[Official] LittleBigPlanet: Play, Create, Share!

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So what about every war game that portrays the Nazi invasions and Germans killing British/Americans?

Don't like the content, don't buy.

I'm glad MM/Sony are fixing this to prevent bad PR, but I find it absurd a big deal is being made out of a currently existing song because it's now in a game.

How about requesting for the album it's on to be re-printed without it? Oh, I didn't think so...

I'm sure now that this is known people have approached him regarding his song. If he is understanting as Sony was, he will remove the references. Nobody is forcing anything on anyone here. If you look at the original email from NSider to Sony, he requested them to patch it and remove it from future copies. I applaud Sony for taking this bold step. But here's a thing nobody can force things on anyone.

Plus the comment about the Nazi invasions. I think you should ask the veterans how that feels. They surely wont like it even if its a game. We are so insensitive.

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Plus the comment about the Nazi invasions. I think you should ask the veterans how that feels. They surely wont like it even if its a game. We are so insensitive.

They key is tolerance levels however.

There are many things out there in the world that may have negative effects on certain people/groups, but they choose to avoid/ignore if it's in passive form.

What I mean by passive form is things like movies/games/music/etc. Things you just don't need to purchase/show interest in. They are completely optional forms of entertainment.

You cannot run around trying to censor every single thing in the whole damn world you deem as against your religion. Now THAT is ignorant.

Obviously if things were forced upon people through everyday means, that would be different.

It just seems a lot of today's moaning and protesting

a) Surrounds religion/faith/belief


b) Comes out of the most minuscule of departments, such as a PS3 game

I think there's a lot more pressing issues out there than LittleBigPlanet :/

However what has to be done, is being done, whether we agree/disagree...

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oh ffs all this over a stupid song :no:

Who cares, just remove the damn thing and let me have the game!

Um that's what they are doing :/

We're just discussing the reasoning behind it/consequences.

Don't need to get involved. I'm shutting up anyway, I've made it clear what I think, no need to hammer it to everyone's head anymore :no:

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Thats whats annoying, you are still going on and on about it after the issue has been resolved. It's only making it a bigger deal than it has to be.

I'm replying to what other people have replied to me. Obviously a discussion on this topic was going to carry on, don't single me out please.

I said im finished anyway, just ignore my posts.

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Um that's what they are doing :/

We're just discussing the reasoning behind it/consequences.

Don't need to get involved. I'm shutting up anyway, I've made it clear what I think, no need to hammer it to everyone's head anymore :no:

A patch wouldve been sufficient :p

At least in the internet enabled regions :D

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Saves you getting one of those "Oh my we're upset, strike a lawsuit, it's not about money though, honestly!" lawsuits, 4 years later when MM have exploded in popularity.

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So people who own the game, where is everyone?

Can't wait for co-op to come online to get all these stickers!

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Just a thought, but maybe sony also said no to patching because with a recall they can say

"oh, we sent you 1000 copys of the game but you sent back 950, where are the other 50? we are going to sue you for breaking the release date, have a nice day!"

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Just a thought, but maybe sony also said no to patching because with a recall they can say

"oh, we sent you 1000 copys of the game but you sent back 950, where are the other 50? we are going to sue you for breaking the release date, have a nice day!"

Probably not.

With a weekend just before release date, some places would've been shipping out copies late last week to get them to people before/on Tuesday.

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Game now completed :D

Just going back for the 100% and the Ace'd levels now :)

Roll on the Online servers coming up :D

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You people that got the game, before this crap went down, are extremely lucky. lol.

Not really, they will have to download a patch or never play the game online :p

They don't get to keep the song.

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Not really, they will have to download a patch or never play the game online :p

They don't get to keep the song.

I think he's talking about the fact we get to play the game now, rather than waiting another week :p

Not so much about losing a song.

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So people who own the game, where is everyone?

Can't wait for co-op to come online to get all these stickers!

Sometimes I really question if you're really in uni


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"before that crap went down"

What other crap has happened apart from the song being removed..

Doesn't sound like he's talking about getting it early to me..

The crap that went down is the game getting delayed.

Meaning he has to wait a week longer and essentially anyone with it now has it early.

Anyone nabbing it before this announcement is lucky :p All the shops need to receive new copies now, so none of them can really even break street date till they get them.

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The crap that went down is the game getting delayed.

Meaning he has to wait a week longer and essentially anyone with it now has it early.

Anyone nabbing it before this announcement is lucky :p

Not really lucky, just had to keep your eyes and ears open for any info.

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Not really lucky, just had to keep your eyes and ears open for any info.

Or be lucky, walk into Best Buy and have a store employee who knows nothing break the street date :p

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The crap that went down is the game getting delayed.

Meaning he has to wait a week longer and essentially anyone with it now has it early.

Anyone nabbing it before this announcement is lucky :p All the shops need to receive new copies now, so none of them can really even break street date till they get them.

Well they are both part of the same problem he is referring too? So we're both talking about the same thing.

In the end, nobody is lucky though lol.

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