[Official] LittleBigPlanet: Play, Create, Share!

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Lovely bit of design, but is it fun to use!. That's the problem that was quite apparent in the beta, people just stick rockets to everything and they would fire across the map. Level over, whoopee :/

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Lovely bit of design, but is it fun to use!. That's the problem that was quite apparent in the beta, people just stick rockets to everything and they would fire across the map. Level over, whoopee :/

Yeah, I'm sure with time and everyone has decided to do serious maps this should calm down :)

Love the pod racer though!

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Islamic Group Weighs In On LBP Recall


The non-profit American Islamic Forum For Democracy has spoken out against Sony's decision to recall LittleBigPlanet, calling the move "censorship".

M. Zuhdi Jasser, M.D, director of the AIFD, said that, "Muslims cannot benefit from freedom of expression and religion and then turn around and ask that anytime their sensibilities are offended that the freedom of others be restricted."

Jasser added that the Prophet, "defended the rights of his enemies to critique him in any way even if it was offensive to his own Islamic sensibilities or respect for Koranic scripture."

Not that he is calling Sony an enemy of Islam or anything but.. well, you get his point.

Muslim Group Condemns LBP "Censorship"


Make your damn mind already :s :rolleyes:

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Musician Behind LittleBigPlanet’s Delay Responds

Toumani Diabate, the musician behind the music responsible for LittleBigPlanet being delayed defends himself.

Diabate, a Muslim himself, told BBC’s News:

“It’s quite normal to play music and be inspired by the words of the Prophet Mohammed. It’s my way to attract and inspire people towards Islam.”

Shaykh Ibrahim Mogra of the Muslim Council of Britain disagreed:

“Muslims believe the Qur’an to be the actual word of god and give it utmost respect. Therefore if it were to be used with the accompaniment of music or if it were to be used in a game or a commercial - that would upset and cause offense and hurt to many, many Muslims.”

Source: http://nextgn.com/2008/10/21/musician-behi...delay-responds/

So one person wants to spread the word of Islam, the other thinks it's an abomination.....

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No go at my local Wal-Mart or Target.

Ended up getting Bioshock instead, since I already have LBP on pre-order through Gamestop.

Ergh, great, another game for you to trophy ###### over. :p

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Ergh, great, another game for you to trophy ###### over. :p

...says the man with 6,000 trophies.

Fun part, Gamefly sent me Bioshock from my rental queue. :(

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I just tried the whole trophy card thing for the first time as I have no clue how many I have, and do I really have to manually add each trophy I have from each game???

Or am I missing something?

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Yea it doesn't link up with your psn account so you have to manually add them. It sucks but its better than nothing.

........Mine was pretty easy to make. They're ###### and I'm a virgin, my first time will be with LBP, hopefull sackboy'll bring protection

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^^ what he said.

I just tried the whole trophy card thing for the first time as I have no clue how many I have, and do I really have to manually add each trophy I have from each game???

Or am I missing something?

Sony hasn't gotten the sync up with PSN the way MS has with XBL Achievements (something for HOME release?). But, playfire does have an accurate look at how each level works.

It's fairly easy. Once you have an account, click on "Profile", then about halfway down that page on the left, just above your trophycard is "Add/Edit" trophies. There, it's from a drop-down menu to choose to add games or trophies. Takes 3 seconds to add a trophy.

Click Save/Publish, and your card will be updated.

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i stopped at a wal-mart after work today. the game was there but they wouldnt sell it to me!!! the lady rang it up and the register beeps and says "not allowed to sell." some dude comes back over to check the game and finds the wal-mart website says shipping on 11/11. nuts!

ah well. still funny though... they had no clue that the game couldnt sell until i tried to buy one.

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Not necessarily. Only those hardcore and obsessive gamers will go to great lengths to get the game "early." The majority of people won't bother.

Don't get me wrong, I'm excited for this game but I'm not gonna drive out of my way to 5 different Wal-Marts to see if they've got them. I can wait a week. Plus it's not like they'll quit playing the game after they finish. This is a multiplayer game after all and has high replay value. Patience is virtue my friend.

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Not necessarily. Only those hardcore and obsessive gamers will go to great lengths to get the game "early." The majority of people won't bother.

Don't get me wrong, I'm excited for this game but I'm not gonna drive out of my way to 5 different Wal-Marts to see if they've got them. I can wait a week. Plus it's not like they'll quit playing the game after they finish. This is a multiplayer game after all and has high replay value. Patience is virtue my friend.

Indeed, I've completed the story mode, what I'm now doing is killing time till the online servers come up on teh release of the game.

I know for a fact I wont be able to fully complete the trophies till they do come up as some levels require 4 players which I cannot do without the online play :( Audio and Larry I will come looking for you both!!!

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I'm waiting on some FAQs for some of the stickers even do-able in SP mode :rofl:


I will be trying some of the other levels,

I can see an area i need to get to, just cannot work out how to get there, think it's on the Wedding level with the pink springy platform and 2 items above it and a section to the top right with a sticker placement, skull creature below to the right and spikes above it stopping you bouncing from it.

I notice that you too don't have the trophy for completing all the tutorials, I've used the 'next tutorial' button till it's no longer there and still not got the trophy :s seemed a bit weird.

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So Much for a recall, there seems to be loads of stock sitting on shelves that wont come up on register, so they cant sell, what happens when the new version comes out, do they just add it to the shelves, so selling mixed copies.

I do applaud Sony and MM on this recall and re-release on a short time frame, but the lack on information flow is terrible.

Hopefully it will get sorted.

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