Add "Remove Temp Files" to Right-Click Menu

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Clear and erase your Temporary Files Easily

Free-up more space in your Hard drive! After Reading some questions on how to remove temporary files manually in Windows Vista and XP. Thankfully, Something pops-up in my head, If I will create a small program or script and be able to delete the temporary files in just one click, That would be Great!

Delete %Temp% files and folders (User Temp Folder), and Windows Temp Folder in Windows Vista

If WScript.Arguments.Count > 0 Then

Set objApp = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

objApp.Run "cmd.exe /c " & Chr(34) & "rmdir /S /Q %temp%" & Chr(34)

objApp.Run "cmd.exe /c " & Chr(34) & "rmdir /S /Q %SystemRoot%\temp" & Chr(34)


Set objLaunch = CreateObject("Shell.Application")

objLaunch.ShellExecute "wscript.exe", Chr(34) & WScript.ScriptFullName & Chr(34) & " RunAsAdmin", , "runas", 1

End If

Open Notepad > Just Copy and Paste the Code Above and Save the the file to Any filename that you want with extension ".vbs"

e.g. deltempfiles.vbs

Or If you're afraid to commit a mistake, just Download the file, here:

Adding the Script to Context Menu:

1. Download WinBubble

2. If you prefer to manually add the entry to Computer, Desktop, Start Menu, Folders Context Menu, Read here:

Adding your applications to Context Menu (Right-Click Menu)

3. Using WinBubble:

Go to Miscellaneous Tab > Click the Computer Button > Type Any Name. In this guide, let's try "Remove Temp Files" > Click the Browse Button and locate the VB Script File > Add wscript.exe before the path and enclosed the path in a quotation mark (").

Name: Remove Temp Files

Command: wscript.exe "C:\Tools\deltempfiles.vbs"

Click the Add Button. That's it!

%Temp% Folder Only


If you want to clear the User's temporary Folder only because UAC will not prompt to elevate the command:

Repeat the steps from 1 to 3 and use the script below:

Set objApp = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

objApp.Run "cmd.exe /c " & Chr(34) & "rmdir /S /Q %temp%" & Chr(34)

Download: UserTempFileOnly.vbs

Also, you can use this to Clear your Personal Temp Folder when Windows Starts. Just drag the Shortcut to Start Menu > All Programs > Start Up Folder.

That's it!

Ok, you Want to learn How it was created?

My First Step:

How to Run VBScripts as Administrator in Windows Vista

Enjoy!!! Please post any suggestion for the tip. Thanks in Advance :)


Hello Guys, First I would like to thank everybody that help me in this version.

I will now declare, WinBubble 1.73

as the most popular version of WinBubble!!!

How? Please try to search using Google.

Most of the features in this version is NOT MINE. It is a Requested by the Users which Amazingly proven to be useful and popular.

Again Thank you very much Guys!!!!!!

Edited by LawrenceAlbert
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