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In the end, nobody is lucky though lol.

I count myself as lucky, I avoided this **** storm and got the game earlier than the suggested original date anyway :p

I count myself as lucky, I avoided this **** storm and got the game earlier than the suggested original date anyway :p

Did you not check if the game had been released early before getting it?

If so, you're not lucky. Whereas if your friend (I remember reading that you bought it off a friend) randomly offered it to you, then that is lucky.

My friend did randomly offer it to me.

Jeez what are you guys on about arguing over luck :laugh:

Anyone who avoids a delay by their retailer shipping just before the announcement, or them getting it from an unaware BB employee is involved in some element of luck.

Must be a slow forum day that we're arguing over the definition of luck :laugh:

My friend did randomly offer it to me.

Jeez what are you guys on about arguing over luck :laugh:

Anyone who avoids a delay by their retailer shipping just before the announcement, or them getting it from an unaware BB employee is involved in some element of luck.

Must be a slow forum day that we're arguing over the definition of luck :laugh:

No-ones arguing AB.

Looks like I get lucky just about every Tuesday/Wednesday then, since I get all my preorders early :laugh:

We're not talking about pre-orders though...

We're talking about getting lucky missing the release date getting pushed back.

Eye of the beholder, it's a great game to some, so they feel lucky they missed one of their anticipated titles getting pushed back by their retailer shipping early, grabbing it by breaking street date in BB, getting it off a friend, etc, etc.

Don't understand how that's hard to grasp?

Great, obvious you were doing this to try and rile me up now, so yeah, no more luck chat.

And yeah it may be my GOTY, not decided yet. Waiting till the years finished and I've played everything I want to :)

Oh c'mon chill out, no need to take it so serious. I honestly don't think its lucky getting it early though. Goes for any game too, it's not like we're never gonna get the game. Besides I'd rather get it when everyone else does so I can enjoy it with them and servers are live.

:no: I just do not get you guys sometimes, I really do not.

Anyway let me just say I agree with AB, there was definitely a element of luck in me getting it, but of course there was a bit of other forces of nature at work as well.

So I never posted back about this, but that ay after I got it an old coworker of mine (the day of the recall announcement) called the Best Buy I got it from, asked if it was in stock, and he was told "Yeah we have a few copies out." So he was all excited on his way there, actually left work early, and the girl who he talked to actually called his cell phone back, and said "Sorry, the games were put out by mistake. I took them back, I cannot sell them to you until the 21st" (obviously did not know about the recall.) He then actually said to her, which I thought was funny, "well my friend got it yesterday," and you know what her response was?? "Well then, your friend got lucky."

And I am telling the story exactly how my old coworker told it to me, so just saying, it was indeed a bit of luck, although I do believe it was just as much me knowing what to say to get the kid go get it.

But I could argue I got lucky with asking that employee as opposed to another, what time I decided to go, etc. etc. etc.

That is why I do not get you guys at all, luck is almost unexplainable as it is, after-all, luck, and it means different things to different people. When my brother in law asked last night how I got it, I said "I don't know, guess I got lucky."

Its hardly luck because you came across a dumb employee who didn't know any better :p I don't believe in silly things such as luck :no:

But anyway I'm not trying to wind anyone up, AB just needs to relax about it. It's a stupid topic to get hung up about to start with.

Its hardly luck because you came across a dumb employee who didn't know any better :p I don't believe in silly things such as luck :no:

But anyway I'm not trying to wind anyone up, AB just needs to relax about it. It's a stupid topic to get hung up about to start with.

Serious question, what would you call it then? I actually just want to know haha :laugh:


Scenario: Me and my friend to decide to drive to 5 Best Buys separately, each going in to ask for a game that's not out for another 5 days.

Conclusion: My friend tries all 5, get's denied access cause of street date. On my 4th Best Buy I get the game.

There is an element of luck involved in that, due to the factors of things like time of visit, what staff were on, they way in which I asked, etc.

Not trying to be an ass but the way in which you say you don't believe in luck, that's fine, but luck isn't a made up word, it has a dictionary definition :p

That's why some of us use the term!

At Best Buy there is a message thats supposed to pop up saying that you can't sell that game until the release date. You can't overrride it so I dont know how this guy would have put it through. Did you pay cash?

Debit Card, both times. Not only did I buy mine, I bought another one like 10 minutes later for a coworker.

I do think Best Buys inventory system might have been off, as the only real reason I even tried getting it was their website said Available Now for every store in my area, so that is what I said to the guy, and maybe their inventory did believe it was okay to sell, because nothing happened the two times I got it.

Serious question, what would you call it then? I actually just want to know haha :laugh:


Scenario: Me and my friend to decide to drive to 5 Best Buys separately, each going in to ask for a game that's not out for another 5 days.

Conclusion: My friend tries all 5, get's denied access cause of street date. On my 4th Best Buy I get the game.

There is an element of luck involved in that, due to the factors of things like time of visit, what staff were on, they way in which I asked, etc.

Not trying to be an ass but the way in which you say you don't believe in luck, that's fine, but luck isn't a made up word, it has a dictionary definition :p

That's why some of us use the term!

I am fully aware it has a definiteion, but you've just proved my point that "luck" had nothing to do with it. It all comes down to what person you ask (that kid who served Larry might not give a rat ass about street dates, can't follow rules etc), he also told them that the website said it was available, asking politely or not, a shop which has been in trouble in the past for releasng games. There is countless real reasons why they would or wouldn't serve you the game than some "magical" force where you did get it.

Luck doesn't exist, sorry to burst your bubble lol.

I never said luck was a magical force :laugh:

Luck is more of a term than something of actual substance.

It's very often used as a term to single someone/something out that's happened out of the ordinary, or doesn't happen often, or is favorable.

Luck very much exists, even if it's just a dictionary reference of the meaning being put to use.

luck - an unknown and unpredictable phenomenon that leads to a favorable outcome; "it was my good luck to be there"

Definitely was my good luck to be in BB at the exact time the idiot employee crossed my line of sight and served me ;)

Ok and aliens exist and so does God because they are in the dictionary huh :p

You can't disprove them anyway.

Any form of life found outside earth is an alien, and god, well go visit the religion section on NW and ask if god is real haha.

But nice try at being funny ;)

Luck is not comparable to those two entities anyway, I already said I'm not talking about magic, I'm talking about how the term luck is used to talk about favorable/unpredictable circumstances.

Anyyyyway, carry on in your "luckless" existence, this is getting to much :p

I never thought for one second that this topic would ever break out into a discussion over luck being real or not :rofl:

Ah Neowin :heart:

And hey, "nice try at being funny"?! :o :cry:

Dw, I found it funny.

And AB, any updates regarding your LBP experience?

I consder myself lucky fortunate to have a copy already :)

The game in single player is great, if not amazingly long to blast through it the first time. THe main challenge will be getting all the items and ace'ing the levels, with some of them needing 4 players I guess I will have to wait for the games official release till I get some. This does mean however it gives extra time to start creating a level with what I have got :)

Looking forward to the online aspect of this game now.

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