"Got my girlfriend to model for my car"

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Ok guys, I did a quick search in here, and it appears that we did not discuss about it! At bodybuilding.com, the most epic thread has been going on for a few days now, it's everywhere on the net and it's sadly closed :/ Check it out

Basically it's a dude who posts pictures of his girlfriend and his integra.

Got my girlfriend to model for my car (PICS)

Thats my baby and my 2nd baby the red Integra.

Ignore the date on the pictures, haven't set the camera yet.










If you haven't seen this thread, check it out! A solid 60ish pages :rofl:

from the forum posted....

what kind of ****ing creature did i just look at?

hahaha omg I can't stop laughing i don't want to be mean. but hahaha :rofl:

now how do i submit this to digg?

Edited by XDViPeR
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