[Official] LittleBigPlanet: Play, Create, Share!

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Huh? nothing happened to me. He shows me the damn hands and then I'm stuck there with the damn music.

Maybe delete save data and try again?

I had to drag that little pos sack boy to the right of the screen.

Ok I'm on the pod finally. Sigh going into first level. :D

well it's all automatic right after the lights dim and then Little Big Planet words come in the background of you.. I guess try and restart... press start and I tink you can restart or something..

Huh? nothing happened to me. He shows me the damn hands and then I'm stuck there with the damn music.

Maybe delete save data and try again?

I had to drag that little pos sack boy to the right of the screen.

Ok I'm on the pod finally. Sigh going into first level. :D

let me know when you start in your story mode. lol

Well I am in the story mode.. but still tutorial like. I'm doing the sticker tutorial now.

oh I see.. well when you are done get back in the pod, invite me to your pod or vice versa.

I'm gonna restart the game and see if that changes anything.

I clicked start when in the pod by my Manage Players is crossed out.

I got an idea... try and go to story mode and just finish one level by yourself.. the first level is get a grip.. that might work? I have no clue right now :s

ok so yeah try and beat the first level... that actually unlocks online.. so try that!

Wow that was great! actually so much fun I feel bad I didn't get it earlier.

I have to wake up early for work tomorrow, but thanks for slapping me around today. :D

I'll learn how to do it tomorrow. :)

Add me on PSN guys with LBP.

My PSN id is Moonpiglet

Sony have for some time now been making the most of LittleBigPlanet as the ideal outlet for cross-promoting the leading games of PlayStation 3. Metal Gear Solid, Street Fighter, Loco Roco, Wipeout, God of War, Heavenly Sword - just a handful of the big names which have come to LBP through costumes, levels and ?create? DLC.

But it works both ways, and Sackboy is starting to find his way in to other games. A Little Big Planet PlayStation Home space is already in the works, Sackboy PSN avatars are coming soon and don?t forget that last December it was rumoured that Sackboy will be coming to Hot Shots / Everybody?s Golf 5.

The most recent appearance of Sackboy?s friendly face is in SingStar (yes, we play SingStar and love it very much).

It?s been live for some weeks now, but you can buy a Little Big Planet wallpaper from the SingStore (99p in the UK).

The wallpaper theme allows you to play SingStar with Little Big Planet background music, an animated background of various stickers moving in and out, plus of course: Sackboy?s smiling face?




It?s a bit pricey and of course, it?s a cash in for Sony on the brand that they?ve built up for Little Big Planet, but it?s a bit of fun too. Check it out in the SingStore wallpapers section, it?s called ?Little Big Wallpaper?.

Keep your eyes peeled for Little Big Planet and Sackboy appearing in yet more games as time goes by.

Source: http://www.littlebigplanetoid.com/article/...res_coming_soon

Media Molecule started a Podcast

Media Molecule Podcast No.1

We recorded this Podcast about a month ago, but then I went on holiday to Japan for a couple of weeks (and got engaged to Mrs. Kenny, woo!), and then Moo went on holiday and then?

?it all became horribly out of date.

But rather than re-record the whole shebang, we decided to release it as is. So, ignore the out of date references, and think of this as a little test run. It?d be great to gauge what the level of interest is in this kind of thing, get a bit of feedback and then move on to the next Podcast full of vim and vigour.

Without further ado, I give you the very first Media Molecule Podcast:


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