[Official] SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs Confrontation

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Ermm, no! That is nothing at all to do with NAT. Keep studying (Y)

Now I'm sure you don't mean to, but to me your coming off as rude now.

We get its a beta, at least I do, but it doesn't mean I am going to say nothing about my experiences so far it with, I have no doubt it will improve it is the first day it has been available of course it is going to have problems with so many people trying to use it for the first public time.

I should be on soon to find a game, I haven't found my mic yet, but I can still try it out.

Im assuming the Neowin server is still going?

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How are you supposed to connect to other players when there is conflicts with NATs. Only when they leave and there isn't a conflict can you connect. I don't need to study the issue anymore (Y) It doesn't lag during game so it's not servers issues plain and simple as you make it out. Maybe you need to go back to studying? :rofl:

Even Halo 3 beta had this issue, don't see why you need to defend it to the grave that it can't possibly be the problem :no:

I'll tell you what, you carry on thinking it's NAT issues.

The real problem is down to servers not being 'sized' correctly for the sheer amount of load (users in this case). The developers will be sat watching the real time captured metrics of the servers as we log in and play. They will be making small adjustments to the load balancing to see if it has a huge impact on the server loads. The main problem here is the configuration of the servers.

It has nothing whatsoever to do with NAT. I promise you. They will be using this period as there 'peak' baseline and everything will be changed around these results.

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I'll tell you what, you carry on thinking it's NAT issues.

The real problem is down to servers not being 'sized' correctly for the sheer amount of load (users in this case). The developers will be sat watching the real time captured metrics of the servers as we log in and play. They will be making small adjustments to the load balancing to see if it has a huge impact on the server loads. The main problem here is the configuration of the servers.

It has nothing whatsoever to do with NAT. I promise you. They will be using this period as there 'peak' baseline and everything will be changed around these results.

I'll tell ya, these NAT issues are annoying.
Tell me about it.


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You can keep the promise, I can reel off a list of games already out in the market which mimic this exact behaviour and it comes down to NAT problems.

Anyways, back to the beta itself.

I thought SOCOM was meant to be big on customizing weapons? The list is tiny :/

Maps are huge which is a good thing, although a bit of a pain until we get some more people playing (Y)

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Okay I am in. :shiftyninja: :punk: Downloading now.

And Beta, Demo, that is all just semantics. If people are having issues, they are having issues, so lets just leave it at that. No need to beat a dead horse now is there?

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My inside sources are telling me you have a closed or very restricted NAT.

I can assure you I haven't.

Again, it's not a NAT issue causing these problems.

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The groupies are here!

I really don't see what's that funny. You have somebody blaming this on NAT, and somebody making lame (sort of) jokes. Hardly 'rolling about the floor' type material.

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Can someone give me a break down of what buttons do what? I have not played a SOCOM game in years.

And also, just let it go everyone and act civil, please.

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Can someone give me a break down of what buttons do what? I have not played a SOCOM game in years.

And also, just let it go everyone and act civil, please.

There's a detailed listing in the menus, also which motion sensing actions there are.

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At this early stage there is probably a whole list of issues, including server, as I wasn't able to connect to the network when I booted up either. From there on though its far more likely NAT issues imo. Games like Halo and RSV are just some which have had these problems even when they reach retail.

Server issues aren't much better in the end, it shows PSN and it's game servers still need a hell of a lot more work.

Anyways I'll be on again tomorrow to play some more Neowin matches (Y)

Edit: that's a good point actually, how the hell do you sprint :rofl:

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Sprint was the first thing I figured out.

And I was wondering why no one could hear me!! LOL I figured out the controls were in the menu, so thanks for the tips. See you guys tomorrow.

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@ Dirk, I would say just from an hour playing with it, it is worth buying it. I already do feel that. I am also working on trying to get you a code, but cannot promise anything so do not hold me to it, but I will try for you.

So it did take me a long time to get into a game from the game lobby, enough to make me think the game froze, but I did get in, and once I was in, there was noticeable lag, but it was not all that often. Overall, the matches ran pretty smoothly. Lag was there though once in a while, no doubt.

But overall, I loved it.

Graphics looked better than I thought they would, they truly do. While not the prettiest out there, the screenshots I have seen do the game no justice. The overall visuals I have seen are really actually impressive. There are hardly any jaggies, actually barely any, which I thought jaggies were going to be dominant from the screens I had seen. And even the textures, which overall are definitely not the highest I have seen and do look noticeably low in certain areas and on certain objects, somehow the low and high textures mesh to make a really nice combination. Just to give you an idea, my brother in law came by while I was playing (also owns a PS3 and 360) as we were going out to dinner with him and his gf, and his exact words were "bro, this looks really ****ing good." So I have to say I was really critical of the visuals, and they look really damn good, they do. So that is out of the way for me now.

Onto the gameplay...

Loved it, not much else to say. I have not played a SOCOM game since whichever one I last had on the PS2, and I was never hardcore into it to begin with which you can maybe tell since I do not even remember which one it was (somewhere around 6-7 years ago??), but I do remember enjoying it. Honestly, SOCOM it is pretty much exactly like the GRAW series, it just feels better overall to me, and not even sure why. I loved the GRAW series, I truly enjoyed it, and I feel this is just the same, but better, and I am not even fully comfortable with the controls yet, like it took me several rounds to know how to zoom (missed it when I checked the controls the first time), but it just felt really good, and the thing is it is not even hyper realistic, it was just incredibly fun to play, and distinctively SOCOM.

What truly blew me away is how seriously people took playing, and yes, for me that is a good thing. People were communicating about the enemies position, staying together, etc. etc., and for this type of game, that is essential, but I could truly tell most people playing the Beta were already part of a very dedicated community, and that was incredibly cool to experience right away. I am sure I will run into some knuckle-heads for sure, but that was just a very great first online experience.

So overall really impressed.

With that said...

If the menu system stays this unresponsive, that is truly a travesty. I have never been in a more unresponsive menu system.

It was not easy to connect to a game, definitely not, and I hope that gets better, but I am assuming it will.

Finally, I had a CRAZY issue with my Bluetooth headset, and I hope it is because of the game and not my setup at home, I have to do some research I guess. I have not tried my bluetooth headset since I set up my true surround sound (I have my rear speakers actually behind me finally), but basically I was getting a really weird feedback in my speakers that was an echo on about a 3 second delay picking up any sound through my headset and playing it through all of my speakers incredibly loud and then it would feedback on itself. Was really, really, really strange, since I was hearing the voices playing through the headset, not my speakers, and my team could hear me. It happened after about 35 minutes of playing and not initially, but it was almost as if my headset was a microphone coming through the speakers and not through itself like it should be, if that makes any sense. I am going to try my USB headset tomorrow (maybe tonight if I do not fall asleep LOL), and see if they work better.

So yeah, I wrote a whole lot, as I usually tend to do, but my first impression was an EXTREMELY positive one, something that does not happen all of the time with me and games. No doubt I will be buying this game.

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