[Foobar] IBIZA by Br3tt

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i B i Z A

ColumnsUI & Panel Stack Splitter config for foobar2000 v0.9.4, v0.9.5 & v0.9.6


click below for full view :


First release : 17/06/2008

Last Release : 26/10/2008

Version : 2.0b NEW!


ColumnsUI Config using Panel Stack Splitter give to foobar200 a kick ass look, but these configs are not recommended to newbees to foobar2000, DefaultUI is a better choice is you don't know how configuring a component and if you don't know a little bit titleformatting script used in foobar.

--- use at your own risk and matching your foobar capacities ---


- ColumnsUI 0.3 beta2 preview9 or higher - foo_ui_columns.dll

- Panel Stack Splitter 0.3.4a or higher - foo_uie_panel_splitter.dll

- ELPlaylist or higher - foo_uie_elplaylist

- (Chronial) Cover Flow 0.3.0 or higher - foo_chronflow.dll

- Graphical Browser rev015 or higher - foo_uie_graphical_browser.dll

- Lyric Show Panels or higher - foo_uie_lyrics.dll

- Track info panel mod 0.8.0 or higher - foo_uie_trackinfo_mod.dll

- Quick Search Toolbar 2.8l or higher - foo_uie_quicksearch.dll

- Channel Spectrum Panel 0.16 or higher - foo_uie_vis_channel_spectrum.dll

- Album list panel 0.2.3beta or higher - foo_uie_albumlist.dll

- Playlists Dropdown 0.6 alpha4 or higher - foo_uie_playlists_dropdown.dll

- WSH Panel 0.7.2 or higher - foo_uie_wsh_panel.dll

- (optional) last.fm radio 0.5 or higher - foo_lastfm_radio.dll


- Segoe UI

- Angelina

- Smirnof

- Uni 05_53

- Wingdings


get files from DA : http://br3tt.deviantart.com/art/IBIZA-foobar-config-91437036


1) extract .7z archive in the default foobar2000 folder (must be C:\Program Files\foobar2000\)

2) run foobar with ColumnsUI as interface

3) go to preferences -> ColumnsUI -> Main -> use Import Button to import the ibiza20b.fcl file, apply the imported layout !

4) you may have to configure stand alone components like Quick Search Toolbar, Cover Flow, Lyric Show panel ... cause the configuration file do not contains my settings (not stored in the .fcl)

5) you may have to change the PATH for covers and artist photos for each components using them, simply rigth-click on the component to update --> enter settings of the component --> modify the path for the variables cover.path and/or artist.path, generally coded in the first line of the code of the component (graphical browser, ELPlaylist, Panel Stack Splitter)

6) modifying PATH of covers and artists photos for the background Transparency in ELPlaylist :

- transparency is ON by default, if nothing appear (so looks like it is OFF) it is because the PATH for covers and Artist Photo is mine and you have to modify them !

=> the more easy way if you don't know how to find the code for the Panel Stack Splitter that contains the ELPlaylist panel is explained here :

=> rigth-click in the back space (2 pixeld high!) just between the top line just above the playlist and top of the playlist, see below and follow instructions to modify the PATH of your covers and Photos :


...to make the transparency brighter or darker, modify the __TRANSPARENCY__ value in ELPlaylist Settings [0-255] ... default value (for my brigth monitor) is 100 :


/// STARTUP possible Settings ///

1/ Playback Order

- to set the playback order to use on startup, you have to go to Splitter Settings (rigth click on the playback button bar except on the rating system! ---> Splitter Settings ...)

in the list of panels used, you'll find at top 3 panels (which are only used as boolean) : Playback Order Default, Shuffle & Repeat

==> to select which you want to use on startup, select which you want to display and on the rigth of this list, uncheck the box 'Hidden on startup' ... for the 2 other panels check the box !!!

2/ Left Panel display

same way, but select in the list of panels 'Left Panel' and use the box option to hide or show the panel on startup.

3/ Split Panel display

same way, but select in the list of panels 'Split Panel' and use the box option to hide or show the panel on startup.

