DD-WRT + rflow collector?

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Hi All,

My friend has a bunch of students living with them and the students

are using all her bandwidth in a week, they are then throttled by the

ISP back to dialup - ouch.

Anyway she has a router with DD-WRT on it, and I was looking at

putting some traffic monitoring software in place to see who the

offender is.

I have googled it and seen some info on rflow collector, but am still

trying to get my head around how it all fits together.

If I understand what I have read so far correctly then:

1. Mysql stores the data in a table

2. rflow collector writes the data to the database

But does rflow collector also display the data or is another program


This is on a Windows XP Machine.

I have tried Open Xtra MRTG and NTOP on my PC, but it only seems to

monitor whats happening on my NIC not the router?

Please any help or suggestions appreciated.



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You do not need mysql running to just view the traffic in real time.. You setup your router to point to the box that is running rflow collector, ie yours. The router will send the traffic info to the collector software, which will then display it.

Another option, since you have already found NTOP, is to just use setup rflow in the router to send the traffic to a box running NTOP. Here is a example of doing it.. its a bit more complicated than your setup -- but gives you the idea

In this example they are actually watching the traffic from site B at site A ;)


You just have 1 site -- so much easier to setup.

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