Looking Sharp - Opera's new skin

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Wow. I absolutely love this skin and I love Opera! Opera 9.5 final or 10 final... whichever it will be is going to be better than Firefox 3.0!

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Some fast changes to the skin have just been released, get it with the new Opera 9.5 build.

Turtle Wax

By toman. Friday, 6. June 2008, 17:38:00

300 skin comments in a day We have tried to polish at least some of

the areas you commented on:

Improved contrast between active and inactive tabs in the tab bar

Higher contrast for the text on inactive tabs to increase readability, especially on laptops

Brighter background in the panels

A tiny bit more color: We added the Home button as default by popular demand

We tuned the color intensity of the color themes (Tools: Appearance: Color scheme) to be more usable with both this and other skins. Try it out again!

Improved visibility of the scrollbars

Buttons no longer grow wider when you press them

Nicer background for security status on https pages

WARNING: These are development snapshots: they contain the latest changes, but they also have severe known issues, including crashes and data loss situations. In fact, they may not work at all.

Known issues:

Dragonfly does not work when JavaScript is disabled.


Fixed the panel selector dropdown

Fixed all search related bugs in the previous snapshot

Changed default Speed dial search engine from Yahoo to Ask

Made it possible to set a custom title for the Developer Tools (Dragonfly) Window using <title> in the tool top level document

Fixed a plugin crash


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Count me in to the minority. In my opinion the skin is ugly on all platforms, with the Mac OS X version being the worst.

Same here. The default theme should blend in with the OS.

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Argh. After downloading the updated build I recognised an ID-10-T error of mine: Opera used the 'Macintosh native' skin in the screenshot I posted earlier, not the default skin.

/me flagellates self

That said, here's a screenshot of the updated default skin. Under Mac OS X.


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I think I belong to the minority who didn't like it. Too thick, close buttons are too small, file menu's too out of place, and the triangular joint things are.. well, too Window Blindsy.

I think it is a large improvement over the old theme but I agree with these points, this is just the first version so hopefully it gets fine tuned. The icons sure look a lot better.

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Argh. After downloading the updated build I recognised an ID-10-T error of mine: Opera used the 'Macintosh native' skin in the screenshot I posted earlier, not the default skin.

/me flagellates self

That said, here's a screenshot of the updated default skin. Under Mac OS X.


Now that looks better (Y)

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Uh, what a progress... Opera's design has been changed from an ugly skin which doesn't fit any Windows theme to an ugly skin which slightly fits Windows Vista's default theme... great...

Another reason why I'll stick with Firefox... that's not intended as a flame, but looking at the screenshots posted here (and after having tried it myself under Windows XP) I think those guys @ Opera don't have any clue of usability...


Though I guess that some Opera users here don't even care what's been changed but that anything has been changed...


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I hope they tailor the size better to whatever resolution people are using, as I suspect that's where a lot of the complaints are coming from that it's too big. I run 1680x1050 so I like it a lot. :)

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Well, it's been a month, it's time to try and get mildly frustrated with Opera.

It just annoys me that a bunch of obvious things don't work right out of the box:

1. It's too agressive with caching-- i. e. a login system that redirects to itself doesn't always load the new page. The fix: Turn off "show recently viewed pages".

2. The "new window" button becomes "new tab" unless I switch off the default behaviour of "open windows as tabs". It almost seems like it's taking the "be very tab-oriented" thing too literally for its own good.

3. How come I can't make the tab bar disappear if there's only one tab? I suspect it stays even when directed to collapse-if-unused for the sake of the new-tab button.

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Well if i can recall Opera looked horrible on Linux last time i checked (default skin anyways, didnt play around much) and this is an improvement imo but I still wont be using it. I do want to see what it ends up looking like in the long run though and with a few tweaks they could make it look alot nicer.

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Well, it's been a month, it's time to try and get mildly frustrated with Opera.

It just annoys me that a bunch of obvious things don't work right out of the box:

1. It's too agressive with caching-- i. e. a login system that redirects to itself doesn't always load the new page. The fix: Turn off "show recently viewed pages".

2. The "new window" button becomes "new tab" unless I switch off the default behaviour of "open windows as tabs". It almost seems like it's taking the "be very tab-oriented" thing too literally for its own good.

3. How come I can't make the tab bar disappear if there's only one tab? I suspect it stays even when directed to collapse-if-unused for the sake of the new-tab button.

Well for number 3, you have to right click on the tab bar and go to customise and then tick 'show only when needed'.

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