/// CHRONFLOW JScript ///

// Author: mil3s (moded by br3tt for point of view)

// General Notes:
// Most of these functions return an array with 3 elements
// These are the x,y,z coordinates in 3d-space
// x is left to right
// y is bottom to top
// z is front to back

var coverSpacing = 0.12;

/************************* COVER DISPLAY *****************/
// These functions define the Display of the single Covers
// The given parameter coverId is a floating point number.
// It is 0 for the center cover, 1 for the one right
// beneath it, -1 for the one on the left side and so on.
// During movement the values float between the integer
// values.
function coverPosition(coverId){
	var x, y, z;
	y = 0;
	if (Math.abs(coverId) <= 1){ // The centered cover
		z = 4 + 0.5 * (1 - Math.abs(coverId));
		x = coverId * 0.875;
	} else { // The covers on the side
		z = 4 - (Math.abs(coverId)-1) * 0.01;
		x = 0.875 + coverSpacing * (Math.abs(coverId)-1);
		if (coverId < 0)
			x *= -1;
	return new Array(x, y, z);

// return array is (angle, x, y, z) - this rotates
// the cover *angle* degrees around the vector (x,y,z)
// With (0,0,0,0) the cover is parallel to the x-y-Plane
function coverRotation(coverId){
	var angle;
	if (Math.abs(coverId) < 1){ // The centered cover
		angle = coverId * -60;
	} else { // The covers on the side
		if (coverId > 0)
			angle = -60;
			angle = 60;
	return new Array(angle, 0, 1, 0);

// Defines the the size boundaries for the cover.
// Aspect ratio is preserved.
// Return Array is (widht, height)
function coverSizeLimits(coverId){
	return new Array(1, 1);

// Sets which point of the cover coverPosition() defines
// (-1,-1) means bottom left, (0,0) means center,
// (1,1) means top right, (0, -1) means bottom center etc.
// The cover is also rotated around this point.
function coverAlign(coverId){
	return new Array(0, -1);

// Defines the range of covers to draw.
// Return array is (leftmostCover, rightmostCover)
// This interval shouldn't be larger than 80
// The center cover is 0.
function drawCovers(){
	return new Array(-30, 30);

// In which direction should the fov be expanded/shrinked
// when the panel is resized?
// If this returns (0,1), the height is fixed.
// If this returns (1,0), the width is fixed.
// You can also return stuff like (0.5,0.5) or (7, 3)
// The values determine how important it is for this
// dimension to stay fixed.
function aspectBehaviour(){
	return new Array(0, 1);

/************************** CAMMERA SETUP ****************/
// Position of the viewport
function eyePos(){
	return new Array(0, 0.90, 6.0);
// Defines the point for the eye to look at
function lookAt(){
	return new Array(-0.0, -0.75, 0.6);
// Used to rotate the view.
// The returned Vector points upwards in the viewport.
// This vector must not be parallel to the line of sight from the
// eyePos point to the lookAt point.
function upVector(){
	return new Array(0, 1, 0);

/************************** MIRROR SETUP *****************/
function showMirrorPlane(){
	return true; // return false to hide the mirror
// Any Point on the Mirror Plane
function mirrorPoint (){
	return new Array(0, 0, 0);
// Normal of the Mirror Plane
function mirrorNormal (){
	return new Array(0, 1, 0);


As said above, ColumnsUI Config using Panel Stack Splitter give to foobar200 a kick ass look, but these configs are not recommended to newbees to foobar2000, DefaultUI is a better choice is you don't know how configuring a component and if you don't know a little bit titleformatting script used in foobar.

--- use at your own risk and matching your foobar capacities ---

enjoy! ;)

Edited by Br3tt
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ColumnsUI will not import ibiza. it complains that 'track info' is not present.

1) have you installed track info and track info mod components like listed ?

2) if yes, have you got some error message at the launch of foobar about track info ?

3) are you running XP or Vista ? (i use vista)

4) Import works well for me, check the version of ColumnsUI you are running ?

i hope you'll find the pb :)

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1) have you installed track info and track info mod components like listed ?

2) if yes, have you got some error message at the launch of foobar about track info ?

3) are you running XP or Vista ? (i use vista)

4) Import works well for me, check the version of ColumnsUI you are running ?

i hope you'll find the pb :)

Thanks for the fast anwser. I must be going blind.

You linked to all the components and I did not see them...

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Thanks for the fast anwser. I must be going blind.

You linked to all the components and I did not see them...

link to package added in a second time, so you're (maybe) not blind ;)

please give me feeback about it and tell me if you are running XP or Vista please, thanx.

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I thought I' give it a try but when I try to import the FCL I get an error:

The layout import was aborted because the following required panels are not installed:

NG Playlist GUID:(loads of letters and numbers)

I've got no clue what an NG Playlist is :x

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link to package added in a second time, so you're (maybe) not blind ;)

please give me feeback about it and tell me if you are running XP or Vista please, thanx.

I am running XP. I Have not succeeded in getting it to work going to try again.


Now its installed. but I does not find the artist picture.

I have it in the same folder as my mp3 files.

It does 'see' my cover picture its in the same location and its called 'folder.jpg'

Edited by Hawk999
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I thought I' give it a try but when I try to import the FCL I get an error:

The layout import was aborted because the following required panels are not installed:

NG Playlist GUID:(loads of letters and numbers)

I've got no clue what an NG Playlist is :x

:shiftyninja: you're using an older version of columnsUI, check the version i recommand!

