Full page, pop up, flash ads, etc

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If you have been getting full page, pop up, flash ads, etc, on the site we apologize. These are not intentional and we're working to stop them. Our ads are managed by a third party company, we will be in contact with them to figure out why this is happening and stop them.

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Mail I sent today:

Hi Jennifer,

Our members and staff are complaining about a new ad that is appearing on Neowin?s pages, it is a ?pop-up? full page flash ad that shrinks to the size I am sending you now (see attached pictures). We never agreed to such an ad-campaign and all it?s going to do, is cause our members to add Neowin to their ?blacklist? because we have stated time and time again that we won?t ever do such ad?s on Neowin.

We only use Netshelter and VibrantMedia, and since Vibrant is just text links I have to assume these are coming from Netshelter.

What?s the deal?



Nice try, I hope you read Marshalus's and my posts carefully, then you'd understand that this incident was out of our hands and was dealt with quickly (by me).

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