New Gamers' Hangout Policy

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I see your point, but I thought that should come under flamebaiting?

It would depend on the article, really. Take this for example, is that flamebaiting, or is it a genuinely concerning article about the PS3's latest firmware update?

There are a LOT of grey areas for things like this.

This is great news!

Let's just hope it works this time around, the last time there was a major clean-up, nothing really happened.

I'm guessing a few regular members have already been hit with the restrict-stick? It has been really quiet in GH ( Which is actually quite nice ).

So here's to the beginning of the new Gamer's Hangout :beer: :p

Then this member just goes on to post several of these threads, lifting articles from other sites that are just going to cause an argument - how do we get around this? Technically, they're not breaking any rules, but if we reply to these threads pointing out the errors in the text, we ARE breaking the rules.

I don't think your breaking the rules by pointing out errors or perhaps even biased in an article. It's just a matter of making sure that discussion doesn't get derailed and off course and doing so in a civil fashion. No ones asking everyone to agree with everything posted, just don't start personal arguements. Theres also no need to reply to every topic one doesn't agree with and if you genuinly feel that user is trying to stir the kettle I'm sure a "report" wouldn't be out of the question.

This is great news!

Let's just hope it works this time around, the last time there was a major clean-up, nothing really happened.

I'm guessing a few regular members have already been hit with the restrict-stick? It has been really quiet in GH ( Which is actually quite nice ).

So here's to the beginning of the new Gamer's Hangout :beer: :p

I guess this explains why Audioboxer and popisdead suddenly disappeared. It's been quiet without them :p

Good news.

It had calmed down but was getting slightly more hectic again.

Hopefully we can all be a bit more civil now, lol.

I guess this explains why Audioboxer and popisdead suddenly disappeared. It's been quiet without them :p

I thought something was missing, I haven't seen either post for a few days. :huh:

I think it would be a good idea to name and shame the offenders who have been restricted, how many times and how long for so it doesnt look like the mods arent doing anything about the offenders.

That would easily turn into a lot of gloating behaviour and lead to flame baiting or personal insults being thrown around.

I think it would be a good idea to name and shame the offenders who have been restricted, how many times and how long for so it doesnt look like the mods arent doing anything about the offenders.
That would easily turn into a lot of gloating behaviour and lead to flame baiting or personal insults being thrown around.

What DrunknMunky said.

If they start telling us who gets what in the gamers hangout, then people could very well start gloating about people they didn't get on with.

And we know they are doing something, you can see from the fact that certain people disappear from posting in there for a while.

That would easily turn into a lot of gloating behaviour and lead to flame baiting or personal insults being thrown around.


afaik the mods quite rightly have a policy not to hang out the dirty washing. It'll be interesting to see how the new rules pan out and if members follow them.

This isn't the first time a "zero tolerance" policy has been inflicted on the Gamer's hangout, though. I remember the last one, DrunkMunky and a few others got temporarily banned and stuff. I just don't see what's so different about this time, I still stand by my stance that more moderators are needed than just gigapixels and Dirty Larry - the GH is the second biggest forum on neowin, it'll take more than 2 moderators to keep it in check =\

It would depend on the article, really. Take this for example, is that flamebaiting, or is it a genuinely concerning article about the PS3's latest firmware update?

There are a LOT of grey areas for things like this.

I think you're showing that the pendulum can swing both ways. The article I posted I had actually seen for a couple of days floating around the internet. After I came across it again at Kotaku, I checked Neowin and sure enough no one had posted it. This is coming straight from the US Playstation forums. Just because something negative happens to your console of choice doesn't mean it can't be reported because it's flamebaiting. There's a big difference between many reports coming through Playstation's official forums and some guy posting his cousin's PS3 broke on his site.

A negative article or viewpoint does not necessarily mean it's a troll. In fact, I would say that if someone replied to the article above with "OMG it's not true!! This is just flamebait!!!" without investigating the source further, they would be the ones trolling the board.

I think a lot of the problem lies with European members are on the forums when the mods are all asleep or at work. So things are out of control when the mods are away from the forums and then when they do finally get online things have escalated so far it's better to just close topics.

Like Kushan said, more moderators are needed and to keep it tightly controlled, perhaps a European mod would be a suitable choice so there is more moderation around the clock?

edit: oh and Kushan, thanks for calling me out in the previous bans :p lol, 10 people and you pick me.


