[Official] LittleBigPlanet: Play, Create, Share!

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Small flat, "on suite kitchen", dinner eaten. Dishes need doing though.

Throw them out the window.

Dishes done.

LBP time.

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Any chance I can play with you? I got in the beta yesterday and I swear I can't find some of these things. lol.

Yeah I got 100% in all 3 levels.

I'm heading out just before 9 (10 mins) for an hour or two, I'll play some when I'm back (Y)

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I might be around. Just send me a message on here.

Quick little edit. Who else needs a beta key?

Edited by Dirk
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i need one Dirk. i tried using xB browser. the first time i got all the way to the part where you type in that security code and all i got was Invalid Code picture... i couldnt go any further. i made some changes in the browser, restarted, but now all i get is the "restricted" page... cant go any further. someone hook a brother up w/ a code?

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Unfortunately, no luck with the proxies. Not as savy as I once was. ;-)

I'd definitely prefer a US code as to not gobble up one for someone else, in that region.

Thanks for the PM's, Sethos and Dirk.

I'll ensure to bring back any extra keys I happen to obtain, after I'm in.

(I am a bit desperate and will take an EU, anyway. :wub:)

EDIT: N/M, all set. Thanks Sethos!

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Anyone else pre-order from ShopTo?

We are now getting a free t-shirt and ?2 voucher instead of the 3" Sackboy Figurine because of "copyright issues".

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So I got one of the EU keys using a proxy but when I go to redeem the code it says the code may not be correct or may no longer be valid.

That's because it's an EU code. You need to use it with a European account. Once you've downloaded and installed it you can play on any account you like.

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That's because it's an EU code. You need to use it with a European account. Once you've downloaded and installed it you can play on any account you like.

I had to create a new account and tell a little lie saying I lived in the UK but that worked and it's downloading.

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I had to create a new account and tell a little lie saying I lived in the UK but that worked and it's downloading.

Well yeah, that was my little hint to you there ;)

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Amazing, thanks .Kick, I will be setting up my PS3 tomorrow, and will start adding people from the thread of PSNs, probably the same group as I have on Xbox 360.

Thanks again, now I dont have to buy extra games, I will have this straight away. :D

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AAGGHHH!!! not again!!!

This batch of registered user keys has been exhausted. However, there are still keys remaining for subscribers!

I have a little food, play some TF2, come back and 10,000 keys go! :( just my luck

Anyone got a spare key they would be kind enough to give me ? I would be most appreciative :)

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Why are you playing and eating when you should be watching this forum 24/7, you have disappointed us :no:

Im' sorry Sethos :( i would go sit in the corner and think about what i have done... but i might miss something else imporant!

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Just amazing in all regards, absolutely so in love with this game, and I have barely even started with the editing, still on the tutorials. Already blown away by the amount of good user levels.



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Just amazing in all regards, absolutely so in love with this game, and I have barely even started with the editing, still on the tutorials. Already blown away by the amount of good user levels.



Awesome (Y)



( Sorry :p )

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Awesome (Y)



( Sorry :p )

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

That my friend is what happens when you work for the man and have to send out several emails to wrap up the work week last thing on a Friday. ROFL

I did not even realize I wrote that, I honestly and truly did not.

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