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mmm. damn, ergo blue looks good with tango icons.

blargh. too many possible combinations, not enough time/machines to run them all.

Stop posting in this thread, you keep getting my hopes up :p !

I'm just joking, by the way :laugh: .


The toolbar image needs to be changed for the shellstyles. I like the way it is right now as well but when someone enables the shellstyles, the toolbar will look to ugly.

What exactly is this toolbar background you speak of? Do you mean the bar where the Back, Up, Search buttons, etc. are located?

I too would like to know.


I think it's shadow on top left :) I like it.

Oh, is that what it means? In that case, I like it (Y) .


Without the shellstyle, a normal explorer window uses the "comboboxbevel.bmp" image. That image isn't used when a shellstyle is enabled. The toolbar will look weird without a line at the bottom, which is why I have to add it to the toolbar. It'll make the line thicker when there's no shellstyle in use.

I never planned on making a shellstyle for this visual style so there wasn't a dark line at the bottom of the toolbar image. So shellstyles break the visual style in an ugly way

Without the shellstyle, a normal explorer window uses the "comboboxbevel.bmp" image. That image isn't used when a shellstyle is enabled. The toolbar will look weird without a line at the bottom, which is why I have to add it to the toolbar. It'll make the line thicker when there's no shellstyle in use.

I never planned on making a shellstyle for this visual style so there wasn't a dark line at the bottom of the toolbar image. So shellstyles break the visual style in an ugly way

if you want to have that line at the bottom of the toolbar just make it a part of the shellstyle itself.

same goes for the inner shadow of the left window frame.

just a quick mod of the shellstyle i've used in clearlooks:

I thought about doing that but I've got no ideas about how to add and remove stuff from a shellstyle. I'll ask dis, who made the Emico shellstyles, if he can add the line into the shellstyle.

I searched around and didn't see this bug reported. I am using XP SP3. I found a bug in all the Watercolor themes. When I apply a style and set the Active Title Bar size to 23 (or any odd number) the title bar image is off by 1 pixel vertically in non-maximized windows. Here's 2 screenshots that show the bug in Olive Classic with Active Title Bar set to 23px:





It's not a huge issue since I can just use an even number and the bug goes away. Anyway, thanks for making these beautuful VS's!

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