I think you're showing that the pendulum can swing both ways. The article I posted I had actually seen for a couple of days floating around the internet. After I came across it again at Kotaku, I checked Neowin and sure enough no one had posted it. This is coming straight from the US Playstation forums. Just because something negative happens to your console of choice doesn't mean it can't be reported because it's flamebaiting. There's a big difference between many reports coming through Playstation's official forums and some guy posting his cousin's PS3 broke on his site.

A negative article or viewpoint does not necessarily mean it's a troll. In fact, I would say that if someone replied to the article above with "OMG it's not true!! This is just flamebait!!!" without investigating the source further, they would be the ones trolling the board.

Oh don't worry, I'm not trying to say you were flamebaiting at ALL, in fact I specifically picked that thread because it's a perfect example of what I mean - you could interpret it both ways. If DM had posted that, he probably would have got crap for it because he's apparently the token 360 fan (With audio being the token PS3 fan, despite both owning both consoles if I recall correctly).

This isn't the first time a "zero tolerance" policy has been inflicted on the Gamer's hangout, though. I remember the last one, DrunkMunky and a few others got temporarily banned and stuff. I just don't see what's so different about this time, I still stand by my stance that more moderators are needed than just gigapixels and Dirty Larry - the GH is the second biggest forum on neowin, it'll take more than 2 moderators to keep it in check =\

The difference this time around for starters is there is three of us who regularly watch this area now, and all other Forum Mods are constantly pitching in and on High Alert as well.

Last time around, it was more or less me with the backing of the rest of the staff. I also thought a one time sweep and things would then clean up, which it did for about 2-3 weeks, then it all came back slowly but surely. I also agree last time around was for all intents and purposes a failure. It got the ball rolling, but it did not maintain the momentum.

So thats one difference, and a pretty major one. I do agree though, the more Mods the merrier.

I guess this explains why Audioboxer and popisdead suddenly disappeared. It's been quiet without them :p

You do realize this is the exact thing we are trying to stop as well right? Calling members out by name is not cool and will no longer be tolerated. Stop it now. In fact I will get Gigapixels to amend that to the policy. It would be one thing if people could handle things, but a few of you have proven that you all cannot.

Finally, the biggest difference between this time and last time is two very big factors. Now, you have had fair warning, Now, it applies to everyone.

I think a lot of the problem lies with European members are on the forums when the mods are all asleep or at work. So things are out of control when the mods are away from the forums and then when they do finally get online things have escalated so far it's better to just close topics.

Like Kushan said, more moderators are needed and to keep it tightly controlled, perhaps a European mod would be a suitable choice so there is more moderation around the clock?

Pfft, speak for yourself, some of us Europeans are perfectly calm. :p

And PureLegend is in Europe too, and he likes to hang around the gamers hangout, but maybe someone who purpose in life is to mod the gamers hangout 24/7 would be good too, like some type of robot or something, yus, a robot, hmm.

Indeed, there are a lot of members (myself included) who are easily tagged as one way or another. Theres nothing wrong with that. Ironmans thread for instance I think is a perfect example on how stuff can get blown out of proportion. Theres unfortunately a strong contingent of web users who want to pounce on something like that (reports of FW 2.42 bricking machines) because the 360 has had serious reliability issues.

I'd rather not argue that point here btw.

We just need self control and to not lower ourselves by feeding the trolls, so to speak.

Also, in regards to what kind of news can and cannot be posted.

It really is simple, everything in theory should be and will allowed to be posted.

With that said, if you are constantly posting news slanted one way, and continually agreeing with that news, or vice versa, then it is a fine line we have to try and Moderate on what is right and what is wrong, but it is a pretty obvious one too.

It is fairly obvious who posts news sincerely and who does not, and honestly I do not see that being a problem, I see the problem being what happens once the news is posted.

Also, a very valid point about the time difference between the US and UK, we are asleep while you guys are just getting started going full throttle.

That's good to hear, especially for me as I often read a lot of articles that are really really really biased and stupid, I get the temptation to post them and then rip them to pieces, but I always fear people will think I'm being biased in some way, when really I just want to point out when authors are well in the wrong.

Lets hope we don't need any more culling any time soon.

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