[Official] LittleBigPlanet: Play, Create, Share!

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Mind = Blown

Did you receive my amazing pinball table, Audio? lol

I got the message whilst watching a film last night lol.

Haven't booted up LBP to check it out yet! :p

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LittleBigPlanet boss "annoyed" by controls

Media Molecule co-founder Mark Healey has admitted that controlling LittleBigPlanet "annoys" him, but insisted the studio can "refine" this after the game releases.

With thousands of gamers currently getting an early experience of the much-hyped title via the beta, some have complained about the basic controls of Sackboy, specifically moving the character between planes in the "2.5D" perspective.

Speaking to Eurogamer TV last week, Healey acknowledged the issue, stating: "The Z [axis] movement is an incredibly hard thing for us to get right. There's times when it annoys me actually, but we can work on that if we want, and refine it. But on the whole, we got to a good place with it I think, because we wanted to cater for my mother and someone that's a hardcore player, so it was hard to get the balance there."

Healey added that the game had been designed so that changes could be made post-release, via a downloadable update.

"There's definitely room for improvement and we've got the channel to be able to do that as well," he said. "I'd really love to be able to do backflips and all kinds of things with my Sackboy, and there's no reason why we can't add that and refine that."

LittleBigPlanet is out exclusively on PlayStation 3 on 24th October. Check out our most recent LittleBigPlanet hands-on preview for more, and watch out for some very special LBP coverage this week and next.

Source: http://www.eurogamer.net/article.php?article_id=254347

Back flips FTW :p

I'm glad they do understand controlling LBP can be frustrating, however the forgiving nature of the game means after the learning curve, even if you're still dyeing, it doesn't make you want to stop playing.

Any refinements though, whether it's tweaking to make easier, or adding movement features is welcomed (Y)

And finally,

The Eurogamer TV Show - LittleBigPlanet audio design special

LittleBigPlanet is quite a big deal. We know that because the entire internet logged into Eurogamer at once when we doshed out some beta keys last month. In order to satiate a bit of your sack lust in the time until release EGTV has recorded a few master-classes from the top dogs at Media Molecule on how to make successful levels. Here's the first, all about audio.

Video: http://www.eurogamer.net/tv_video.php?playlist_id=15372

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Yes back flips are needed, as are sliding kicks and double/triple jumps. Mario 64 basically.

I haven't tried, but I take it you can't use a mouse in create mode? I think that would be cool.

Also, prepare to witness fail in it's purest form, when you see my pinball machine.

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wow, lovin this beta so much i just pre-ordered the game from amazon. the only thing i hope is improved in the final version is the online situation. it lags so much its almost unbearable (i just did a game with kol and it probably took twice as long as it should of to finish the level).

also, can someone please tell me how to get 100% on skate to victory. im at 96 % right now and dont know what else to do. i've done the co-op thing with 2 players, but now im stuck...

edit: i think i need the lion sticker from the tutorials for creating, so i guess i'll watch them...

Edited by houlty
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Very awesome. :D

I hope this is what comes with the Kratos code us ukanians got too, and I'm assuming you have to complete the level to get the extra costumes.

That looks awesome. I actually got a reply from Helen Woodey (Operations Editor) today about my code too, a week after I sent the mail. :)

In short:

  • It was caused by an error at the printers
  • They will send out the codes before LBP is released
  • They will NEED proof of purchase

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Ok, an oddity today.

I went on, played some games with a friend, and then played on my own with some on-line levels, during one I unlocked something, which I don't know what.

But after getting out I had access to two pairs of shoes for my Sackboy?

items keep appearing, its odd, are they unlocking them over time or something?

That looks awesome. I actually got a reply from Helen Woodey (Operations Editor) today about my code too, a week after I sent the mail. smile.gif

In short:

* It was caused by an error at the printers

* They will send out the codes before LBP is released

* They will NEED proof of purchase

Don't want to send her a email and ask if we get this level stuff too with the code do you? :p

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The game is awesome. I have to pre-order it :)

I agree with houlty about the online thing. Played with him and with Corris and it lags to much.

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Just had the multiplayer lock up my system. It has done it about three times now. It does it when other people join. Also how do you get points in the Play, Create and Share thing?

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Just had the multiplayer lock up my system. It has done it about three times now. It does it when other people join. Also how do you get points in the Play, Create and Share thing?

from what i can gather, you get points from playing, creating and sharing. :p

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This game is going to be bigger than KoL's trophy collection!

LMAO hahaha :laugh: :laugh: :rofl: but Corris collection is bigger than mine.

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LMAO hahaha :laugh: :laugh: :rofl: but Corris collection is bigger than mine.

:o Just seen, blimey I really should update mine although it's nowhere near the amount you guys have :(

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:o Just seen, blimey I really should update mine although it's nowhere near the amount you guys have :(

You have a small E-penis which earns you no internet respect, teh noes!

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I signed up just in case I get lucky and some other people don't.

Which apparently just happened. If you guys don't get a code from this shoot me up with a PM. First come first serve.

That was quick. I'll let you guys know if I get anymore.

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LittleBigPlanet - Beta Created Levels

With the LittleBigPlanet beta coming to a close on October 12th at 23:59 GMT, we'll be getting everything ready for the launch of the game.

As many of you are doubtless aware, at present we are not planning to make shared creations from the beta test available in the full version of the game, however we're aware that a lot of time and effort has been put into what you've created so far.

With this in mind we're going to give you the choice! Whether you took part in the LittleBigPlanet beta test or not your opinion counts - would you rather that created levels and items from the beta test were available when the game launches, or would you rather we removed everything and the shared side of the game started from scratch? Vote before Monday October 13th, and we'll go with whichever option receives more votes!

Please bear in mind that what we're talking about here are levels that have been uploaded already, any save game data, offline creations or progress cannot be transferred into the full game.

Source: http://community.eu.playstation.com/playst...MES_general_lbp


EGTV: LittleBigPlanet Expert Design Walkthrough

As many of you who are participating in the beta have probably discovered by now, this level design shenanigans isn't as easy as it might look. Judging by the competition entries we've received, some of you are picking it up quicker than others, but there's always room for improvement. So sit back and soak up a few tips from the master, Media Molecule's Dan Leaver.

11:28 Duration: 12' 13"

Source: http://www.eurogamer.net/tv_video.php?play...&size=large

ps. Dirk I should be on in an hour.

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