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which thread was the picture in?

of Sarah (and his other girlfriends)?

hmm, well, i only recall Alex (Raq) posting them in an old thread he had called "Your School", all though they could be elsewhere.

but i did check not long ago and the images are broken, so he must've taken them off his site.

maybe he'll post them again. :wub: :blush:

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lol...well I'm only 18 ( and a young 18 year old at that ) if that makes any sense. Let's just say I could still be a senior in HS, but I'm a frosh in college...

So HS kids are still in my league! ( Well at least juniors and seniors )


I won't be 19 till July...

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Oh man...

I'm real sure she is going to appreciate being fawned over by a bunch of salivating, prepubescent douchebags.

Frustrated little kiddies... :hmmm:

:laugh: lol, yeah. i remember when my girlie was here. they were all asking for a pic. like i'm gonna post her pic for u all to drool over

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A member should not be treated any differently because of her gender. Man that annoys me....

If you want to meet women try stepping away from your computer once in a while and going outside. There is a big wide world out there you know.

couldn't have said it better myself.

i bet people here would be surprised i got one. you just gotta get to know people better.

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there are honeys everywhere !

Especially when you do a weekend job in the DJ Box at local club like me, drools !

yeah! :punk: i know about that! :jump: i've been clubbing before and gotten to be behind them tables! :cool:

hey, next time you go there, could you take some :camera: for me? :innocent: :wub:

need some honey for my :coffee: cuz i can still be a :dog: if i want after some :handcuffs: :hump: and hey, i get :mobile: :phone: still!

seriously though, all jokes aside, i respect and love my girl, but oddly enough, still run into situations where i could get the hookup else where, and it scares me, i'm not used to it. this will be my first serious relationship ever. :blink:

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Does anybody else find it pretty funny, that 1 mention of a woman/girl possibly coming to Neowin creates so much of a stiir? :D

Yeah totally, its soooo funny reading some of the things these guys type.

Theres a girl coming to Neowin and there all like, where, where, where !!! We haven't seen one those before !!! :laugh:

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