Christmas Themes

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Is anyone making any Christmas Themes?

If not then consider this a request.

Either go for the snow or just the kind of christmas red, green and gold stuff.

Also, anyone making any NINTENDO GAMECUBE related themes? I've got a nice Boot screen already. ;)

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Admit it, we all use to make our desktop christmas colours in prevous versions of Windows, so let's have some themes you design peeps! I'd make it my self if I knew how...

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Originally posted by Nidonocu

Try a good old fashioned reinstall, works with nearly everyting. ;)

That was the first thing I did =) Didn't really feel like screwing with it to see what's wrong. The problem was that everytime I tried to apply the theme or compile gave me some error saying...blah blah blah could not apply theme blah blah blah. Can't remember it exactly...but it was quite annoying..especially after I tried to apply the default theme without changing anything!! =) Oh well..maybe I'll give it another shot later.

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If it says it can't find the theme file, then just ignore that, it still compiled it, so just goto the template folder and double-click the msstyle file inside.

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Originally posted by Binary

If it says it can't find the theme file, then just ignore that, it still compiled it, so just goto the template folder and double-click the msstyle file inside.'s not says something about an invalid parameter or something when applying. I'll post the exact message when I get home later.'s the error that I get when applying:

"The visual style could not be applied, Unknown property."

Maybe there's a new version that fixes this. I'll get the latest version and see what happens.

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Yup a christmas them would rule, maybe a candy cane taskbar, a ornament (maybe presents?) hanging from or on the start planel, maybe the start button glows like rudolf's nose etc.

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I know it's likly to be a pain, but can you convert it into StyleXP? Or get someone to do it for you? It looks really good, but 1. my WB has run out and 2. it slowed down my machine.:roll:

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That skin will definitely slow down your machine. Have you tried WB3 though? It's just as fast (if not faster depending on your video card) as a visual style. But that's a different discussion anywya.

Unfortunatley, no, the skin can't be made into an msstyle.

Here's why:

The right edge is significantly bigger than the left (see how the wreath sticks out?). And the edges have an irregular shape (the snow). And the performance woudl really hurt (msstyles isn't that optimized for handling irregular shapes as others have pointed out here).

But I am working on another skin that I may make into an msstyle as well that is somewhat simpler.

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Frogboy ... where did u get the wallpaper for the candycane theme ... it looks real good ...

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Yes, but we would prefer something better than just a recoloured luna. Something with..umm.. pizzaz?:paranoid:

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At the risk of being repetitious :

Snow for Windows - desktop snow for that warm and fuzzy holiday feeling :

Holiday Lights - Festive bulbs around the edge of your screen for even more warm and fuzzy holiday feelings (not just for Christmas) :

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I'm sorry, but I already have the lights and we are looking for xpThemes. Not just decorative ways of colouring our own.

Infact, I do have a christmas xpTheme, which I d/l'ed from one of various sites but I was hoping to get a second in order to decorate some of the other users desktops without two people having the same one.

Just to keep people diffrent. ;)

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