[Official] LittleBigPlanet: Play, Create, Share!

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Can't wait for the unbiased reviewers to get their hands on, I am considering buying it actually.

I'd never take the word of an official mag. though.

+1 although the gameplay videos and screenshots I have seen seem to be living up to the hype... I am still undecided if I will pick up at launch... ill try and get into the next wave of beta to help convince me to pick it up

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Can't wait for the unbiased reviewers to get their hands on, I am considering buying it actually.

I'd never take the word of an official mag. though.

I agree! I couldn't believe when he said it was a 6 because the beta I've been playing has been fantastic! I honestly can't see this getting less than an 8.5/10 on any review, and most will be 9 or 10's

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Argh, 96% on level 3, the rest are 100%. Can't find the other 2 items :(

Pretty sure I know where they are ;) (I've got 100%)

In the section where boots lift you up, on the second boot once it lifts you up, you'll see a crest on the wall with a lion sticker outline. Need to put the lion sticker on it!

Now... the lion sticker. Where is it?

Do about 3/4 tutorials in edit mode and you unlock it ;)

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Pretty sure I know where they are ;) (I've got 100%)

In the section where boots lift you up, on the second boot once it lifts you up, you'll see a crest on the wall with a lion sticker outline. Need to put the lion sticker on it!

Now... the lion sticker. Where is it?

Do about 3/4 tutorials in edit mode and you unlock it ;)

I missed that completely at first.

Thanks to Audio I found the last few items on the second level, which ironically were right at the beginning, I had just never noticed the star, lol.

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Some people...









I missed that completely at first.

Thanks to Audio I found the last few items on the second level, which ironically were right at the beginning, I had just never noticed the star, lol.

Yeah I spent hours absolutely turning level 2/3 upside down to find everything :p

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Some people...



Yeah I spent hours absolutely turning level 2/3 upside down to find everything :p

Yea, I can't wait to get into the create mode, its just finding the time where I can really get into it.

And I was going through the levels for ages not remembering about the stickers and wondering if I was missing a huge chunk of the levels lol.

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Pretty sure I know where they are ;) (I've got 100%)

In the section where boots lift you up, on the second boot once it lifts you up, you'll see a crest on the wall with a lion sticker outline. Need to put the lion sticker on it!

Now... the lion sticker. Where is it?

Do about 3/4 tutorials in edit mode and you unlock it ;)

Is that the shield type thing? If so, I don't have the sticker but got the items in co-op :p

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Is that the shield type thing? If so, I don't have the sticker but got the items in co-op :p

Yeah, as I said, get the sticker in edit mode by going through 4 tutorials I think it is.

Put it on the shield, and 2 stickers drop from above!

If you bounce up high enough from the shoe, you can actually see the wee green cutout in the ceiling where the stickers are.

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I think I've already got those items from co-op. I'll have a look tho :)

It's not the co-op items.

The badge is above the co-op part.

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Update on the D+Pad Beta key give away "All winners have now been notified and keys have been sent out."

Time to go and check 15 email accounts lol

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Full of fail. I guess that's what happens when they use an old build for the beta :/

They did say maybe they will convert the best levels that are on-line, or at least that is something.

But as you said, it is an old Beta build, while it is rather lame, certain variable for levels might or have changed, so these levels might cause chaos for the retail builds on-line, and if it did, I'm sure people would have a right moan at MM, so I suppose they are mostly covering their bases at the same time.

It is a pity though, I personally wasn't aiming to publish anything myself, but only get use to building things till the full game in case of these such events.

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Um isn't it obvious for LBP?

Getting it out now means there will be levels created for online mode day 1 when people buy.

Rather than online mode being empty, or limited to internal testers levels.

Not so obvious after all i guess... :D

Same thing happened the for the halo 3 beta if memory serves me... Couldn't transfer your saved movies.

Never mind... Least they are keeping a few

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LittleBigPlanet Beta Codes Giveaway first come first serve!

Woo, I submitted a random idea so hopefully I can get a second one for someone.

I knwo one fo my friends has been trying to get in for a while, lol.

More codes... sweet.

Submitted my lame space level idea. Would be nice to try out LBP over the weekend before im back to uni... :p

Rofl, do tell us. :p

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