[Official] LittleBigPlanet: Play, Create, Share!

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Tutorial isn't important at all. Just played the first level and there was plenty of onscreen instructions to help. All the text onscreen is in English too. Can't go wrong :)

Blazing through the levels is pretty easy, but the tutorials for edit mode are useful/needed.

I take it Stephen Fry isn't in the Japanese build?

He's awesome in the English build :p

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Blazing through the levels is pretty easy, but the tutorials for edit mode are useful/needed.

I take it Stephen Fry isn't in the Japanese build?

He's awesome in the English build :p

It is Stephen Fry? I was unsure..

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Tutorial isn't important at all. Just played the first level and there was plenty of onscreen instructions to help. All the text onscreen is in English too. Can't go wrong :)

Have you played the tutorial? I mean, at all? I think you'll find you DO need it - or they wouldn't have bloody bothered in the first place!

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I have a second opinion from Sethos who confirms the voice over isn't important. I trust his opinion with the backup proof I can do everything I need/want without a hitch :p

edit: ooh someone's stressy :rofl:

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It's not taking the mick at all - it's called demand.

There isn't that much demand!

It's mainly the gamepro site to blame. It just can't handle the users.

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Tell you what, you know best.

Haha, Popis bible right there!

I don't see what you are getting so worked up about? I'm telling you I am getting on a breeze here without the voice overs. What's so hard to believe about that?

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Still struggling to get past the required tutorials to place a box.

I think taking this persons advice on the game is a little silly to be honest.

The tutorials are hugely important to the game.

Oh, and I'm getting a little tired of the name calling. I have no idea who popis is... Drop it, please.

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You'd be daft not to watch the tutorials for edit mode (you actually have to to unlock all the content to use in edit mode).

During the game they do tell you some obvious stuff, but Stephen Fry is awesome and I think they just add to the game for the few levels you watch them (Y)

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How can you not, you are forced to sit through 'em all :sleep:

Yeah I remembered.

Well if you don't care about learning how to use edit mode, don't use it.

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I want to edit levels but I don't want to be FORCED to sit through lame obvious tutorials.

Two clearly different things.

I'm not a tard, I am able to learn things on my own.

As am I, the edit level tutorials were so damn boring. I could have learned that myself.

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I really don't care about watching the tutorials in the beta, I have the full game to look forward to when I learn every single detail if I ever need to. I've watched more than plenty of hours of footage on this game to know a lot already.

I rarely ever need a tutorial for any game, nevermind something like LBP which is designed to be accessible. So please, accept my opinion, deal with it and move on!

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You are so pathetic, I want to edit levels but I don't want to be FORCED to sit through lame obvious tutorials.

Two clearly different things.

Seriously man what is up with you this week?

Talk about anti-social gamer on this forum. Any chance to moan/joke/slate and you're at it.

I'm not pathetic.

The tutorial mode is fairly complex, I don't think you'd learn how to glue items together without being told and other stuff - At least not without trial and error. They last about 20-30 mins if you burn through them and tell you how everything works.

If you can't dedicate that time to the game to learn how to be efficient in edit mode, you clearly don't have any passion or interest in using it.

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I really don't care about watching the tutorials in the beta, I have the full game to look forward to when I learn every single detail if I ever need to. I've watched more than plenty of hours of footage on this game to know a lot already.

I rarely ever need a tutorial for any game, nevermind something like LBP which is designed to be accessible. So please, accept my opinion, deal with it and move on!

The playing part of LBP is designed to be accessible - the create part needs a tutorial. Anyway, bored of this now, have fun.

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If you can't dedicate that time to the game to learn how to be efficient in edit mode, you clearly don't have any passion or interest in using it.

Ah yes, because I don't want to waste my time on some extremely boring tutorials, I must have no passion for the game. Seriously, stop that crap. I can have plenty of passion for a game yet still skip as much as I like. I played games to have fun and do as I please.

So what if my levels aren't top professional, my console, my game, my time.

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Ah yes, because I don't want to waste my time on some extremely boring tutorials, I must have no passion for the game. Seriously, stop that crap. I can have plenty of passion for a game yet still skip as much as I like. I played games to have fun and do as I please.

So what if my levels weren't top professional, my console, my game, my time.

Yeah okay, sorry that 20-30 mins makes you grumpy and angry to the extent that you are.

Guess some things I'll just sit through, enjoy for what they are and get on with things.

As I said, Stephen Fry is awesome (Y)

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