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Now its installed. but I does not find the artist picture.

I have it in the same folder as my mp3 files.

It does 'see' my cover picture its in the same location and its called 'folder.jpg'

see point 5 of my installation notes !

"5) you may have to change the PATH for covers and artist photos for each components using them, simply rigth-click on the component to update --> enter settings of the component --> modify the path for the variables cover.path and/or artist.path, generally coded in the first line of the code of the component (graphical browser, ELPlaylist, Panel Stack Splitter)"

so you have to replace the line of code :


by this one (if your artist photo is named artist.jpg else modify this below) :


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see point 5 of my installation notes !

"5) you may have to change the PATH for covers and artist photos for each components using them, simply rigth-click on the component to update --> enter settings of the component --> modify the path for the variables cover.path and/or artist.path, generally coded in the first line of the code of the component (graphical browser, ELPlaylist, Panel Stack Splitter)"

so you have to replace the line of code :


by this one (if your artist photo is named artist.jpg else modify this below) :


Br3tt I found the code:

You gave:


I changed it in:


Without the '%' before and after the 'artist' part of the jpg file.

Now the only problem I have is that the album art is gone in the playlist

that shows the 'ON AIR' message. That's not a problem as I use the other playlist.

Thanks for this config. It's really nice!

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Now the only problem I have is that the album art is gone in the playlist

that shows the 'ON AIR' message. That's not a problem as I use the other playlist.

Thanks for this config. It's really nice!


you have to set the path for cover in NG Playlist, see below :


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you have to set the path for cover in NG Playlist, see below :

That worked!

Thanks again for all the support Br3tt.

Appreciate it. :)

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Got everything working except the "Kroeger 05_55" font. I have found and installed a lot of different fonts named just like that but I keep getting the "start" button and the list complaining it's not installed.

Any ideas? Or where to find the right one, as I seem to have failed miserably :p

After some more googling I found the version it liked :p

thanks alot for this, looks great

btw, any simple way to disable or remove the rating and that 'start' button on startup? if not, then I'd just learn to ignore it. thanks again

Edited by naserbaser
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Got everything working except the "Kroeger 05_55" font. I have found and installed a lot of different fonts named just like that but I keep getting the "start" button and the list complaining it's not installed.

Any ideas? Or where to find the right one, as I seem to have failed miserably :p

After some more googling I found the version it liked :p

thanks alot for this, looks great

btw, any simple way to disable or remove the rating and that 'start' button on startup? if not, then I'd just learn to ignore it. thanks again

ok, i explain why Start screen always display at each launch :

- ColumnsUI and Panel Splitter don't have permanent variables like PVAR in PanelsUI, so, you can't save the layout disposition on exiting or playback order for example ... that is a big lack comparing to PanelsUI.

so i can't say 'Show Start Screen only on time at the 1st launch' and i'll not remove it cause i need it to set some variables at the launch, cause the only way to set some variables is using a button to execute a command.

You know all now ;)

btw it is not very hard to click a button at each launch of foobar, no ?

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ok, i explain why Start screen always display at each launch :

- ColumnsUI and Panel Splitter don't have permanent variables like PVAR in PanelsUI, so, you can't save the layout disposition on exiting or playback order for example ... that is a big lack comparing to PanelsUI.

so i can't say 'Show Start Screen only on time at the 1st launch' and i'll not remove it cause i need it to set some variables at the launch, cause the only way to set some variables is using a button to execute a command.

You know all now ;)

btw it is not very hard to click a button at each launch of foobar, no ?

Oh, okay :)

It wasn't a complain, just a question with a great answer, so I'm all good now :)

The only thing is it doesn't work very well when trying to play for example .mp3 directly from windows without foobar being opened first. But that's not a real problem, I'll just have to remember to keep foobar started :) No worries.

Thanks again for an awesome config, really appreciate the work

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v1.1a released, update .fcl file and images folder too (added new buttons and deleted unused images)

thanx to report me bugs ;)

Edited by Br3tt
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v1.1a released, update .fcl file and images folder too (added new buttons and deleted unused images)

thanx to report me bugs ;)

Br3tt, I don't see the 'Lock' picture.

I can lock the play list so the functionality is there but there is no 'lock' graphic.

I hope I am making sense to you.

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i am also missing the lock button, and also the icon on far left to hide/show the left hand panel too....

nothing removed, they are present !!


@nFHQ|MaTrIx : the button is not showing ? just refresh your images/ibiza folder with the lastest images.7z archive :wacko:

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