[Official] LittleBigPlanet: Play, Create, Share!

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I hope a bunch of awesome Xmas updates don't come out during the holidays, I have barely any money and won't be able to get any.

But its like 2 more weeks till uni is over, and I can get back to some proper gaming!

A free santa clause outfit will do :p

I'm sure the community will make some cool snow based levels for christmas!

LBP Play, Create, Share scores reactivated 'soon'

No doubt those of you who've been playing LittleBigPlanet (we're going to go ahead and assume that's most of you) have noticed a few oddities, here and there. For example, the "Play, Create, Share" profile scoreboards have not been functioning at all since launch. The "News" feature has also been proudly displaying absolutely nothing. We forgave these inconsistancies at first, but the game has been out over a month now, so where are these features?

Media Molecule's Community Manager has cleared up the situation with a post on the official European PlayStation forums. Apparently some of the game's online features were deactivated until the developers were happy with online server performance. They're now "not far from server stability," so these features will soon be making a return. Hopefully this will also prompt them to release any patches they have waiting in the wings.

It’s not exactly broken, but it is deactivated at present.

Until we’re happy with server performance we’ve switched off a few online features, Play Create Share scoring being one, in order to help the service to remain stable. The good news is that we’re not far from reaching stability, so expect this to return soon. As soon as there’s an exact date for its return I’ll let you know.

Source: http://www.ps3fanboy.com/2008/12/01/lbp-pl...activated-soon/

Is there any word on resolving these ongoing latency issues since release. Every time I join someone I get connection problems and/or my character warps all over the place making the game unplayable online.

Not that we know of.

Though I think they are slowly sorting it out, and one would figure that there will be a new patch soon to go along with the turning on of the P/C/S points system to iron out any bugs and stream line it a bit for stability.

Over the past weeks, we?ve been reading lots of forum posts, comments to blog posts and news posts and even heard questions coming into our consumer services hotlines. To better serve the community, we?ve decided to provide a weekly update on the hot topics and answer the burning questions you all have.


First off, wanted to introduce ?Sam_Protagonist? to everyone. He?s our global community manager for LittleBigPlanet and our eyes and ears for all things community. You can find him interacting on the EU and US forums providing updates to the community. Keep a look out for his forum posts and occasional LBP News Site posts for the latest updates.

So for our first installment of ?SACK IT TO ME? - we?ve decided to summarize some of the major topics the community wModeration


The level moderation process is something we?re continually improving. The small percentage of levels moderated have been done so after the community has reported them using the Good Grief tool. We never moderate levels that have not been reported in this way. The vast majority of moderated levels were due to offensive material, however we are evolving the way moderation happens to ensure that creators are made aware of why their level was blocked. More Serversy.


We hope you?ve noticed that over the past few weeks, we?ve been working away and our servers are now much improved - from the updated scoreboards to the connection speeds. Just know we?re constantly looking to improve the experience and your feedback has been very helpful. Additionally, below are a few online stats for your viewing pleasure:

* # of user generated (UG) levels = 177,657

* # of comments = 1,093,491

* # of times Story levels have been played online = 36,661,881

* # of times UG levels have been played online = 22,463,892

* # of levels playPlay Create Share stats & Search FunctionalitySearch Functionality

Now that the servers are stable, we?ll continue to improve the ?Share? experience. We?ve heard your requests to get better search functionality to find levels and getting the PLAY, CREATE, SHARE stats up and running on the Info Moon and have put this on the top of our list. So stay tuned for a few announcements

In the meantime, there are a few ?other? ways to find some cool levels:

* LBP Review League (US Forums)

* LittleBigPlanet Stages (an un-official list on Facebook)

* ?10 LBP levels you have to play? (GamesRadar.com)

* ?Top 50 User-Created LBP levels? (UGO.com)

* Search for LBC1 levels and help judge the first LittleBigChallenge: PS3 Second Anniversary Updateshallenge: PS3 Second Anniversary Updates

We?ve been excited to see all the posted ?LBC1″ level submissions for our first in-game LittleBigChallenge, so much that we wanted to share a few of the ones that caught our eye. After reading the forums, looks like we struck a nerve with a few of you thinking these updates are unfair publicity to the selected. Wanted to re-assure you that our intention to highlight a few of these levels, is to celebrate the creation of a variety of levels from a variety of creators - NOT to indicate any frontrunners or winners. Judging is completely separate from these updates and the evaluation of these levels will take into consideration a creators creativity, game design, innovation, use of tools, etc - NOT just ?hearts? and ?plays?.

As an insight to the evaluation process, we plan to first collect the formal e-mail submissions, list out the levels w/ various stats (on the server side), then have our judges spend a few days to play thru and judge levels and award the top 5 creators for this challenge.

Also, check back on Friday where we?ll list out the submissions-to-date, soDay 1 T-shirteekend playing the Challenge levels.

Day 1 T-shirt

Finally, some of you are wondering what happened to the Day 1 T-Shirt mentioned in the past. This was available in other countries for (equivalent of) $4.99, but we decided to hold back its availability in North America as we evaluate if such a unique item (RARE + $4.99 + time-based) is appropriate for our PS Store. There may be other RARE items like this in the future, so check back on future DLC announcements.

? We hope this answers your current batch of questions. Comment away below and let us know what else questions you want answered for next weeks batch?

Source: http://blog.us.playstation.com/2008/12/02/...itys-questions/

Damn 59 million level plays is a lot!

Patch 1.05 is up now, dunno what's changed yet.
There aren't any significant code updates in this patch, it's largely just data to ensure that everyone can see upcoming content in-game. When we release larger updates we'll also announce the changes that are made.
By the way, good site for levels


Yep, I singed up to it yesterday. It is really tricky to sign up to as you have to add your PSNID and create a new password then you are given a code. You then have to find the LBP level "Sackbook" by "Sackbook", post the code in the comments, wait about 30 mins for it to re-cache the data from LBP and then click the Continue button. :)

Here is my profile: http://www.sackbook.com/profile.php?id=jonmoseley8

Looks like I'm going to be getting this game :D is there anything in particular I should know to get started or is it just as easy as plug and play? Can you play online multiplayer co-op on the same level with random players? Is the online play and downloading/sharing of custom levels free?

Looks like I'm going to be getting this game :D is there anything in particular I should know to get started or is it just as easy as plug and play? Can you play online multiplayer co-op on the same level with random players? Is the online play and downloading/sharing of custom levels free?

Yes to all questions!

Correct me if I'm wrong but I'm shore you can't download levels. Only play them online with friends or on your own.

there are some levels that can be downloaded. the level creator has the option to let other people download their levels or not, but most choose to lock their levels.

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