Is anybody actually happy

Are you happy with your PS3?  

163 members have voted

  1. 1. Are you happy with your PS3 purchase?

    • Yes indeedy
    • Not really
    • I'm undecided at the moment

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I use my PS3 more than my 360 and Wii, but that's due to me watching TV shows/Movies, not playing games.

Games would go, 360/PS3/Wii - On the average obviously. As of late no console has been touched games wise really due to MGS4. Wii gets a lot of use when friends are over, but not really any use on my own.

I use my PC more than any of my consoles for gaming though, TF2 :wub: Probably wracked up more than 100 hours on it ;) WoW ate a lot of my time as well, although I've kinda stopped playing it.

I only own GTA4/Warhawk/Pro Evo 2008 and MGS4 for my PS3. As well as PSN titles.

Previously owned Resistance, but I sold it when I sold my 60GB. Sold Pro Evo 2008 with it as well, but I rebought that off a mate for my PS3 for ?10.

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I use my PS3 more than my 360 and Wii, but that's due to me watching TV shows/Movies, not playing games.

Games would go, 360/PS3/Wii - On the average obviously. As of late no console has been touched games wise really due to MGS4.

I use my PC more than any of my consoles for gaming though, TF2 :wub: Probably wracked up more than 100 hours on it ;) WoW ate a lot of my time as well, although I've kinda stopped playing it.

I only own GTA4/Warhawk/Pro Evo 3 and MGS4 for my PS3. As well as PSN titles.

For me games would go PC/360/PS3/Wii, i only touch the wii to beat AAA games, i finished Mario Galaxy, Metroid, zelda and then i just randomly tried a couple of other games but i RARELY play it, the homebrew scene is cooking up some good things so it might start getting more play time soon....

TF2 rules, such a good game and its funny that you mention that you have 100 hours on it, because that is exactly the amount of time i have racked up with it, check here: exactly 100 hours LOL :D

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For me games would go PC/360/PS3/Wii, i only touch the wii to beat AAA games, i finished Mario Galaxy, Metroid, zelda and then i just randomly tried a couple of other games but i RARELY play it, the homebrew scene is cooking up some good things so it might start getting more play time soon....

TF2 rules, such a good game and its funny that you mention that you have 100 hours on it, because that is exactly the amount of time i have racked up with it, check here: exactly 100 hours LOL :D

I was wrong, 161 hours :p

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I'm not happy with it due ot a lack of games I'm interested in, but its definitely not the worst purchase I've ever made so I'm not sure where to vote in the poll.

I clicked the the no option, but not because its the worst purchase I've ever made but because I'm not happy with it so I can't click yes and I'm sure I'm not happy with it so I'm not undecided.

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I'm not as satisfied as I am with my 360 purchase, but Sony are getting there :)

Metal Gear definitely contributed to the worth of my PS3. It was hardly used before.

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I bought the PS3 for two reasons, Blu-Ray and Metal Gear Solid 4. I finally have MSG4 and I am happy. What the system really needs is better exclusives. I only have three games for it and they have all been exclusives. Uncharted and Resistance are the other two. I even have a launch console. Although my first one did break on me. So if they can make more and better exclusives it will be more worth it in the long run.

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Because anyone and their dog can vote.

When all the topics get rated 1 star, no one exactly leaves a message at the end of topic saying "I rated your post 1 star".

Plus why didn't you just add "No".

Someone can be unhappy with their purchase, but that doesn't mean it's the worst purchase they've ever made.

Exactly. If you had even taken a course on statistics before, you'd know that biased poll options lead to biased results.

I don't understand why the option has to be "No, it was the worst thing I ever bought"

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I like it, and use it all the time, so I'm happy with my purchase. :D

Though I wish people who rate a topic or vote in a poll are forced to comment, so we don't get people who just vote because they don't like Sony/Playstation without even owning the console.

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I guess so, none of the consoles have impressed me. The PS3 is probably the best of the worst even though i don't play it that much.

They've lead me to believe that PC gaming should still be Tops.

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I'm planning to get a next-gen console soon and am currently leaning about 70/30 towards the PS3 after thinking about it for about 2 months (how long I've been waiting for the money to come through :( ). It seems relevant, so here is my reasoning:

- I mainly play racing games and semi-realistic shooters on my PC. Ignoring non-exclusives, the PS3 has GT5:P (and GT5 eventually), F1 Championship Edition, Ridge Racer (which I liked on the PS1) and MGS (never had it for PS1 but always wanted to play it) while the 360 has Forza Motorsport 2 (looks very good, but so few tracks?) and Project Gotham Racing.

- The Xbox 360 has far better online gameplay, but you have to pay for it, which is a downer for someone like me who doesn't play online much. I'd rather get one extra game a year.

- Have to spend loads on AA batteries or pay for a charging kit. Together with the Live subscription, the price difference between the consoles becomes much smaller, which makes it much harder to justify missing out on Blu-Ray and the better games (for me anyway, if you like the mutant/alien/weird shooters then I can understand choosing the Xbox 360).

