[Official] SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs Confrontation

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The developers are tweaking the servers as we are playing so you will experience frame rate and lag issues. Stick with it! It's superb when you get a lag free game!

As for the length of time it takes to get into a game, they are also sorting that out (Y)

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Yeah so far my impressions:

graphics are pretty meh

frame rate issues

and loading times are a joke

Not to mention the amount of extra steps you gotta go through to play with friends (N)

Was having server issues earlier but I restarted the PS3 and it worked.

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Wish I could see for myself, I join a server and then click ready but get stuck at the loading screen with the spinning logo :/

Huzzah (Y) :/ ?

Lame, it just sent me back to the player list..

I guess when a game is already in session and you select ready, you watch the stupid logo? Why the hell would they do that, I need to exit the beta and restart it if I want to back out..


I went out while it was downloading, came back to play, Installing took quite a bit of time itself.

Once I was in, everything has been loading rather slowly between menus, but that can be forgiven, beta etc etc.

But I finally tried to join a game and I got the same little icon, and nothing happened, I waited, I swapped TV channels and watched some TV to come back and the icon was the same.

I reset the PS3 and tried again and now the game can't connect tot he network at all, lol.

So I'm going to wait a bit, and go on a bit later, and I can't find my mic either.

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I just read all these posts and replied during one loading screen. Not sure if it's frozen or still loading. Have to quit the beta to back out now, this is lame.

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It's a BETA! This is what it's all about. The developers are constantly tweaking the configurations (according to the dev blog) and things are getting better.

I actually think it's very good, bar the annoying server issues (that are expected due to this being a stress test!)

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I went out while it was downloading, came back to play, Installing took quite a bit of time itself.

Once I was in, everything has been loading rather slowly between menus, but that can be forgiven, beta etc etc.

But I finally tried to join a game and I got the same little icon, and nothing happened, I waited, I swapped TV channels and watched some TV to come back and the icon was the same.

I reset the PS3 and tried again and now the game can't connect tot he network at all, lol.

So I'm going to wait a bit, and go on a bit later, and I can't find my mic either.

Yeah it really is a joke. There's obviously NAT issues as this problem has been going on all afternoon and night. As soon as people begin leaving (turning their PS3 off) the game will connect and the teams are half empty.

edit: yup, the Neowin room finally connected, and all but myself and Sethos were left in the room.

Big problems :no:

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It has nothing to do with NAT issues! The servers are not coping with the loads, this is the first time they have had this many concurrent connections on the servers.

Welcome to the world of beta testing.

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Yeah, I guess it was locked up. I've played a lot of betas, this is probably one of the worst as far as server issues go. The gameplay is pretty much classic socom, no real surprises other than how bad the graphics are. The server issues will most likely improve as the beta goes on, i imagine with this being so accessible it will be pretty bad over the next few days. If the community features start working and it becomes easier to get into a game then it should end up quite fun to play with friends. As it is right now, I'm staying away from it for a few days.

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The game itself is great, this is definitely my next favourite game (Y)

But this so called "Demo" is plagued with issues, can't believe they actually removed the Beta tag - I've seen more polished Betas before.

The menus are awfully slow to manoeuvre through, they freeze for just a split-second but it happens constantly, so changing gear for an example is a major pain. The entire lobby system is really awful, mainly because it's built on PSN. Push to talk is annoying, doesn't matter since there's about 3 people per game with a headset, only 1-2 using them. The freakin' loading issues, seriously slow loading and it even freezes every other game. It doesn't save so menu options and gear choice when you reset the game ( Which you have to do quite often due to load freezing ). Still don't like how everything is split up into "Channels". Also, what's with the constant FREEZING In-game instead of lag?! It's SO annoying!

These are just some of the issues I ran into tonight - Pretty shoddy considering it's now called a DEMO, NOT a Beta! and people have been testing it for well over a month.

But still looking forward to the game and will play it a lot the next few weeks :)

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It obviously is NAT issues when I can connect fine to matches, but only when others disconnect and leave matches (Y)

Thanks for the welcome, but I've been in plenty of betas and seen it happen before :)


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People haven't been testing it on this scale. It should still be classed as a BETA.

Newsflash, it isn't

They are classing it as a Multiplayer Demo, therefore we can judge it like one.

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How are all of you in the Beta? Got in through invites? I have to wait until the 10th or 11th for Qore right?

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It obviously is NAT issues when I can connect fine to matches, but only when others disconnect and leave matches (Y)

Ermm, no! That is nothing at all to do with NAT. Keep studying (Y)

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How are all of you in the Beta? Got in through invites? I have to wait until the 10th or 11th for Qore right?

Check your PM Larry :)

Most of us got in through Gamestop codes and Eurogamer.

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Also, what's with the constant FREEZING In-game instead of lag?! It's SO annoying!

Yeah, that got me killed a couple times. I mostly died because I suck, but when I've got a bead on someone and start to shoot it freezes and then I die, very annoying.

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How are you supposed to connect to other players when there is conflicts with NATs. Only when they leave and there isn't a conflict can you connect. I don't need to study the issue anymore (Y) It doesn't lag during game so it's not servers issues plain and simple as you make it out. Maybe you need to go back to studying? :rofl:

Even Halo 3 beta had this issue, don't see why you need to defend it to the grave that it can't possibly be the problem :no:

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