Why superheroes all wear tights and reverse undies

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Think about it. Why do many superheroes wear these tight revealing clothes and undies over their suits?

There's Batman




Cyclops and a bunch of other X-Men


And don't forget Captain Planet


And I'm sure you could go on here.

Probably a comfort thing? Or is it a bullet-proof groinvest? I'm confused :blink:

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Imagine driving on the highway at 180 mph and you open the window. What happens? Air starts going through your t-shirt, shirt or whatever and gets in the way sometimes. Other times it feels good :)

So, if a superhero were to travel to distance A to B, he or she would want something air resistance.

Watch the movie The Incredibles. They go over this question.

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For one, they wear tights for the same reason acrobats, bicyclists, swimmers, and dancers wear tights. I'd guess the underwear is to make it look better.

Personally I think the bat armor looks a lot dorkier than tights, it looks really clumsy with batman wearing it. At least its better than it used to be, with bat nipples.

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For sure the underwear is a looks thing only. I fail to see how that would increase your aerodynamism :rofl:

Besides, the bad guys can grab your underwear and give you a wedgie, so isn't it better to have a full 1 piece suit that can't be grabbed onto. If I was Batman, I'd watch out for Robin and his wedgies lovin behaviours.

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For sure the underwear is a looks thing only. I fail to see how that would increase your aerodynamism :rofl:

You wouldn't want your wang dangling around when you're fighting. So, the superheroes use double protection to keep it secure. :D

Edited by NeptuneSaK
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You wouldn't want your wang dangling around when you're fighting. So, the superheroes use double protection to keep it secure. :D

:laugh: nice one!

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