Looking Sharp - Opera's new skin

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Hmm not keen on the new skin... In my opinion Opera can never get it right.

+1. I've never liked the old one, but it looks great compared to the new one.

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I'm no Mac user, but even I think that Mac screenshot looks horrible... From what I've observed, it seems nobody except Apple can design a decent interface on the Mac when it comes to browsers, though I haven't personally tried Shiira or Camino.

For those that are unaware, keeping the interface the same on all platforms is probably due to allowing anybody to jump on any platform that has Opera and just start using it. It would feel natural because it allows a person to browse as they normally would, regardless of the platform. That's what I think anyway...

I do like the new look of Opera, but like others have said, tabs could be smaller. I like how the tab bar is above the nav bar. As more toolbars are added, they push down the tab bar further and further. The same is true in Firefox 3. That is probably the only thing I dislike about any tabbed browser that I have used.

Overall, great job!

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out-of-date, maybe, especially if you think everything should look as flashy as Vista UI or KDE4 (which I love, too). But clunky? the Opera (now) Classic UI is one of the most simple, non-intrusive, and functional UI for a browser (IMHO), that's actually one of the major reasons why I love Opera so much, and switched from IE/Firefox/Konqueror to Opera, because of the minimalist UI.
Easy there, Tiger... :)

Firstly, I wouldn't use Vista if you paid me to do it. You're not considering doing so, are you? I think it's one of the ugliest Operating Systems produced. I fail to see how people are deducing that the new Opera skin looks like Vista, other than it has a gloss effect. If that is the prerequisite of having a Vista look and feel, then many things were Vista premonitions.

When I say "clunky" I refer to things looking "thicker" than they need to, in the same way that many Windowblinds skins are. One example is the border around the tabs. The tabs also have an unfortunate gradient on them that makes them look much "fatter" than they need to. I just looked at screenshots for KDE4 and I can see why you mention that you like both the existing Opera look and the KDE4 look. They both suffer from the same problems, in my view.

But hey, design is so subjective...

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^ You need the latest build from the blog post linked in the first post.

Thanks for that! Downloaded and installed!

Am typing from it now, and I'm not so sure about the new skin.

It looks good, there is no doubt, but the usability may be doubtful. It seems a little TOO dark and grey if you ask me. The buttons to the rights of the tab bar are very hard to see what they are, even when they light up.

Also, I don't like the small close tab 'x' that appears on each tab - it's small and positioned towards the top of the tab, so you have to be fairly precise to close a tab. It should be larger in my opinion to make it easier.

I'll probably find more niggles.

I haven't yet found a browser that I'm totally happy with from both the looks department and usability/features.

I like IE7 best for the simplistic usability, and it also looks fairly good, but new tabs open and close too slowly for every day use, so I'm using Firefox 3 rc2, which comes close, but I find the tabs and tab bar a bit too slim!

I think the previous Opera skin looks best though. Clear and simple, with just enough eye candy (fading buttons and colours etc).

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Gosh, I dunno. The Fast-forward and rewind buttons have always seemed kinda stupid to add to the UI by default.

But when the look almost exactly like the back and forward buttons, you're just making it even more confusing.

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Oh dear. :x

Well, on the brighter side OS X has the better Firefox theme.

This theme looks good. But Opera still needs a bit more work on OS native look integration. On Windows it isn't too bad (but terrible for some custom VSes, and probably worse for Windowblinds skins). For OS X and Linux (on Gnome at least) it looks out of place.

Screenshot of native and standard:




New icons look great. They complement this VS well.

Edited by rm20010
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Ugh--i'll be left in the minority that can't stand this on either platform. Some non-native and out of place design inside the native shell? Just awful.

As Alan Cooper said, "No matter how cool your interface, it would be better if there were less of it."

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the bars to me look to be about 50% larger vertically than they need to be. the tabs are massive. It's an improvement definetly but I think it'd look better if they squished those bars down a bit. nice none the less

Yeap, I agree.

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There seem to be some odd tab design going on here that contributes to the "fat" tabs.

The small red X button on each tab is on top there, seemingly needlessly. Because the tab texts are cut off in advance, almost as if to make room for the red button (that isn't in the way, because it's on the top). Opera should do one of two things: decrease the horizontal tab width from the benefit they have gained by having the close button above the text, or realign the close buttons to be vertically aligned with the texts and instead of being attached to the top, have them be attached to the right sides, thus being able to decrease the tab height significantly. The latter design idea being identical to what Firefox and IE 7 uses.

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It's beautiful. Fat, but nice. I hope that guy who's working on Duo finishes it in time for this Opera 9.5. Or maybe... someone could make a matching VS. :huh:

By the way, what theme are you using there, Mephistopheles and Dogan?

And what about the Linux/Gnome/whatever version, could anyone upload a screenshot of it?

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Any picture of the new Opera on linux?

Which one would I use on Ubuntu 8.04? Theres like 5 debian files. If it looks the same on linux as old versions to thats just ignorance then on Operas part and i really wouldnt want to try it then.

Edited by Boktai1000
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My main issues :

Dont like the placement of new tab button. It keeps shifting and its annoying.

The close tab button is a bit too small.

The tabs bar is too thick.

Other than that, great job. Really looks cool and sexy while being easy on the eyes.

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Any picture of the new Opera on linux?

Which one would I use on Ubuntu 8.04? Theres like 5 debian files. If it looks the same on linux as old versions to thats just ignorance then on Operas part and i really wouldnt want to try it then.

The Qt4 version under Fedora (window manager: Blackbox):


For Ubuntu 8.04 I would suggest the Qt4 version.

Edited by Mephistopheles
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I think I belong to the minority who didn't like it. Too thick, close buttons are too small, file menu's too out of place, and the triangular joint things are.. well, too Window Blindsy.

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I have to agree that the tab bar is simply too big - it's wasted space. I'm also not a fan of the placement of the close tab cross, as it's a bit small and should be right in the corner. Other than that it looks pretty funky and the black looks very professional, though Firefox 3 does what I want at the moment. I really hope Opera keeps progressing as there are only a few things left preventing me from using it as my default browser.

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I think I belong to the minority who didn't like it. Too thick, close buttons are too small, file menu's too out of place, and the triangular joint things are.. well, too Window Blindsy.

Count me in to the minority. In my opinion the skin is ugly on all platforms, with the Mac OS X version being the worst.

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it's a very nice theme. Opera has been my main browser for years after trying firefox many many times. Now this theme makes me switch from tango theme to the default one (Y)

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