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Make awesome LBP levels, get job at Media Molecule

Dev "watching closely" for potential recruitments in LBP community

LittleBigPlanet dev Media Molecule will be "watching closely" to recruit the best community designers to work as part of the dev team, it told CVG.

Speaking in a recent interview, producer Pete Smith also dismissed previous concerns that it would enforce a charge on the best user created content.

"We've got plans for the future which I can't talk about," said Smith when we asked about the potential of users charging for levels.

"If a user becomes known as being great at making levels, I can't say we wouldn't but I don't think we'd want to take his level and then charge people for it, because it's free - that's the whole premise of the game."

He added: "However, we will be aware of who those awesome designers are and certainly there's the potential to get them building levels as part of the dev team."

Smith went on to explain the potential for a number of users to be "commissioned" to work on levels. "I think if we were gonna do that we'd rather get the top ten guys and commission them to make some amazing stuff for us," he told us at the Leipzig Games Convention last month.

And you might even land a job on the team. "But we'll be watching it closely, because it'll be a great way for us to recruit great new designers," said Smith.

Look for the full interview on these pages soon.

Source: http://www.computerandvideogames.com/article.php?id=196254

So, we?re getting closer to that final gold disc and thought we might share some of the work Kareem has been doing on the lighting:


Source: http://www.mediamolecule.com/

I'll cry like a baby when this goes gol:p:p

LBP Beta is still on for September

Hi all, here's your guide to what a beta test is, why it happens in the first place and what the different is between internal, external, public, private, open and closed.

A beta test takes place in order to test aspects of a game that cannot be checked using internal testing and QA staff. This is usually because of the number of people required to adequately test the game is far beyond the size of internal test departments. Often these tests are looking to ensure that balance, stability and various online functionality is working as planned, being conducted with enough time to make changes should the test indicate that work needs to be done.

Beta tests are described in a variety of ways, so here's a quick breakdown of what these various descriptions mean :

Internal - a test conducted only with people who work for the company (beyond normal testing staff)

External - conducted with people who don't work for SCE.

Closed - a beta test involving a finite number of people. Testers will be placed under Non Disclosure Agreement, meaning that they cannot discuss what they've seen in the game.

Open - a beta test that may be joined by a large number of people with no special requirements, usually with a straightforward form to sign up from . Testers may freely discuss the game on the internet.

Public - means the same thing as external.

Private - means the same thing as closed.

Limited - only a finite number of people will be able to join.

Invitation only - just as it says, only those invited will be able to join.

Most important to note is that a beta should never be considered a demo of the game. Expect it to break, expect to be asked to give feedback and expect it not to work all the time. A beta test is part of the development process for games, it's not a means of selling the game, advertising it or otherwise offering some kind of extended trial.

In terms of LittleBigPlanet, the game itself is all but complete however we're looking to run a test of the sharing, uploading, downloading and multiplayer server side of the game before it launches to ensure that under a large number of users it does everything it is supposed to. This kind of testing is often referred to as a Stress Test, however we're looking a little more deeply into the game experience than simply throwing thousands of players at the online side of the game at the same time.

So, here's all the information you need regarding LBP's test.

There will be a limited public beta test for LittleBigPlanet in September. If it will be possible to "sign up" for this test, full information on how to do so will be made public in advance of the test. Similarly if the test is going to be conducted in an invitation-only we will let you know ahead of time.


ok...im so getting a ps3 next month thanks to this game altho i was thinking about getting one for socom and kz2 ect ect...but this game seals the deal....just waiting for mah extra pay check next month and hopefully will be getting the new 160gig ps3 next month when released!! :D

I wasn't sure if there was an official thread for LittleBigPlanet, so heres some news.


Is this one of those LittleBigPlanet billboards?

Posted Sep 6th 2008 1:00PM by Majed Athab

Last month, we posted about a marketing campaign for LittleBigPlanet which involved spreading hidden yard sign-sized LittleBigBillboards around major cities such as L.A., San Fran, and NYC. The hidden signs are small enough for someone to pilfer and, in fact, Sony encourages you to do so. However, how will you be able to go about your thieving, Fagin-like ways if you have not a clue as to what these miniature billboards look like? Perhaps the above image is legit enough to point us in the right direction.

It sure does look legit; it's got the ladder and lights which match the description. But that's not good enough for us; we need a bit more than that. Let's say ... send us a pic if you yourself find such tiny billboards in your city. We'll also be keeping an eye out over here in NYC. If the billboard is the real deal, then that "October 21" release date plastered on the sign has got us quite excited for next month. See more images here.

Link>>> http://www.ps3fanboy.com/2008/09/06/is-thi...net-billboards/


The first billboard has made it's way to eBay


Well, Sony told us eBay it. And it looks like jonnoj04 is the first one to answer the calling -- the seller has put up number 99/1000 of the limited edition LittleBigPlanet signs up for sale on the online auction site. He/she didn't even have to resort to stealing to obtain it -- this individual was told by the landscapers of the area where it was planted the sign would be removed soon and allowed him/her to take it.

The auction begin yesterday at $0.99 but it is already up to $21.50 with the auction ending this Friday. The shipping costs range from a little under $10 to a little under $15. Will you be spending your cold-hard cash bidding on this? Or will you be keeping your own eye out for one of these limited edition babies? Decide after you take a look at the auction right here.

Source: PS3 Fanboy

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