok, I have been trying to get this modded for ages, and almost succeeded in getting it how I like. I now have a properly curved url, and got rid of the stupid yellow secure site bar, which is now the default colour.

However, even though I am able to slim the identity box, so there is no gap. The seach box is still 1px deeper than the url bar. Does anyone know the code the for the google icon box?

For example the identity box is


Here is a pic of work in progress.


Could you please give me the instructions on how to achieve the rounded url bar using glasser. Thanks.

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Could you please give me the instructions on how to achieve the rounded url bar using glasser. Thanks.

Ok I have finished the modding. Download glasser, and rename it to .zip. Then open in winrar and browser to glasser-1.0.16-fx-win.zip\chrome\skin\classic

The paste the file below in there. Rename the file to xpi, and drag to the firefox window to install. Restart and voila!


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