Run Elevated is missing from EXE right click

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Have you disabled the Secondary Logon service? If you have, that gets rid of the "Run as" option.

wow... nice first post there..... :) I learned something from that.

Lots of people run vlite or turn off services that they have no idea of all their secondary uses. Just think, oh i don't never need a clock cuz i have several on my desk and my room. Then something else fails and they say the OS totally sux. There are just so many dependensies these days.

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wow... nice first post there..... :) I learned something from that.

Glad you did!! Sadly my 3rd post is going to be entirely less informative and useless because thats really the only suggestion I had. You're right about vlite and stuff like that, I used to use nLite to remove stuff but to be honest it's better to disable it incase you need it back...which is quite likely.

Back to the topic, if it's just one specific thing you need, try going into the compatibility tab and ticking the "run as administrator" box, failing that, you could try using ShellRunas. Neither are obviously ideal as it doesn't really solve the problem, just provides an alternative. Sorry!

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The "runas" verb appears to be registered under HKCR\exefile (HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\exefile\shell\runas).

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