- The Xbox has just one steering wheel, which doesn't look as good to me as the ones available for the PS3 (namely the expensive Logitech - G25 I think).

- Reliability still concerns me with the Xbox 360, even though the newest ones are apparently fixed. Wouldn't feel comfortable owning something with such a high failure rate.

- Blu-Ray and the consoles appearance are good bonuses.

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Yes, I'm very happy with my PS3. I didn't even have that doubt when I got it that I'd regret getting it, like I did initially with my DS. Though buying my DS was very much spur of the moment - me and one of my mates decided sitting in the sixth form common room we should get DS's then we went and got them. PS3 I spent a few weeks before looking at various videos (for GT5P and MLB 08 The Show) and reading about other people's experiences with it. My DS rarely gets used now I've left sixth form (Mario Kart/Bomberman matches with friends at lunchtimes or during free periods). It will do when I go away on holiday though and I'm still glad I got it, good handheld.

I'll be honest, until about a month before I got my PS3, if anyone had asked me which console I'd get, I would have said 360. The mix of GT5P/MLB 08 The Show and Blu-ray won the PS3 over for me (after HD DVD "died" - also the format I initially preferred).

I love the fact you can put any 2.5" SATA HDD in to replace the standard one. I only learnt that when I was reading the manual as GT5P installed. I'm currently thinking of getting a 250GB HDD in, so I can watch more HD videos on my PS3. (such as Valve's "Meet the..." series for TF2.)

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I'm happy with my 40gig, though I am considering selling it to a buddy and picking up the MGS bundle. Just gets a bit tedious to switch over to the ps2 to play some rpgs since the ps3 is lacking. But other than the rpg scene, i love my ps3. its pretty. and not oversized. and makes me have a warm fuzzy feeling inside all the time. even though its monthly power costs *may* be as pricey as a girl.

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Happy with my 40GB. I admit until GTA 4 and MGS4 came out, I was starting to regret buying the PS3, but now I'm really in love with the thing. It's the only console I need this generation, it has all the games I want in the near future. Happy with my purchase definitely.

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for being a late adopter im still indifferent. I feel the ps3 is lacking the amount of must have titles im used to seeing on their side, mainly in the RPG genre .

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I'll have to agree with alot of you that I wasn't very happy when I first bought the PS3. Lack of games and not being able to play movie files originally put me off. I had a 360 as well and I played that much more than the PS3.

That all changed pretty much when I bought Rock Band for the PS3 and of course COD4 & GTAIV came out, my friends & I played PS3 non-stop and was also the focal point of having BBQ's and Beer parties, everyone wanted to come over because (3 Bedroom House in the Hills) I was the only one that had one and my girlfriend seemed to want to come over more because everyone was there, her friends, man it's a blast now!

Then I got heavily involved into the MKV2VOB project which when I started there were only about 4 Pages in the forum thread on it. It has grown to 116 pages and people are discovering they can play 720p/1080p blu-ray quality movies on the PS3 just by copying the files to the PS3 hard drive. So again another break-through which has brought me even closer to the PS3 and friends are always calling me to watch all of the new releases in HD. The Divx playback capability helped as well but I'm more interested in High Def programming and movies.

I recently sold the 360 because there is no need for it. I stopped playing it and most games that I want to play anyways are not exclusive to the 360, Gears of War 2 is coming out which I really want to play but can't justify keeping the console around just for a few releases.

Anyways, so that pretty much sums up why I like my PS3 over any consoles I currently own, Oh and I can still play Tekken 3 :D

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for being a late adopter im still indifferent. I feel the ps3 is lacking the amount of must have titles im used to seeing on their side, mainly in the RPG genre .

Name some RPG'S on the 360/Wii?

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Blue Dragon, Mass Effect, Two Worlds, Lost Odyssey, Enchanted Arms, Fable 2.

I forgot about those. Now name some good RPG's on the 360 :laugh:

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Yeah, I regret buying my PS3. I believe it was a waste of money.

I already own a 360, which I now think is the better console. There is just nothing to play on PS3! That being said however, I do use my PS3 for media quite a bit. MKVs converted to VOBs w/ 720p H.264 & 5.1 AC3 is great. I own UTIII, Ratchet and Clank, and Uncharted. R&C + Uncharted were both great games (R&C is my favorite series of all time). UTIII is awful, and was a waste of money.

I wouldn't recommend a PS3 to someone who already owns a 360, but Call of Duty 4 and other cross-platform titles would make a standalone PS3 a great investment (in addition to Blu-ray). Sadly, the best multiplayer PS3 games are cross-platform (COD is a prime example) and I believe Live is better than PSN, so multiplatform is bought on my 360.

Addition: I do not even want to rent MGS4, which is a system seller for lots of people. (Stealth games bore me)

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I forgot about those. Now name some good RPG's on the 360 :laugh:

lol. Name some good ones for the PS3. :D

Mass Effect though is a fantastic game. I actually hope you people who only own a PS3 get Mass Effect 2 and 3. Hopefully they will release it in a package so you can get the first one also.

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