Google Chrome Browser

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All these numbers mean nothing. Since it's a brand new browser, people are just demoing it, and we have to wait a while to see where the real statistics head. Having said that, I wouldn't be surprised if this browser overtakes Safari.

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Man, before it was released I said I would be surprised if it beat Opera within a month.

It's got more than 3 times Opera's market share within 2 days.

well, considering going to Google home page there's a link to Chrome, I'm really not surprised by the numbers ;)

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Why is it that people on the internet are so worried about what browser/OS another person uses and their views on that product? It just drives me crazy. He stated his opinion, just let it go. Everyone has their own opinion on everything... O_o

I disagreed with him, am I not allowed to say that? I specifically said that I just don't care for it myself. He shared his opinion, I shared mine. I didn't bash him for his opinion in any way. I wasn't trying to "start" anything :rolleyes:

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Just did some more testing on my 3.0 ghz p4 with ht machine, runs every bit as fine as on my dual core, very responsive and speedy even with flash videos and a lot of tabs. Even multiple flash videos are fine, seems just as fast with as ff3 and faster than ie7/8.

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I'm using Google Chrome on Vista right now. It's great, very pretty and very quick. I don't know if it's better than Firefox 3, but it's at least on par with it.

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I've tried Chrome for a bit, and I'm wondering if it has any form of browser syncing built in? I couldn't find any, and if not, it's a deal breaker. I guess Firefox and Opera have been doing great for me, so why fix something that isn't broke. Good to have new competition though.

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I can see it eating into IE's share (and maybe Safari's), not so much Firefox or such.

Sure, I mean with the popularity of Google search (which has a link to the new browser) more and more people will try Chrome. It's a perfect launch platform for Chrome. If I was Microsoft. I would be worried. All that development time and not that much to show for it.

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I dunno if this has been touched on since I haven't bothered reading the whole thread, but does anyone know why Chrome crashes the moment you type :% into the address bar?

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Chris Pirillo think that Google Chrome Browser will change the world wide web, what an idiot :laugh:

I don't use Firefox but what he said about it just left me :huh:

He said Firefox offers plug-ings but that adds bloat. You add features that you want and its bloat?

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What the heck is wrong with that guy. He was that excited just after reading the comic? He was that sure of Chrome's success before even playing with the release?

...and did he forget to take his ritalin?

P.S. Chrome, if successful at all, will eat at firefox's userbase far more than IE's userbase. Firefox users themselves all agree and lament their belief that people only use IE because they have no choice and they're too inexperienced to be really aware of alternatives. How exactly would another browser change those circumstances? It'll appeal to people who are already open to alternate browsers. I really don't understand how anyone thinks this is a bigger threat to Microsoft than it is to Mozilla.

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I hope they get a weather extension like FF.

I'm starting to really like the Google browser, but it will take time before I switch.

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I can see it eating into IE's share (and maybe Safari's), not so much Firefox or such.

Somehow I highly doubt that. IE and Safari's users are most those who uses what comes with the OS. Chrome's users will be those who are willing to try new things, which generally falls into the Firefox camp.

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Firefox has a large community and it's got extensions, Chrome has neither at the moment (It'll get extensions, but IE style)

And it's light on features like IE is.

IE style? you mean ActiveX? or IE8's "accelerators"?

And I think Firefox is also quite light on features in vanilla mode.

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Tested it, liked it, but still an immature app, just like google talk (WLM has a lot of other functions, and looks native on my SO)

i hate 'alien' apps (itunes, safari, realplayer...)

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